Iowa Sheriff Asks CCW Permit Holders for Y2K Help

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I perceive the Sheriff's intentions as genuine. I am not pleased with the Christian rambling, but I would take the field under this man's banner. An armed citizenry aiding local authority is one of the main reasons for The Second. Such proclamations as the one from the good Sheriff strengthen our position. This man has put his career on the line saying what he has said.
An anti-gun conspiracy at this level is unlikely. As was already pointed out, the implementaion of such a plot would result in the extermination of participating LEOs.
Well worded letters of praise are in order.
Let's tell this good man what we think.
The Sherrif is probably a good man.
I agree with that. I agree that
a call to law-abiding citizens is a fine

But today we have a multicultural world
and nation.I just looked askance at a
public official blaming the problems of
the world on people not believing in
a specific creed. I further took offense
to my statement being called PC.

It's very simple to understand. I don't
want to belabour the point. May good
people of all faiths or no faith help make
the nation a safer place for all. We can
all agree on universal principles of decency
and practice our faiths as private citizens.
Thanks, Glenn E. Meyer, for your clear-thinking comments.

As I remember, yes, most, if not all, of the founding fathers believed in God, but they did not intend for this country to be a Christian nation. I think Thomas Jefferson was a deist, which I believe means he believed God created the world, but that He was not really involved in day-to-day human activities. The f.f. well understood what happens when you get a state-sanctioned religion.

I, for one, would be very leery of a government that rules from the Bible, mainly because much of what's in the Bible is open to so many different interpretations. If you don't think that's true, then why are there so many different churches within the Christian faith?

Use your mind to make rational, objective decisions and you'll be okay. Blindly following anything is bad news. Thinking is man's only real means of survival in this world. To paraphrase Ayn Rand, men do not have fangs or fur to help them live in the wild, nor do they operate on instinct, they have only one tool for survival--their minds.
Anything that interferes with the full and free functioning of the mind [be it an oppressive government or an oppressive religion] is evil and should not only be rejected, but fought against.

Okay, enough with religious stuff, and in case you think otherwise, I'm definitely not anti-religion; I'm anti-anti-freedom. Yes, I'd help out my sheriff if need be, as long as my wife was safe.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
I suppose it is de-lurking time.

In response to DAL's statement, allow me a simple substitution in your paragraph to test this premise:

"I, for one, would be very leery of a government that rules from the [the constitution], mainly because much of what's in the [the constitution] is open to so many different interpretations. If you don't think that's true, then why are there so many different [organizations] within [constitutional rights application, such as ACLU, John Birch, Libertarian Party, NAACP, etc.]?"

I, for one, believe this statement to be absolutely false, and the logic behind it equally so. Differing (and sometimes wrong) interpretation of the constitution DOES NOT negate the value of a government based on it. It must be examined on its theory first, and *proper* application second.

I, too, would fear a government that rules from the Bible, as it would cause me to choose leadership based on character instead of popularity, implore me to choose my actions (out of love) based on what is best for my fellow man, force me to discern between right and wrong using a predefined set of God given ethics, and remind me that I will be held ultimately accountable for my motivations and actions. That is scary stuff.


Secondly, in response to the words of Glenn E. Meyer, I do not find your comments to be offensive and I will fight for your right to have such opinions and share them in public forum. For this same reason, I ABHOR any call for the privatization of beliefs, be they gun ownership, economic methods, religion, or otherwise. To ask ME (or this sheriff) to have to keep my (or his) "different" beliefs to ourselves is to require us to have one character in private and a different character in public. Is not this hypocritical nature what we currently detest in our elected officials, that they bask under "lethal force protection" in their own lives yet publicly call for disarmament of the populace? Can you not name other examples of such deadly hypocrisy?

Where do you draw the line? I would rather have my elected officials tell me their beliefs, whether wacko or logically and philosophically sound, so that I might use this information determine if they are acceptable or not to receive my vote. The alternative is requiring their beliefs to remain unsaid, to act as a "hidden agenda" affecting every decision an official makes in executing the laws and governing the people, all done in our ignorance of that official's beliefs. Is this what you would prefer?


I stand in support of your right to bear arms. Will you not stand in support of my right to free speech? Amendments 1, 2, 3, etc.; it is all the same to me. Like many Christians, I am not a one issue voter. Don't make us choose just one.

der schuler

abusum non tollit usum
I draw a simple line. In official announcements, when you speak from your
office - you are an agent of the government.

In that situation, I would prefer you not
lay the blame on the problems of today
on people not following your faith.

Nor should such an official make pronouncements that a race or an ethnic group is to blame.

I've met crappy and good people from all faiths and races. He states, as a public official, that our problems could be solved if
we follow one creed. This is wrong.

I wonder if he had said.

1. There is no God. It is belief in God
that has destroyed our nation as
people turn to the supernatural
rather than facing up to their own

2. We should turn to a strict Islamic society
as it offers the only real set of precepts
and religious beliefs that are true.

