Integrally suppressed vs. screw on suppressor .22

You'll want to look at any municipal ordinances.


I had a rabbit problem in my garden. I popped a couple with a pellet gun, and got a written warning letter from the town board, including a copy of the ordinance violated, with "airgun" highlighted .... it also prohibited just about any projectile, including thrown rocks and sticks ..... I noted the wording did not include "bow and arrow" ..... so I purchased some judo points for my longbow ..... planted some rabbits and had a wonderful crop of peas....... I have ben controlling them this way for near 5 years now, and have heard nothing about it.

Also, FWIW: 'Possums are terribly slow and not that tough. You can run them down and dispatch them with a stick ..... they are not hard to trap, either.