Iowa Sheriff Asks CCW Permit Holders for Y2K Help

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New member
Jim R. Schwiesow
Public Safety Building
119 Central Avenue S.E.
Orange City, Iowa 51041
Phone (712) 737-2280

Dear Concealed Weapons Permit Holder:

These are troubling times. I personally believe that the potential exists for some very trying, perhaps even catastrophic events to come to pass during the next few years. And I strongly suspect that we may enter into this era of turbulence within the next 6 to 12 months.

Any number of events could precipitate a series of reactionary social responses, which would almost certainly lead to times of deep unrest, hardships, and lawlessness of a magnitude unprecedented in our memory. I think the Y2K situation is far from being resolved. A stock market crash or other economic crisis could lead to a social breakdown with great and grave consequences. One would have to be totally deceived or deluded not to perceive the depravity and lawlessness present in our nation today.

Recently I attended a law enforcement conference, which dealt with murder and serial killers. A number of detectives and investigators from major metropolitan areas detailed cases of such an horrendous nature that the ordinary mind boggles at the evil and malevolence of the acts committed. One of the instructors said, "If you knew how many of these psychopaths are among us you would be scared to death."

I'm sure by now you are wondering why I am telling you all of this. The fact is the sheriff's office may need your help in a time of crisis. If that time should come we must be able to rely upon people who are solid, decent of character, and law-abiding. As a holder of a permit to carry concealed weapons you have been certified, by virtue of a background investigation, as morally and psychologically fit to accept the responsibilities which accrue to the possession of these permits. If I would have had no faith in your stability, integrity, and character, I would not have given this permit to you. There are roughly 400 concealed weapons permit holders in Sioux County. And it occurred to me that our permit holders comprise a great reserve of trustworthy individuals.

I don't know if major disruptions or catastrophes will actually occur, but if they do we will almost certainly experience the collapse of many state and federal agencies, or an inability of those who staff these agencies to respond appropriately to the crisis. Most of the state and federal law-enforcement agencies are ill-equipped by training or experience to deal with local enforcement exigencies. Ironically, as you know, the major portion of your tax dollars are siphoned off to the state and federal branches of government, thereby depriving local government of the means to provide some really necessary services.

The Sioux County Sheriff's Office has a force of fifteen sworn peace officers to uphold the law and provide for the safety of 32,000 residents, roughly one officer for every 2,133 residents. No matter how well-equipped, trained, or dedicated these officers are it is plainly evident that we are simply too few to cope with a complete breakdown of social order. And this is where you come into the picture.

I propose to put together a stand-by force comprised of concealed weapons permit holders. This would be strictly a volunteer pool of trustworthy people that I could summon in dire times. I further propose to issue to those who accept this invitation to volunteer for this list an identification card denoting the holders status as a stand by subject to call and deputization should an actual crisis occur. I urge you to give serious consideration to this call for volunteers. I have provided, with this letter, a short form of acceptance of this invitation. If you would be willing, during times of grave emergency, to work with the active members of the sheriff's office, please complete this form and return it to this office in care of my attention. This call for volunteers is restricted to the holders of valid Sioux County concealed weapons permits.

I would like to close with a personal observation and opinion. Our nation was founded by mostly Christian men and any authority the federal government was allowed to possess was to derive solely from the purposely narrowly drawn tenants of the Constitution. Sadly and tragically this nation has renounced the Christian principles upon which it was founded. As a nation we have mocked the Sovereign God who blessed us, and we have denied Jesus Christ who saved us from eternal destruction. Be not deceived good friends, God will not be mocked. Whatever we sow we will reap. If God withholds His presence from this nation and leaves us to our own devices, we are indeed in deep trouble. And I do believe that time is at hand. Believe in Jesus and look to Him alone for leadership and guidance, and He will be with you even unto the end of the world.

Sincerely yours,

Jim R. Schwiesow

P.S. A reminder that we all need to take the proper measures to protect and sustain our families and neighbors should a complete breakdown of social order come to pass.

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Pardon my suspicious nature, but I'd be leery of volunteering for a program like this.

For one thing, who's supposed to protect your family when you're guarding the liquor store on the corner of 1st and Main?

Second, and here's the paranoia, who's to say the shurf won't try to confiscate the guns that you bring?

This may sound selfish as hell, but I'd have to place my family's safety over the safety of the community.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
On confiscating what you bring...can you say "suicidal"? I suspect the response to such an attempt would be a quick wipe-out of the local LEOs.

As for diverting your efforts to helping thrid parties...I agree. What have the bastards ever done for us?
A bunch of my neighborhood "joiners" signed up for the Texas Guard.

(Not the Texas National Guard or the Reserves. This is something different - apparently resembling the militia.)

