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Is Anyone Else Getting Tired of the Bickering in the Feedback Forum?


You said you would buy it but didnt call

No I didnt

yes you did

Your check didnt clear

You didnt give me your address

The gun was broken

I was first to post I wanted it

No it was me

No me

yes you

No it wasnt

yes it was

The box of ammo only had 499 in it

No it didnt

Yes it did

You are a liar

No you are a piece of *****

***** you

No, yo mama

I mean really, I understand we need to give feedback but this is getting out of control. Perhaps its time for a mod to be assigned to feedback, or put some rules on or whatever

WildyesnoyesnoIdidyoudidntnoyesmaybearggggggggggAlaska ™
Yeah it's been getting pretty childish lately. Seems to be mainly newer members also. Maybe they should have a post count or membership time frame minimum in order to post in the classified section...I think that might cut down on some of it.
Yeah it's been getting pretty childish lately. Seems to be mainly newer members also. Maybe they should have a post count or membership time frame minimum in order to post in the classified section...I think that might cut down on some of it.

Some other forums i frequent have a minimum post and membership length requirements for the classifieds

the most successful is at least 500 posts and 3 months of membership.
it not only helps keep the classifieds more civil, it also cuts down on fraud and scams

but that forum also has a larger base of members with over 500 posts than this one does
It's about time that someone mentioned this subject. The back and forth tirades get old in a hurry and are of questionable value at best. Feedback on buyer and seller performance is definitely valuable; bickering is not. Some controls are in order but that will put additional work on the mods.
We agree that the back-and-forth bickering gets old fast, but it is almost impossible to curtail on a real time basis.

Adding unnecessary comments to those threads (*Ken*) is like adding fuel to the fire. That is just about as bad as the bickering between the members themselves.

Use the "Report this post" button if a thread is getting out of hand.
Adding unnecessary comments to those threads (*Ken*) is like adding fuel to the fire.

I know (insert yakuza cutting off finger before Oyabun smiley here), I know, sometimes I can't help meself...

WildimnotallowedtobickerinL&CRsosometimesitjustcomesoutlikepeasoupfromlindablairsmouthAlaska ™
just a comment / suggestion from a noob here :P

I personally think curbing access based on post count has a negative effect and promotes just random posts of nonsense rather then the possibility of a post with insight. If anything, maybe a dollar donation to see "the gun show" if something were needed to be added. Though I do not think that would curb the bickering at all. Just imo I think like mentioned above it is a phase right now because of all the hustle that seems to be going to to purchase/trade. I know if I was limited for being a noob, I would of not already been able to make a purchase from here already and leave positive feedback.

I know this was curbed on a very popular car forum I belong to when things seemed to get out of control in their feed back section also for the for sale section. It was right around the time a very popular car movie came out also and the site was really hopping which I think maybe the case here as well.

And mods and admins I say this while ducking as I know it makes more work for you, but ...
the post has to be approved before it is added. ~~~~~~~~~~ducks~~~rolls~~~~~~~ ahh you missed, cool lol :P

Because feedback is a section that is not used like the others..on average there was maybe 10-15 daily...and from what I have seen so far it looks like on average 5'ish if you do not count reply's.

I am even sure you could find a member to bring aboard to staff to just allow or deny a feedback post once or twice a day. Imo there should only ever be two people who post in a feedback thread started, the original poster and the one the post is about with maybe a rebuttal or thank you other then that, two posts per feed back imo is all that is ever needed say what you have to say and be done with it. You could even merge feedback regarding members /sites/ stores already listed if your were bored and had the time.
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Adding unnecessary comments to those threads (*Ken*) is like adding fuel to the fire.

You are asking an attorney not to comment on something? There is a better chance of the sun not coming up. I still love you Ken.
Yeah it's been getting pretty childish lately. Seems to be mainly newer members also.
Been like watching Jr.High kids argue, but since they're old enough to buy guns, they have to be "adults"...just haven't learned to act like it yet. Hopefully a few will read this thread, and realize how others see them.

I know how Ken feels, I almost jumped in one of those threads yesterday...just to offer both parties a few VALIUM!!;) aka "chill pills"

You are asking an attorney not to comment on something?
I been buying stuff from a lawyer?!?!?!?!:eek:
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I agree that the bickering can be a bit much, however, it isn't limited to "newbies" as someone suggested. Some of our more senior members need to continue set the example, and some of our more senior members need to follow that example. The very nature of the forum will make it difficult to prevent the going back and forth that some choose to engage in. As far as posts are concerned use what you can and ignore the rest.
The main reason i got on here was to sell a gun. And now i use it for more then just that. If someone would have to post 500 times before they could get in there, you would have people putting...... k or yeah or i c 500 time in different threads. It would just be a big flood of nonsence. I dont know if anyone can just lock the thread when things like that get out of hand. Lock it or lock the members out. 2 easy ways if possible.
Been like watching Jr.High kids argue, but since they're old enough to buy guns, they have to be "adults"...just haven't learned to act like it yet. Hopefully a few will read this thread, and realize how others see them.

I'd agree with this point and that's why I think this thread is valid. Better yet, I think there's a few members here that think we need to treat others like a two year old. That's where I draw the line. I'm sure anyone of any age is welcome, but discussions and treatment of others should be at an adult level.

ive seen pretty childish remarks from members with over 500 posts too....

True...post count does not=maturity by any means.


The very nature of the forum will make it difficult to prevent the going back and forth that some choose to engage in.

There's also a balance between healthy, civil debate and childish bickering. Some people do not or will not identify the difference. It will never be totally void of such matters.
ive seen pretty childish remarks from members with over 500 posts too....

I don't know about you guys, but the only reason they let me stay here is that every Village should have an idiot:)

WildijustshamblearoundspewingnonsenseandscratchingmyselfAlaska ™
WA suggested a mod assigned to the buy/sell forums. I nominate him. When there's trouble, he could add his snarky remarks, then close the thread. :)
Dude I can't be a mod that would be a conflict of interest, who would you get your deals from:p

Wild took an extra day to ship my gun. And it was advertised as 99.9% and it was 99.8%*

No I didnt, stop bickering fat boy, *snarksnark* close:eek::D

WildthanksforthethoughtthoughbutInominateMalHfor24hourdutyAlaska ™

* No BS, I actually had an auction customer do that! You can imagine how I responded to that:eek::eek::eek: