Is it possible 430 dollar permit?

drunder wrote:
When SCOTUS ruled that the 2A is subject to "Reasonable" regulation they unfortunately did not indicate any specifics as to what was reasonable.

It may seem "unfortunate", but it was by design.
drunder wrote:
When SCOTUS ruled that the 2A is subject to "Reasonable" regulation they unfortunately did not indicate any specifics as to what was reasonable.

It may seem "unfortunate", but it was by design.

And, the proper design it was.

sure, it would seem nice if the Supreme Court would spell out "you can do this, but not that", but that would be wrong.

It's not their job to do that. It's not their job to fix or correct the blunders Congress passes and the Pres signs into law. Only to rule if the law that is presented in the case they are judging, is in violation of the Constitution, or not.

it's not their job to tell Congress how to write a law. That would be ...unconstitutional...:rolleyes:
Yeah, it's more of a "transportation permit", but if I got jumped by zombies between the range and my house . . .
Stupidly high fees and hoops to jump through are how the assorted anti-firearm governments discourage new shooters. Cost about $500 for all the useless courses (taught by unqualified people) and tests, up here. Andyou're require to have a trigger lock or a container or room that's "hard to break into" with no definition of any of that(I'm assuming "Reasonable"regulation" isn't defined by any law either?) on every firearm with the ammo stored separately. All of it specifically designed to discourage new shooters.
The antis create a perception of things being illegal, perception is what matters. Many people think it's illegal to own this gun or that gun; do this activity or that. Some think it's illegal to build a rifle in your basement.

It's not just guns, lots of other "Laws" are assumed. Some assumptions come from pop culture, movies, TV, media and other sources. This is not a side effect, in my opinion it's intentional.

Take vaccines, most people think that they are required and mandatory. They are not, you cannot be force to undergo medical procedures against your will. The day the US regularly forces people to receive medical treatment, I will leave the country.
Disclaimer: I'm not taking any side except I don't agree with force medical treatment.
you cannot be force to undergo medical procedures against your will.

Sorry, but this is incorrect.

You CAN decline medical treatment, as long as you are conscious, and mentally competent. However, that's the catch, YOU don't get to decide if you are mentally competent, and usually the decision is that mentally competent people don't decline medical treatment.
44 AMP said:
You CAN decline medical treatment, as long as you are conscious, and mentally competent. However, that's the catch, YOU don't get to decide if you are mentally competent, and usually the decision is that mentally competent people don't decline medical treatment.

So you can decline medical treatment but you can't really :)
So you can decline medical treatment but you can't really

Pretty much.

They will let you get away with declining treatment for minor things, and you (usually) can check out of a hospital, "against medical advice", but, if your condition is serious enough, or is considered a public health threat, they WILL take that decision out of your hands, and the most you can do about it is bring a lawsuit, after the fact, IF you are able to. (and assuming you survive...)

If you wish to retain control over your own fate, there are certain things about your physical and mental condition you must NEVER say to a doctor or medical professional, because once you do, they simply stop listening to you, and will not allow you the authority to make your own decisions.

The same thing also applies to the police, or any member of the court. Their "hot button" phrases are a bit different from the medical community, but there is some overlap.
Oddly enough, this off topic medical discussion kinda makes my point.

Perception is the key, my perception of medical treatment is different than the next person's opinion (whether its based on fact or not) can cause me to behave in a certain way. I perceive that I have the right to decline medical care and I do regularly. I declined lots of medication, mostly from the VA. Also, I have signed numerous "consent for treatment" forms, so some form of consent must be there.

That's really off topic, but the same thing happens with guns. People think that you can't own this or that. Lots of perceived legal hoops, so people abstain from gun ownership.
Most lay people think there's registrations for guns on a national level, or there's a waiting period. We see questions along those lines every day. There's misunderstanding of what permit the op was talking about.

You may not even need a law to control people, just a perceived violation is enough.