They "get to wear uniforms" and will work for our governor in times of crisis. They already have been called up once - last October when we had a very real flood disaster in our county.

They directed traffic, shooed people off the streets, etc., freeing up the REAL LEOs for the more critical stuff.

Their leader asked me to join. Promised me I could be an "officer". (As a retired NCO I guess that was supposed to be a bennie...)

I said I'd stay here and take care of the neighborhood while they were off working for the government. Didn't go over too well. ;)

Nonetheless, CCW folks supporting law enforcement could be good for the Second Amendment, good for the CCW folks, and good for Law Enforcement. The direct support of the local Sheriff's Office strikes me as a REAL benefit to all concerned - depending, of course, upon the Sheriff (grin) AND the CCWs.

If I had a single neighbor I could trust with the safety of my loved ones, I'd go for it. But I have a lot of faith in our local Sheriff and his Deputies. (I've worked with them before in NON-LE endeavors.)
On one hand you would want to help, but on the other...
I would probably feel OK with it coming from a small department that has appeared to be pro gun in the past. If it was the Chief of Police from NYC, that would be a little different.

I'd hate for anyone to end up learning the hard way.
Boy, there are a lot of skeptics, if not cynics, here!

I see both sides. On first reading, I was impressed by the Sheriff's sincerity and intentions, despite the religious commercial). I do think it is wonderful that he recognizes what many CCW holders have long felt... that they can be a reliable, trustworthy resource as an adjunct to professional law enforcement, in dire times. Remember, professional cops have only been around in any quantity for a bit over a century. Before that, citizens were deputized all the time (and law enforcement and the laws were a LOT less complex).

I would volunteer if I were in Sioux County, if I knew the homestead was secure. Otherwise, I'd guard that first. I'll be a cold day in hell before something like this ever happened in LA. LAPD and Sheriff's are very highly trained and professional (not a broomstick inserted in any bum lately), but they ARE sure that no mere mortal would qualify for a program like this, for the most part.

UPDATE: Just for the heck of it, I decided to call the Sheriff and tell him I was impressed with his confidence in his citizens (even though this was posted on the web before he's had a chance to send all the letters out— oops). VERY nice guy on the phone, and I have no doubt that he's totally sincere. He says that in over 20 yrs as Sheriff, he has had to suspend only 2 permits out of 400, and those were temporary suspensions. He finds that as a whole, his CCW holders are fine, upstanding, highly responsible members of the county. I told him to please call LAPD's Chief, and have a chat about ccw's (not that I think it would do a dang bit of good). FWIW

[This message has been edited by Covert Mission (edited July 22, 1999).]
I wish that was my Sheriff--really I do. I'm generally a cynic, but I believe this man, and would try to help out. And I have absolutely no wish to be a deputy (or any other type of LEO).

Just helps to show that not all people in positions of authority are scared of people who believe in the 2nd amendment.
If the Sheriff asks for help. I will give it.
I see no deception in his letter. That came from a man honestly concerned.

Remember, TFLers take the higher road. If ANY TFL member is asked by the local Sheriff for assistance - they should be the FIRST ones to step up to the line.
I am cynical and suspicious as hell. But Duty and Honor still come first. I would write the sheriff back, or go in person and introduce myself. He is putting a lot of faith in you. You should let him know it is not in vain.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


This is a man who would get my vote next time his office is up for a vote.
Dispite liability fears and the rest of the crap we have invented for ourselves - he can still think clearly

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


What the Sheriff asks is a valid question. What he will gain, if what he assumes comes down the pike will be pretty scary to me.
By virtue of background investigations I have been issued security clearances in the US military, allowed to purchase US surplus firearms, hold a CCL, and can pick up my firearm when the deal is struck.
The Sheriff must understand that he will be getting quite a few "individuals" not a group that can be quickly assimilated into a working group that he can trust and rely on.
I hope it don't boil down to this over something as trivial as Y To K .
Well, this is certainly one of the most interesting threads I have ever seen on TFL.

Hmmmm, indeed. I too don't care too much for the religious commercial at the end, but I can respect the man's faith. And, I greatly respect his message, it's historical basis and the respect he has shown for CCW holders. It is certainly gratifying to see someone in his position have the juevos to state such a message without equivocation.

Clearly, he is stating what so many of us have espoused.

I suppose if I lived there I would agree to serve as long as I had confidence on the home front as well. I would not help them prosecute what I consider to be BS laws, but I'd certainly help keep the peace and protect innocent life.

Darn interesting to see such a letter. Not too surprising about the location though. I suspect their proportion of 'normal' human beings back there is considerably higher than either coast. ;)
If the letter is, in fact, genuine, I stand with Kodiac and Jeff.

Certainly our weapons should be used in defense of our families as first priority; but our communities follow close on the heels of that requirement. If the first is not in immediate jeopardy, the second is to be defended. To do otherwise is to espouse the concept of complete isolationism.