I doubt he would get much support for that
part of his statement.

His beliefs don't have to be private. Speak
them though as a private citizen, not as

I teach and I don't tell kids my religious
beliefs when I'm teaching. There are plenty
of non-official outlets to discuss things.

That's the simple line, I draw.
Thanks, Schueler, for taking the time to post your response and opinion. We'll probably never agree on this subject, but I can live with that.

BTW, what did you mean by de-lurking?

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Advocating theocracy? That's been tried repeatedly. It fails repeatedly.
Theocratic states isolate those of differing ethics, creeds, and beliefs.
Try moving to a nice neighborhood in Tehran and practice a religion differing from the one of the ruling theocracy.
Theocracy is Oligarchy with differant requirements. The Founding Fathers did not want a theocracy. They made that much clear.
The Sheriff was making an official anouncment. In this anouncement, he advocated a specific belief system above all others. That was a small slight against the spirit of the constitution. Small, but a slight nonetheless. I freely forgive him this slight and call him a Patriot.
Rule based on the Bible? I prefer rule based on the Constitution. I am not a religious man and this affects my political beliefs. As it does others who are not religious. I would fight Theocracy with the same tenacity as I fight Oligarchy.
WOW: I like the way this Sheriff thinks. I have to agree with the idea of using CCW to pick people to help out. As was said they have all gone thru a background check and in most states have had training and instruction in when lethal force can be used. Didn't think his religious comments were out of line either.
LOL - CDF, Who do you NOT FIGHT?
I understand you... Theocracy and other crats all seem to exclude Individual Freedom.
I am opposed to anything that limits the Individual. I dont want somebody elses flavor of Freedom - I want my own Freedom.
Admitedly Voting as of late has been the choice between the lesser of two or more evils. But Voting is the only thing we got to work with right now. Until the time comes where we have a Good Candidate to cast our votes for... we gotta caste them for any good person we can get - into any office we can get. This Sheriff may not be the best guy - but he has the ability to see facts clearly and rationally. If you need to ask for help in case of trouble - drawing from his pool of people that have been proven to be trustworthy is a No Brainer.

What are his positions on other matters?
Indeed this fellow has put his head in a political noose. If he be truely worthy there should be the effort to raise him out of it. Otherwise he has hung himself.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

You state in your post "If there is a God, and people truly believe in Him and worship Him in varying manners, is there anyone here so bigoted that they truly believe only their group is acceptable in His sight?"

IF there is a God, and;

IF He is the God of the Bible, Jehovah, and;

IF the Bible truly IS the word of God, and;

IF God truly stated that He is a jealous God, and;

IF He stated that thou shalt have no other Gods before thee, and;

IF God stated that those who do not believe in Him shall be cast into the lake of fire, and;

IF it is, as we have been taught, that a day in the life of God is a thousand years to us, then;

What makes you think He has changed His mind about such things in the past week?

Is that bigotry or belief and where do you draw the line between the two? Where do you think God places that line; and do you believe He is in any mood to allow the placement of that line, or even the creation of it, by mere mortals?

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
George, read my first post in this thread. I like the good sheriff. I was responding to someones endorsement of a bible derifed state.
Boy, this thread has a serious case of "Topic Drift", which is saying something as I am as guilty as the next guy in some threads.

However, the key part, to my non-religious mind, is some elected official who trusts the public enough (albeit licensed) to use them as a backup.

We should be thumping the tub in our communities to see that it happens there. Let it be shown that the militia concept is still viable, even in our current curtailed form. It's the best PR for our side in a long time.

Most of the time, the officials spurn any offers forwarded by citizens. I believe this is just a "it's MY turf, dammit, stay out!"
rather than any left-wing slant, but it does work to the Left's favor.

This is a great way to slow/avert that drift, although I recognize it's a forelorn hope in the East or in big cities.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
My (northern CO) sheriff's reply ...

"The Iowa Sheriff makes some good points. Unfortunately, with the laws in
Colorado, deputizing CCW permit holders without providing the necessary
training exposes me to a great deal of liablity since I am personally
responsible for thier actions. Fortunately, I have a cadre of reserve
deputies and posse members to supplement our regular forces, and have trained
some detention deputies to perform law enforcement functions too. I think we
will be okay."

ROTFLMAO!! Okay, Jim! I surrender!!!!! :D :D

(But a man convinced against his will,
Is of the same opinion still!)

It sure is going to be lonely in Heaven for the one person who goes there..... :D :D or do you already have a roster? (chuckle! Here we go again!!!)

But I'll quit if you'll stop "gunning" for me. ;)
Harumph! Almost forgot!

Our County Sheriff not only has reserves but there is some kind of a Texas state militia who dons fatigues and directs traffic when the Sheriff's workload gets heavy. They're NOT allowed to have firearms though. Even if they have CHLs! Otherwise, I think they have a good plan.

As you may gather, although they offered me an officer's slot (tee hee!), I prefer to protect my family and our neighborhood.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 28, 1999).]
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