Muslims make up over 1 billion of the Earth's population. They inhabit a large area of the Earth's surface. To attempt to tar them all for the sins of a few requires a very large brush and a very small mind.
There is a certain stench that spoils this forum occasionally and this particular thread is ripe with it. 'Kill them all, let God sort them out', 'the only good Indian is a dead Indian', etc. are phrases that ring in history as a warning of man's inhumanity to man. Some of the posts here signal that same desire and intent. Singling out whole groups of people for 'special treatment' only allows us to think of these people as less than human, thus making it easier to treat them as such. Nazism wallowed in this filth in the 30's and 40's with its resultant state sanctioned mass murder.
I am no hand wringing, bleeding heart type. I believe that our enemies should be dealt with in the harshest possible terms, using every bit of violence that can possibly be brought to bear against them...but only after they prove that they ARE our enemies. This requires thought, reason and the ability to make rational decisions regarding who is and isn't a threat. It also takes the ability to understand that, in this case, the Islamo-fascists that are attacking us are a small, radical sect of Islam accounting for a very small percentage of Muslims. Statements comparing ALL Muslims to snakes, insects and vermin and/or advocating their wholesale registration, concentration, deportation or extermination is fodder for Nuremburg rallies or Klan meetings. It is not approriate for this forum nor is it, in my view, reflective of the beliefs of the larger population of TFL members. What Heeler advocates would have the entire Muslim population at our throats and would serve to make martyrs of murderers. This latest incarnation of Islamofascism will end up on the ash heap of history and the rest of Islam will evolve, as all other cultures and religions do.
'I can tell you right now that when bombs start going off in America there will be a lot less pussy footing around than there is at present.' WTF??? Unless you have had your head up a sheep's posterior for the last decade, you couldn't possibly help but notice that we have been attacked with alarming regularity with a great loss of life, both civilian and military, culminating with the deaths of over 3,000 Americans in New York, Pennsylvaia and Northern Virginia on Sept. 11, 2001.
get a clue.