Is it time to literally shun liberals?

i recomend you really rub it in that bush has won and maybe she won't back around any more. what ever you do, don't let your childeren spend anytime around a brainwashed liberal. they are always trying to win the hearts and minds of the next generation.
if you get the chance, do try to influence her childeren. i personally like to buy the childeren of liberals toy guns for christmas. it drives the parents wacky when the kids scream over the confiscation of thier new toy firearms.
Any liberal in my home will be asked politly to leave instantly. I'll count to 3.
Then I will forcefully eject the person.

I get enough "stupid" in my home from the network news... I dont need to have it coming in through my door as well.
Went to Mass this morning; the pastor was very upset at the surreal election situation, and had some choice words to say. His last words were to apologizet that he was straying into the area of 'politics'...

I'm not sure that was a bad thing. The desire to protect priveleges and tax breaks made most clergymen in '30s Germany keep silence--and look what happened.

There are worse things than offending people. Especially if they are things that need to be said.

Almost anyone who knows you or me closely has the capability to mess us up. For that reason, I have resolved not to date leftists or let them into my home. WHen I think of my future spouse, I am confident that she'd be on my side in any scrape or firefight...going on without that certainty would be just too scary for words. And for what? Certainly you can't overlook a rotten and abusive personality just because of a cute face or whatever silly reasons people use to select their social circle.

There are some misguided people out there who make errors of judgement. They are essentially moral. There are others who merely look for excuse to be evil. Trust your heart and choose your friends carefully these days.

Like the great Will Rogers said, "I never met a man I didn't like. It's what they did later that made me dislike them."

Jeff-- Munro called it best, but I liked that SonOfaBitch story, too...
I quit trying to "dialogue" with lefties 1 1/2 years ago-- I just got sick of always being insulted, slandered, slurred, lied to, spun, etc.
Like Oleg, I do not let anyone in my house, or at least in the inner sanctum of my house(the places where I keep my historical militaria collections, and my guns), if I suspect they will be cooperative with any beauro that would confiscate my weapons. Still, I will let even the most diehard liberal into the guest areas of my house for some conversation as long as they respect my rules.

Becoming misanthropic is what makes people liberals to begin with, don't start down that road.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me

Compromising the right position only makes you more wrong.
As someone who has voted for more Democrats than for Republicans, based on a single personal liberty issue, I, too, have wondered how to handle visits from my anti-choice (on abortion) brother. Knowing that he would quite willingly put a hole through my friend who works for Planned Parenthood, do I welcome him to my home anyway? Yes, I do, for my mother's sake. Once my mother is gone, I will reconsider my approach to him.
BTW, my mother votes more along my lines than along my brother's, but she loves him anyway. And, I think he loves us, too.