shortcut - Looking for a shortcut, eh? In the scope of this test, even if you could eyeball all 3 girls, you can't unequivocally state that 1, 2 or 3 is true, therefore 4 is the only choice that can be true. The reason is, even though the 3 people have names, names are an abstract and therefore you don't know who is who.
Cute, Mal H. Sneaky, too ;)

I stick by my assertion that answer #4 (the "right" answer) is wrong. We are given a "set" of three to consider in the problem. The set consists of Jane, Nicole and Caroline - who are of miscellaneous heights within certain stated parameters.

But beyond the stated set of gals, we could take any Caroline or Jane in the universe - line 'em up and measure who was tallest.

The "correct" answer is just plain wrong. There IS a way to tell whether any Caroline or Jane is taller, it just wasn't included as a test answer option.

Makes me wonder about the testors intelligence in this heavily language/code weighted test.
((quietly)) I like tall girls...
Got a 160. Felt so proud! Then, THEN! You tell me it's a kid's test. Harumph.

I never read Dr. Seuss.
To me he was wierd and obtuse.
I was overseas
Where the girls didn't tease,
And their morals were really quite loose!

((I know. I know. I'm gonna pay for this, huh?))
Let's try to put all of this into a perspective that TFL'ers can relate to.

If Nicole always shoots a possible and Jane doesn't shoot as well Caroline which one reloads their own ammo?

Should the Grinch be allowed to CCW?

What is legal daily limit on Sneeds?

Dennis I'll leave you to the others. I just want a gal that likes unusual and "exotic" food and loves cold steel. ;)

Am I'm the only one here that can't spell Suess, er I mean Seuss? :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited June 21, 1999).]
I tried to take the test, but couldn't find my way to the website.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Took the test and came out with a lower score than I did as a youngster. Deceided to do an experiment on the test. I took a quarter and flipped it to arrive at the answers. The net results.... 132...

The proves beyound a showdow of a doubt one of two things... either I have a very lucky coin (and should keep it), or we're all only slightly smarter than a quarter.. :)

That's rich, Rich! I prefer to think that you have found that one-in-a-million extremely intelligent coin. It can't be that we're stupid, can it?

BTW, what is a showdow? Is it a showdown where you decide to back off at the last second? ;)
180 "Too Easy, Drill Sergeant". :)

"GottaShoot30, GottaShoot27, GottaShoot23, GottaShootKimber - I just wish I had more time"
Well, I was gonna post my score, but after reading everyone elses'.......NOT!

As the great bumper sticker says, "My kid can kick your Honor student's a$$" ;)