Is it BAD to want to COMPETE in IDPA or IPSC to win?

Yah when I first started shooting I shot IPSC with people like Athena :eek: (Much better then me) about three years ago but I only shoot IDPA now. Gorden was going to look at two Berettas that I have this week at Impact zones wed night match but I was feeling under the weather (sick) so I never went. I told Gorden that the two Berettas I have shoot like Sh#t :D . he said he wanted to take a look at the guns. Maybe next wed night. Lets shoot sometime? I will shoot an IPSC match and you can give IDPA a try again.
If you want to WIN you will need to shoot many more rounds than the P7 platform is designed to endure.

Not only that, after you shoot 5-10K rds, it sure would be nice to have a gun you can take down to the last pin for cleaning, right?

Oh yeah, I shot a P7 in IDPA for a year when the organization first got up and running. The biggest weakness(es) are the short sight radius followed by overly complex design. Clearing malfunctions is tricky. Reloading is slow because of the angle of the magwell cuts. Oh yeah, the bastard gets hot in the summertime! Trigger is lousy compared to a tuned Glock or 1911.

If something breaks, good luck with HK's repair center!

(IDPA Master)

I know a few guys who do well with P7's. They have several, so they can rotate them out. It helps to have the bucks to be able to do that, which I don't, but the gun will do if you can.

Most guys got P.O.'ed and dropped shooting them when they were bumped to ESP, but you still see them around and doing well in some ares.

I don't like the M13 as much as the M8, but the capacity on the M8 is a little on the self defeating side.

Thats why they call it competition. The more you compete and the better you compete will have a positive impact on you skills with a pistol. Nothing wrong with winning.....
I actually was placed third in a recent IPSC practical shotgun competition and no-one was more surprised than me... usually the competition "Bug" infects me or my gun and something fouls up... usually big time.. and I have to be realistic about my skills.. I live in an area where I can't practise shotgun.. long story.. so I usually compete for fun.. Besides if the also rans didn't take part there wouldnt be a competition.
Having shot IDPA for a couple of years, I'm fairly sure that I'm not going to win a competition at my age. However, one can compete against oneself's and see a constant improvement in one's skills. I feel the same about weightlifting. I started with the bar and now can lift fairly heavy weights for my size and age. I ain't going to be Mister Universe but I feel good about what I do.

I find it more self-actualization to watch my skills improve with my carry gun than worry about nuances of equipment giving me a slight advantage.

Of course, if you want to try to win, go ahead. This is America and we do value individual accomplishment.
I have shot all the shooting sports over the last 6 yrs or so. After the new IDPA rule book came out I made the decision to not shoot it anymore. I shot the game to win, not to be tactical or a pretend gunfighter. When I quit I made it as far I could in SSP and not far from it in ESP. No more challenges, matches were more of the same :mad: . They are both just games, one just pushes the limits of you and your eqpt. I got a really good deal on a frame kit and have built an open gun and am now pushing to acheive the same success with it.

My son and wife have just started shooting, so it looks like I will taking them to a few IDPA matches in the near future. I will start them off there to get them used to gun handling. My son has already had some early success and has gotten to bug to push to the next level :D .

If you are not pushy your limits when you shoot what are you out there for? :confused:
