Whatever readings you get using that gauge will actually be less in your rifle's chamber. That's because the gauge uses the case head as the rear reference. As your loaded cases will have a couple to a few thousandths inch less length from head to shoulder than the chamber does, that amount will be subtracted from the gauge measurement. If there's a .003" spread in that measurement on your loaded cases (typically called case headspace), that'll cause a .003: spread in how far the bullet has to jump from its seated position to the rifling.
That's if you use one of Hornady's modified cases . You can send Hornady a fire formed case from your rifle and they will make it a modified case that fits there OAL gage . I believe it cost under $20 to do so . You can also make your own from a fire formed case but the gage has an odd thread (forget what that is ) and It's harder to find the tap for it .