Innocent people placed on watch list?


you got brass to say that buddy. I don't know, I would say that a lot of people feel that way about the government these days however no one wants to risk it. So how do you fight a corrupt government that SLOWLY destroys its people and no one reacts till it's too late?


P.S: To Fremmer do the aliens look like this?
I can tell you flat out that the $10K thing is pure hockey. Why?

I could use several banks, and deposit less than $10K, say $7500 in one, $5k in another... bypass the system and still get money to drug dealers and terrorists. But wait.. it illegal to knowingly circumvent teh $10k deposit law.. ummm, sure.. I'll just confess and take my punishment for breaking the law... like al lthe OTHER criminals do. :rolleyes:

The $10k thing is a feel good law. I cold simply use offshore banks via the net and bypass all US Laws. The inncocent 1st time home buyer is on a list, they bad guys are laughing all the way to the off shore bank.
Controlling 'Sheep' to make them feel better...

I get a bit disgusted with a lot of the Mickey Mouse 'anti-terrorism' reports.
It boils down to a lot of psychological 'crowd control' and the 'appearance of safety'. What's spooky - is that a real 'terrorist' will not be stopped by all these measures. When one goes back and looks at all the 1000's of military personnel from various middle-eastern and Asian countries who have actually over the last few decades been trained in the USA by the US military in all sorts of 'warfare schools' it's obvious that the real problem is beyond the scope of 'someone acting odd in a line at the airport'. Osama Bin Laden has actually had top lieutenants who were officers in US Special Forces. I know a friend who travels frequently to Eastern Europe who is always given a rigorous search - and is alway cleared - and it's always a joke...because he fits a 'profile'. Too many folks use profiles so they don't think instead of using them to sharpen their thinking. The Pan Am 103 flight would not have fit any profile. What worries me a bit is that there are quite a few 'unstable' or 'fragile'people who travel - and I wonder sometimes if bearing down on them a bit too much might backfire and cause some security problems that might not otherwise happen. There's been at least one shooting and killing by an Air Marshall of a passenger who had a history of Bipolar Disorder and was not a real threat but who did act out hysterically...
so they know its not"exactly" true and not right but theyre doing it anyways to protect their jobs or get a bonus?

this was tried during the salem witch trials back in our history..everyone is guilty of something right?.we know how that ended and what got that started.same flawed logic and unsound methods.