Interesting event that happened this morning

OK, now I'm worried....

I sleep like the original poster's son: dead to the world. It seems that the only thing that wakes me up is my annoying alarm clock. Not even my girlfriend coughing or sneezing next to me or getting out of bed disturbs me.

That's NOT a good thing for being the protector of my homestead. I'm in an apartment (for now), top floor, and we can't install alarms, etc. I'm still learning accuracy with my firearm, although I do keep a mag loaded w/ JHP's and the weapon in the bedroom "just in case".

Once I move to my house (the one I own now - long story), it has an alarm system (always wakes me up fast) and will be more easily defended, with all the bedrooms upstairs, etc.

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but does anyone have any suggestions for us very heavy sleepers out there?

As a fellow heavy sleeper, the best way to get me up, I have found to all involve a good woman.

1. Have her cook something.

2. Have her start whispering certain things that will...arouse any man.

Now, those are the best. Other tricks include a horde of loud dogs. Sometimes I get up, open the window, begin shouting for the animals to shut up, then realize it is my own inside the house animals making the noise. The neighbors love me for that.

But, in all seriousness, the best way is to have a woman who is a light sleeper. Second best is the dog bit. For me, a house alarm is garbage. I will just throw a shoe at the pad to try to hit the 'snooze' button. (Funny story, I actually did that to the fire alarm once. Used a steel toed boot to. Made a horrible mess, but I shut THAT alarm up!)
Tennessee Gentleman said:
After it was over my wife asked: "What should I do if you're not here and that thing goes off?" I am thinking thru those answers now and am ashamed to admit I have no plan for that. Also, my wife will have no part of firearms or training. No lectures about that one as I have been married to this lass for 21 years and it ain't gonna change.

Well, I sympathize, because my girlfriend is very anti-gun, gets squicked-out just seeing them, just knowing mine is around, etc. She did stretch herself and go with me to the range while I shot, but steadfastly refused to touch a gun, herself, and later told me she felt sick to her stomach the whole time and almost told me she had to get out of there. :rolleyes: (I really am a thousand miles from understanding this reaction, as I believe it is irrational.)

Well, your wife has herself in quite a spot: She realizes that this may happen some time when you are not around, and it may be an actual home invader next time, and she's looking to YOU for the solution, "What should I do?"

If she herself refuses to have anything to do with firearms, then she herself is responsible for the helplessness that she is forcing on herself. If she ends up taking up your son's baseball bat but then finds herself facing two burly guys, she may be wishing she had your handgun, and wishing she had had you teach her how to use it. Her obstinance could theoretically cost her her life some day.

Turn it around on her. When she asks you, "What should I do if you're not here and that thing goes off?" ASK HER what she should do. Ask her what she PLANS to do. Ask her why what SHE will do is to be decided by YOU. Ask her how she expects you to help her survive such a situation safely when she refuses to avail herself of the best, most effective tool she could have to defend herself.

This is not your burden, if she wants solutions from you but then won't take your advice (which I'm sure would be, "Learn how to use my gun(s)," if you knew she was willing.)

Maybe she's changed her mind? I would check, if I were you.

Good luck.

+1 to Johnksa, for post #5.

That's a great way to drive home the point of what her obstinate refusal to learn about guns leaves her and her son exposed to. It makes clear just what she is gambling about, and reminds her that the police may be "busy" and unable to get to her before the bad guys do.

It reminds me of something someone posted on this board recently, about handing a woman a cellular phone and sending her some distance off, and then he says, "Okay, and I'll take this big rock and come at you from here while you dial 911, and we'll see if the police get here to defend you before I bash your head in." <words to that effect> I thought it was masterful! :D

advice for apt

That's NOT a good thing for being the protector of my homestead. I'm in an apartment (for now), top floor, and we can't install alarms, etc. I'm still learning accuracy with my firearm, although I do keep a mag loaded w/ JHP's and the weapon in the bedroom "just in case".

Once I move to my house (the one I own now - long story), it has an alarm system (always wakes me up fast) and will be more easily defended, with all the bedrooms upstairs, etc.

You asked for tips?
Get a door bar, door jam, or whatever you want to call it.

No way a person can enter your house through the door.
If they climb up the side of the building, then you keep patio door closed with a a door bar also.

Google em.