Iraq-Iran...your thoughts?

It is not hard to find the REAL history of the MODERN isreal when you simply google "isreal nationalized"..
Just a suggestion, why don't you try another Google search, this time using the word, “Israel,” the correct spelling of the name? You might get some different results.
As Teddy Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

Works for me. The olive branch of peace in the left hand must be backed up by the loaded, cocked pistol in the right.
“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

Nothing is bigger than 90 F-16 and subs that can launch nuke war heads. Talking will only get both side so far, but Iran has to understand that if you launch, you'll be wiped off the face of the earth. Those F16s and subs can achieve max Iran death and destruction.
the US will do nothing about Iran - to scared about fuel prices right now. Israel will take care of Iran. Considering the PC, political mess Israel got caught up during the Hezbollah war 2 years ago, the leadership and the people have to ignore the media and the propaganda.

If we did attack Iran, it would be from the air and sea.
Israel will take care of Iran

I think the US will try to keep Israel from attacking Iran. Any Mid East conflict will certainly disrupte the oil production in the region causing fuel to rise again even if the US isn't involved. Those F-16s and subs are the "big stick" that assure MAD between Iran and Israel.

I'd guess we will continue to see sabre rattling and the empty rhetoric but I think that is as far as Iran will go.
Just a suggestion, why don't you try another Google search, this time using the word, “Israel,” the correct spelling of the name? You might get some different results

Wow, picked up on a spelling mistake. You are the best internet warrior.
Iraq had several TONS of yellow cake that ust made it's wa back to the US (very low profile) and now is under control. The chemical weapons they had were either sent to Syria (probable) or Iran (possible). Iraq no longer is a strategic threat, a local and economic threat yes. The war in Iraq is just, I just wish we would take the gloves off and get rid of the B.S. - roe.

Iran is a strategic threat, working on nuclear weapons. This cannot be allowed. N. Korea has nukes now and we are restricted on what can be done - openly anyway. Iran, all options are still on the table. I am surprised that Israel hasn't taken them out yet, no doubt at the behest of the US. I don't think they will wait too long, probably after the US election, depending on provocation and intel. Watch for US land-based fighter and bomber movements to Iraq and Afghanistan, and a buildup on Diego Garcia. All this with multiple carrier battle groups in theater, specifically with Aegis equipped missile cruisers to repulse Scud-3 and similiar lauches.

Israel is a partner with the US and a I believe a joint-defense agreement has been signed.......
probably after the US election
Maybe, but there is a theory that, should a certain anti-war candidate be elected, their transition team is immediately included in security briefings, and could pressure the Bush administration to squelch Israeli action or could leak strategic details, at the risk of the mission. So, under this theory, the strike happens before the election. The downside is that Israel may be seen as trying to affect the election.

The best guess is that Israel will strike if, and when, it feels it needs to, regardless of outside pressure.
My theory on after the US election is based on them not effecting the US election (bad feelings, oil prices) and that the Bush administration would have no reason not to help out. Lame duck and all, one thing for sure, information on this would be highly compartmentalized within the administration and a go command could happen late on election day.

Pres Bush, I don't believe, would want to leave us open to another 9/11 or worse before he leaves office.
Pres Bush, I don't believe, would want to leave us open to another 9/11 or worse before he leaves office.

Bush won't...

Another attack on our soil likely come with the next president and the chances will be higher with a surrender monkey appeaser in office.

despite his shortcomings, faults etc. i have a lot of respect for the man.
I think you all are a little to obsessed over Iran, who cares if they make a ****ty nuclear bomb. If they wanted to destroy Israel right now they could, they have enough rockets to do so.

Israel on the other hand is a far greater threat to America, AIPAC has far too much control over American foreign policy.
Israel on the other hand is a far greater threat to America, AIPAC has far too much control over American foreign policy.

this is partly a stance the hard left has to push for the US not to support Israel.

"they hate America because we support Israel"

IMHO, it would be a massive mistake to turn our backs on israel.
What does America get from the America-Israel deal. It's fairly obvious what Israel gets, shed loads of money and weapons. The US?
+1Leif and for the record we all need to be concerned about Irans nuclear capabilities. IMO the rest of the middle eastern countries should be just as concerned also.
We allowed North Korea to get nuclear weapons*. We stopped Iraq and Libya. We might stop Iran, but at the moment, it doesn't look good.

*another Clinton achievement (I know, everything Clinton did was either H.W. or W. Spare me the reflex.)