Inline Poll: "Small Arsenal found" (in Houston of all places)

Arsenal is a silly word, unless you're a soccer fan. It has several different usages, and it has been used to describe any amount of weapons owned by an individual as well as massive government depots. So effectively the word is subjective and its appropriate use is determined by the user.

When the press used to think it's job was to report what happened, when and where and how .... they'd have said "Arsenal" if an industrial facility where arms and munitions were made and stored were the what or where in the story ..... now that they think there job is to "help the reader form pictures in his or her head and explain why this matters to him or her" ...... they are trying to paint a picture of huge numbers of guns and munitions .... sigh ....
This isn't directed at any one in particular, but I think that in general calling out the "liberal media" for relaying what they've been told by law enforcement just makes a poster come off like a simple minded idiot.

A man has been arrested on multiple charges after police located a small arsenal of guns on the top floor of the Hyatt Regency on Louisiana Street downtown, Houston police said.

Most range trips I take just one or two guns, but some days I take what local law enforcement could tell the local paper was a "small arsenal". And depending what caliber guns I plan on shooting, I could potentially have thousands of rounds of ammo in the truck at the same time.
Who knows if it was a police officer or a media reporter/writer that described the three weapons as a small arsenal? I confess my natural bias, but my guess is the media reporter/writer or editor.
I can't pin this down to numbers of guns and rounds, but here's how I see it:
Small Arsenal: You would need one or two friends with pickup trucks to move them to a new house.
Large Arsenal: You would need a semi and special permits to move them to a new house.

That's funny :) Three magazines for a handgun alone might take roughly a 50 round box to fill, so it doesn't surprise me how the media liberally applies terms like arsenal, stockpile, etc. By media standards, if you stock up on ammunition to avoid things like price spikes or shortages, you aren't smart or prepared, you are some demented lunatic on the verge of becoming unhinged...
I don't think it matters. The media will freak out over a pistol in your glove compartment, or 150 rifles in an in-home safe... it's not the numbers. I have more than 1, less than 100, I don't feel like I have an overabundance of weapons, nor do I feel 'undergunned.'

As far as ammunition, again, it doesn't matter. I shoot a lot, I buy a lot of ammo, preferably on sale. I don't buy anything less than a case... to some anything more than a box of ammo is crazy, but I know I pale in comparison to some of the other forum members here and elsewhere.

Firearms and ammunition are like peanut butter and toilet paper... the quantity doesn't matter.
So, describe what an arsenal of assault rifles would constitute?

When the media uses the term arsenal, it usually seems to be in the context of privately owned guns, so very few civilians would have any actual "Assault Rifles," much less a lot of them.
I say that the MSM would describe an arsenal of assault weapons as 2 ARs, a .22 Cricket, and a Mossberg. To them, that would arm a 3rd world country.
The term is very subjective and dependent on the experience and exposure of speaker and listener.

I have a significant collection of registered machine guns and a lot of title 1 firearms and have over a million rounds of ammo. My fiancée and friends think nothing of it. They just know me as a guy who has lots of toys and never seems to run out of ammo. We’re from Texas. But to my non shooting friends and family, especially the ones from California, the sight of my toys makes their jaws drop to the ground, especially when they see the belt feds. There’s no ill intent on their part. They’re just not used to it.
The term is very subjective and dependent on the experience and exposure of speaker and listener.

I have a significant collection of registered machine guns and a lot of title 1 firearms and have over a million rounds of ammo. My fiancée and friends think nothing of it. They just know me as a guy who has lots of toys and never seems to run out of ammo. We’re from Texas. But to my non shooting friends and family, especially the ones from California, the sight of my toys makes their jaws drop to the ground, especially when they see the belt feds. There’s no ill intent on their part. They’re just not used to it.

Images like those from the end of the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie come to mind with a huge, almost endless sized warehouse...
Armouries are where weapons are stored. An arsenal is where they're made.
The media will call 2 firearms and a box of .22's an arsenal.
Based on my training and experience, I would be concerned over a 'large' assemblage of firearms were they mostly the same weapon. Moreso if I detected 'comoline' or preservative for shipment. Ammo all in the same caliber and a substantial - 1000 to 2000 rounds PER rifle.

Not a collection of varied arms from different eras, different versions, different makers (arsenals) and such. All clean and in position to be seen and shown off. That wouldn't bother me much at all. Maybe envy...

Truthfully, most 'reporters' couldn't distinguish an 'arsenal' from a trash pile of discarded hockey sticks.

And of course, editors like the word 'arsenal' as it fits in to the Gun Control tirade.