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    In order to protect our members and TFL from possible litigation, all members must abide by the following new rules:

    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

    3. You must provide a link to the article along with the name of website. For example: ww.xxx.yyy/zzz (The Lower Thumbsuck Daily News).

    4. You must provide, in your own words, a brief summary of the article AND your reasons for believing it will be of interest to TFL members. Failure to do so may result in the thread being closed or your post being deleted as a “cut and paste drive by.”

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    Posts that do not follow these new guidelines will be altered or deleted by staff. Members who continue to violate this policy may lose their posting privileges at TFL.

    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Is It Me Or Are Most Staff Members Abusive!!

TFL raised the bar for all Internet Forums; TFL continues to raise the bar.

If one does not wish to assist in keeping the bar raised, or continue to raise the bar then 1) leave, 2) stick around and learn.

As shared above , we have Rules of Conduct , we also have Etiquette. Proper Etiquette is to PM Staff with questions. If a particular Staff member needs to be addressed, do so via PM.

Many of us know from experience, by visiting with Rich or any Staff here on TFL, about anything, these folks actually do listen and pay attention.

This medium is difficult enough, even with smile faces, to communicate.

---That said---

Rich...Rich...Rich, what are we going to do with you? :D

I know - Paging LawDog....page for Mr. Dawg...

Mr. Dawg,

I have an idea for a sequel to http://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/2006/07/whodathunkit.html#links

"Luci's tactical Panty raid".



I want it documented here and now, if the sales of panties increase for tactical reasons, it started here on TFL and Dawg promoted it. Oh, I want a cut of the sales too.

I thought I'd take my secrets of the Tactical Black Panties to the grave with me!
Hey, who let Arts Grammaw in here? Why does she have a bar of soap? Uh oh...

dkb2003, you think that's rude?

Man just the other day some guy posted a topic and would you believe the whole thing was in capital letters? On top of that the guy didn't use complete sentences, and the whole mess was strung together with ....... between his thoughts. It made my head hurt trying to decipher what he was talking about.

At least THAT guy isn't complaining. Oh, wait.

Haw!! Haw!!! Haww!!!! Rich!!!!! You ought ta get a emmy fer that one!!!!!!!
Panties on the head huh? Hmmmmmmmmmmm..............:D

Hey if they don't like it here, they probably didn't have nothing worth contributing anyhoo!!!!!
I'd much rather be here learning, than on some forum where everybody is cussing and spending most of the time trying to come up with a new insult for some poor unsuspecting person who asked a simple question.
Frig em'.
So to answer DKB2003,...It's you.
Rich Lucibella said:
u no what reely gets my pantees in a wad

when basking robens gives u a certifacut for a free ice creme coan and u go in and thay aks u not to cut into the frunt of the line and when its finly your tern thay wont let u have a choclit sundee then when u take the dam cheep coan and the ice creme part falls on the floor thay get all bent becuz you pik it up and put it bak on the coan part and start slurping up the driping ice creem and likking your fingers and then becuz your trying to not to loose any of it u tilt your hed bak and try stufing it in your moouth and the ice creem gets up your noze so u try to cleen that out at the cownter and befor u no it thay aks you to leeve freeking nazis that reely puts me in a bad mude dam fashests all i want is to be able to walk into basking robens and get in frunt of the line and get a free sundee and eet it at the cownter with my hands like i was tawt rich

Hahaha! Priceless!
im fairly new also, and always say what i think about anything. so far i have never and never will flame anyone for anything said as this is their opinion. and so far i have never been flamed or picked on in any way. this forum is put together well and the mods seem to run the show well and seem to be very knowledgeable in thier specific categories.
just give opinions without insult, keep to yourself, and ignore any flaming towards you, your main reason to come here should be to learn, then to make a few buds. then drink a few buds!!:D
remember, its just a forum, nobody hates you. just be sensible.
Post # 10

Rich "done good" as we say in the South.

However, Rich is a male.

TFL raised the bar as we know and part of this "raising" involves, no matter race, gender, creed religion and so forth as stated in Rules of Conduct and Misson Statements.



Rich's post #10 was great...Perhaps I am the only one...

Tamara could probably give Rich a run for his money. :)

Hey, just curious see , looking forward to reading Tamara's offering I admit, and [excuse...err...reason] and would serve as an example as well as to how high the bar is here at TFL. :)

Granted Tamara will probably not do so <crosses fingers she will> but it is worth a shot, so work with me folks on getting it posted.

3...2...1... "ding" <email from Rich>
Steve you are still crazy, my kind of crazy , still crazy though

Yeah well, maybe so, if it drives the Gun Grabbers Insane seeing how we Responsible Gun Owners have a sense of humor and not all knuckle- draggers - so be it.

Don't forget the "Fruit of the Loom" men's briefs slingshot report Tamara. :D
Might be you.

The firearms community is under constant scrutiny. The grabbers just wait for someone to make a dumb-redneck unprofessional remark that they can use as ammo to prove we are all lunatics and guns should be banned for "safety".
Every effort we make to be professional helps the image of the shooting community as a whole, and that is why rule #4 is so retentively enforced.

but if u got to be a noob then buy sum of rich's tactical-lace headgear and watch theez uther doods and c wut posts are suppozed to look like.

Seriously, everyone is welcome here, just be mature.(and have panty-hair;) )
pretty much...unanimous.

If you want tenth grade mentality, fifth grade spelling, and stream-of-(sub)conciousness, there are plenty of forums that cater to these desires.

This is one of the few that do not. Not coincidentally, it is also one of the few that I visit regularly.

I'm guessing that I am not alone.
It is you.

There is always some FNG here getting his feelings hurt after a few posts. I have personally barked at two of them recently, in the revolver forum, and the mods didn't say a thing. Sounds to me like they are pretty laid back as moderators.

I have known some of these people on these forums for over 10 years, some of us go all the way back to the Compuserve Firearms Forum. A good place no longer in existance.

If I visit a forum, and think that the mods are too heavy, I just vote with my feet. I don't cry about it to everyone, and yes, I have been kicked out of some places by mods over difference of opinion. Best -
Said it once, will say it again

I cannot go to football games anymore. Why you ask?
Because when in their huddle I feel like they are talking about me.

I don't think the staffers here are abusive. However, I have a good amount of experience running large and successful forums, and I think the moderators here need to adopt some policies, and then stick to them.

I used to visit this site everyday, now I come about once a month. I don't like seeing so many threads unneccessarily locked. Today is the first time I've been here in a month, and I'm seeing more locked threads than ever. Some of the forum areas seem to contain as many locked threads as they do open ones.

I've heard a lot of people complain about this, and I've had people PM me with links to other sites that aren't moderated in such a heavy-handed fashion.

I saw a closed thread about training with a HRT of some sort I wanted to reply to, god only knows why it was closed. I think some of the staffers might be operating under the misperception that these threads should be closed when the discussion dies down. Trust me, you're only thwarting your forum growth rates by doing this.
You have to look at it from the mods/owners POV. They're kind of sticking their asses out there to even have the board. If anything goes was the rule, it'd go downhill and some anti group would prolly try n sue him. IIRC, they've already tried once, and the boards still here!

Big man, that Rich fellow. Keeps it open for me N you for the principle I suppose. That's very respectable and he seems to have an ok group of mods. Can't blame em for trying to keep a handle on things. If they're wrong once in a while... so what? His board, respect his judgement.

This board is too valuable of a resource to let it get shut down for bad representation by us members.