This is the tragic flaw that has been embraced by every "sub-group" f firearms owners, from hunter to cop, for too long now. If your neighbor's home is being invaded, don't look to the political position of the man who raises the alarm...go forth and kick ass. Your home may be next.

We who daily reference the words of the Constitution, should think back to it's preamble:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, ...[/quote]

Cynicism is far more effective as weapon than armor.
This same practice is sometimes used here in the non-CCW State of Ohio. The only difference is that the Sherrif enlists the aid of local business owners. Before any visions of standing armed watch, armed patrols and whatever pop into mind, the positions are generally clerical in nature, answer phones, etc. This frees the LEO's to patrol and do the police work. Powers of arrest are generally not extended beyond what a citizen may excercise. For Ohio, that means felony level, with no investigations etc. The big difference is if you arrest a suspected felon at such a time, you are acting within the bounds of the Sherrif's dept, and not as a private citizen. It looks as though the Sherrif is just calling on the most convienient group pf locals that have been screened by the CCW process. In my area, these letters are more often phone calls to local business owners. This usually falls into the too much for the dept to handle, but not quite time to call in the Guard catagory. It happens sometimes when snow storms hit level 3 emergency status (Level 3 is suspension of all nonessential travel). Those called man phones and perform other office type functions, freeing up the commissioned deputies. Check out the Iowa code (In Ohio it's the Ohio revised Code) and see if his call falls within his obligation of office. Here, it is the County Sherrif's obligation (duty) to issue such a call in times that warrant it. The only sinister part I see is the time frame he projects, TSHTF for the next few years? I say look into it further, you may end up with a nifty ID card. Around here the ID card won't let you beat a speeding ticket, but it does allow you to use 1 of the local indoor ranges free of charge because the PD's and SD's pay a yearly department fee to use it.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 21, 1999).]
Everyone is missing something here...

I feel that getting the message out about what this Sheriff is doing is extremely important. If the worst case Y2K scenarios come to pass, some people are predicting that Clinton will declare martial law and try to confiscate firearms to help restore the peace. I know this sounds paranoid and I usually don't go in for conspiracy theories, but I just don't put anything past Clinton. I don't trust the man and he is on the record (Rolling Stone Magazine) as being for the total ban on handguns.

If we can get the public used to the idea of firearms being used for good in civil emergencies, then maybe Clinton won't try to get away with trying to grab all of the guns!

Spread the word!!! Send the Sheriff's letter to all of your radio and TV stations and to your elected officials!
Rich - Very well said.

You should be the presedent!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Ouch! Damn, Rich, a solid shot to the conscience. Good one.

As I don't have a family (except for the kitties), if Sheriff Anderson calls me, yeah, I'll help out. Not because I get to wear a uniform (ick) or carry an ID, but because I'd do it on my own hook anyway, so I may as well have an official blessing.

Thinking about it further, if I did have people at home, I'd make sure they had guns of their own before I headed out to direct traffic or whatever.

Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Maybe I'm reading Sheriff Schwiesow's letter incorrectly, or maybe I'm reading too much into it. But, to me, he's basically calling upon what amounts to the Sioux County "militia" in the historical sense, as this word was used when the Second Amendment was written. In other words, the sheriff is calling upon his county's body of law-abiding adult citizens who are personally armed for individual protection and the common defense. The use of concealed carry licensees is a simple and effective way to assure that this "militia" is "well regulated," that is, law-abiding and reasonably knowledgeable in the use of arms.

Thus Sheriff Schwiesow appears to provide a notable example of one of the fundamental reasons that Americans own guns in the first place. His letter indicates that our various governments cannot wholly protect the citizenry--despite their incremental encroachment on the citizenry's ability to protect itself. So, to me, the sheriff's letter is in the spirit of 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified. It shows that this spirit is still alive, despite the efforts of demagogic politicans and the elitist media to ignore, dismiss, or suppress it.


[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 23, 1999).]
Hah! A copy of this in now in the hands of PD's or on its way in Kennewick & Richland & Pullman, WA and at the Clackamas County SO in Oregon, and maybe even the local border patrol. Is anyone else sending these out?

I didn't mean to single you out. However, in rereading my post, it sure looks that way. In any case thanks for being a gentleman about it...we already knew you were a patriot!
I passed on his letter to Vin Sprynowitzc(sp?) at the Las Vegas Review-Journal with a note that the nation should know about this guy and see the 2nd Amendment at work. Also sent one to Charlie Reese and the editor of the Elko Free Press -- don't know of any other GOOD (on our side) newspapers. If you know some locally, send the letter on. I just hope the liberal media doesn't crucify him and perhaps hound him out of office.
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