Is it ok for my pregnant girlfriend to still shoot?

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I'm just saying, consider the risk vs benefit. Of course lead is more dangerous than caffeine. But if it's between getting assaulted, mauled by a wild animal, etc. or possibly harming a fetus with a little lead and sonic pressure, well, i don't think many people would tell her not to shoot in that situation. I just don't want a girl beating herself up over hearing protection later if she feels her life (and her child's) is threatened. Not a likely scenario anyway, but i thought it was worth mentioning. Sometimes message board topics spiral into extreme territory, so i wanted to throw it out there early.

Of course no one is saying for a woman not to defend herself if the situtation calls for it but I took the OPs post to be refering to recreational target shooting. He also posted a pick of an airsoft rifle which IMHO would be fine.
There are women out there who won't wear a seatbelt while pregnant because it might 'squish' the baby. So you can't really write anything off as obvious.
There's a ton of data. Follow Alaska 444's link or google it.

No there is NOT a "ton of data."

Fomr the first hot on Google

"Shooting While Pregnant: Dangerous or Not?
By Elizabeth Kennedy and Fabrice Czarnecki, M.D.

Unfortunately, there are no definitive studies that clearly answerthis question.

There are no actual experiments that meet even the lowest standard of medicine.

Anyone who even tried to run such a test would never get funding or sponsorship.

The chance of concluding from actual fetal damage that shooting while pregnant is a horrible ethics problem.

Some questions are just to risky to try and answer empirically.
I personally wouldn't risk it. If anything were to retard prenatal development, you, your girlfriend, and your child will have to live with the consequences for the rest of your lives.

There's just too much at stake. I'm not a medical professional, but I'd advise against your girl participating in any shooting activities until she no longer has to pump or breastfeed. I know it's a long wait, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to jeopardize your child's health, right?

You might always wanna shower after each range trip before spending time with her.
Hopefully the OP is not a troll. The link looks suspiciously like spam

This is definitely spam.

He does this ever couple weeks, his girlfriend should have already had this baby.
Before the girlfriend/baby he used some other very creative question to get people to clink on the link.

He gets banned from other forums pretty regular.
My ex-wife and I shot IHMSA silhouette for over 15 years and
she shot,pregnant, with our youngest daughter right up to the 9th month.
There was a doctor that shot with us at the range in Victoria,
Texas and he consulted with some other doctors at his hospital
and they concurred with his opinion that it would not hurt our
baby. She was born with all things normal, and is a mother of
two of my grandsons, today.
Well, well, well.

Good catch on the spam, guys. You're right. This clown has been hitting many firearms sites.

But how come no one reported this guy to the mods?


I'm going to do something that I normally don't do, though.

I'm going to leave this conversation up, because even thought it was started by a Chinese spambot, it turned into a pretty good discussion.

I am, however, closing it.
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