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Is Anyone Else Getting Tired of the Bickering in the Feedback Forum?

thegrymster said:
WA suggested a mod assigned to the buy/sell forums. I nominate him.
If that happened, there's only one thing I can think of to say at the moment that fits: Quoting ol' Sam Morse (You remember him, right WA? He was a neighbor when you lived in the lower 40. ;) )

"What hath God wrought??!!"

All seriousness aside, I did put out a call for a real live moderator for the Gun Show forums. This "Staff" fellow is really hit-and-miss, never dependable. Has anyone ever even seen him in person?
"What hath God wrought??!!"

Mal, I would be a great Mod. I would make Mike Irwin look like a nice guy. You would all shine in comparison to me:D

This "Staff" fellow is really hit-and-miss, never dependable. Has anyone ever even seen him in person?

He is the one I saw hanging around downtown Anchorage looking for spare change to get bus fare to Barrow.

WildwewillseewhogetsthatoneitsaninsideAlaskajokeAlaska ™
Wild took an extra day to ship my gun.
Wouldn't that in itself that be grounds for Instaban? Or you could just edit such posts to read "I got my gun a day early and it came with a holster and 500 rounds of ammo. I just love doing business with WWG! That WA is great guy! Handsome and intelligent too!"
I don't know about you guys, but the only reason they let me stay here is that every Village should have an idiot

WildijustshamblearoundspewingnonsenseandscratchingmyselfAlaska ™

I came to the forum to read gossip about guns. But I mostly stay to see what WildinsertoutrageousstatementhereAlaska comes up with next.