2pts right of center, now I see why you are the administrators and we are the drivers. Just like a government bureaucracy, put the left in charge and let the right run things.Enjoyed it Zach, try again and prove me wrong.
duh dey t'ink wer stoopid uh? dey put hunneran sixty onner everybode... its them black hellercopters geddid??

Gonna get dem pinko profs onner thise days an den im gonna make dem danse wid' my chicager pianer...

(eddit) ('scept dat Belle dame wid dthem curves)

[This message has been edited by Elchimango (edited June 20, 1999).]

I refused to answer the second sneed/blod/snot pissed me off

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
What a joke. By making the test so easy they figure that a lot of people will order the "complete" test so they can show their friends how smart they are (yeah, right).

What a stupid society we live in. Everybody has to be the best at everything all of the time.

BTW, I was surfing the sports channels today. On Fox sports was the Special Olympics, on ESPN was women's world cup soccer. What non-events!!! Next thing you know, they will be televising retired NFL linemen doing ballet. We can't have anybody feeling left out or less than a world champion can we? That might hurt somebody's feelings.

God, sometimes I wish China WOULD bomb our dumb asses with our own missiles.

Does this have something to do with a bad childhood experience involving Dr. Suess characters?

A sneed in the weeds is a sneed in deed.............

Pissed off at the question.....only you DC, only you.
Its an IQ test for kids guys...
Note all the different ages to choose from and only "adult" age is 16+.

Fenix is right though...its to get parents to pony up the dinero..."for the children"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The test is only as good as the testor.

Q13:Nicole is taller than Jane, and Caroline is shorter than Nicole. Which statement is most accurate?

answer choices:
1) Caroline is taller than Jane
2) Caroline is shorter than Jane
3) Caroline is as tall as Jane
4) There is no way to tell whether Caroline or Jane is taller.

The answer they appear to be looking for is #4...but we all know that's bogus, since we could line up Jane, Caroline and Nicole & eyeball them for height.
I think you're right Gunslinger

I only liked "Green Eggs and Ham" and "The Grinch Who stole Christmas"....the rest of Dr. Seuss was a waste of time. Mom made me read it, I wouldn't...Dad gave me the newspaper and I was happy lol

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
You Seuss folks are a whole different generation. As an old so and so I am proud to say that I know nothing of the Doctor.

And-I would have done better than the average 16 yr old except that my blood only gets to my brain on selected days. Unfortunately I dont get to make the selection.
Better days to be,


[This message has been edited by Ed Brunner (edited June 20, 1999).]