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Is It Me Or Are Most Staff Members Abusive!!


Why is that if the text of your message isnt right or you DONT USE THE RIGHT CAPS they like to comment on it...or you leave a thread that they DONT LIKE...they have to be rude,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,like the comas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ok then....back to what i was saying...if it wasnt for us they wouldnt even be here ...but yet most of the senior members are rude and have no patience for new members...this baffles me...i guess i will move on to another forum....gl rude boys.....

Quite frankly, I've found the editors and moderators (and most members) here to be quite polite and helpful. I don't know who burned you, but maybe you should take a look in the mirror.
Or do like I have done and go someplace else. There is alot of freedom elsewhere. Freedom of thought and exspression is important to me and it bothers me when the sites use NAZI tactics when they don't like what is being said whether true or not. If the Nazi had a delete button they wouldn't of had to burn books.

Yep I come back just for a bit to see if the site has changed any but as the thread shows I need to leave again. Now make sure you delete this thought before someone reads it.

Alot of the members and mods here are older guys. From a generation that called a spade a spade without all the flowery PC crap that is so in vogue today instead.

Some of the people I have the most respect for on this forum are the ones that have been "rude" to me
u no what reely gets my pantees in a wad

when basking robens gives u a certifacut for a free ice creme coan and u go in and thay aks u not to cut into the frunt of the line and when its finly your tern thay wont let u have a choclit sundee then when u take the dam cheep coan and the ice creme part falls on the floor thay get all bent becuz you pik it up and put it bak on the coan part and start slurping up the driping ice creem and likking your fingers and then becuz your trying to not to loose any of it u tilt your hed bak and try stufing it in your moouth and the ice creem gets up your noze so u try to cleen that out at the cownter and befor u no it thay aks you to leeve freeking nazis that reely puts me in a bad mude dam fashests all i want is to be able to walk into basking robens and get in frunt of the line and get a free sundee and eet it at the cownter with my hands like i was tawt rich

Moderators, please add a post like the one above to show everyone you are not humorless geeks.

Sure, sometimes people are rude on this forum. That's the beauty of the whole thing... You can say what's on your mind.
Alot of the members and mods here are older guys. From a generation that called a spade a spade without all the flowery PC crap that is so in vogue today instead.

Heck I am a younger guy (27) and if your a friggin idiot I will let you know in plain english to bugger off.

As far as the mods' being abusive they are not. I have on occasion stepped out of line or joined the bandwagon on a flame session (.22 for elephants post by a guy new to guns) and they have been quick to put me and theothers in our place and give us a scolding like our parents did (or should have done).

Too bad that you had what you felt was an unfair expereice with the moderators. Life is not always fair and if you think everyone is against you maybe you should rethink the way you act/think/are .

Hope you have a better time in another forum if this one is too abusive for you. Happy trails and happy hunting.
Hey oldbillthundercheif! How long have you been a member here? - Not counting tomorrow! HA! :D Just kidding. Maybe.

TFL Rule #4 said:
Mangling of the English language whether thru ignorance, age, sloth or intent diminishes and embarrasses each of us. Posts which are indecipherable due to inability to translate thoughts into coherent written statements will be deleted without explanation. Recidivists will be removed.
How is it rude to request that guests comport themselves in a dignified manner?

You wanna spit on the floor of my living room and drop an F-Bomb in front of my kids, expect to be removed - without apologies, without hard feelings and without mercy.

Rich you wear pantees??? Dude! Those are for ladies!
See he's got a sense of humor! You stinkin Poop faces!
Dont take it bad my friend. Keep in mind you cant see the facial expressions of the people who are talking to you. So it might sound worse than intended. Now if only I would go by this. You stinkin Poop faces! :D
That's enough. I only wear panties rarely....always on my head. But, even then, only when I'm known by my pen name, Bunny.

There, I've said it and I'm glad!