information about S&W Victory model SN V549xxx

"All this nonsense about this model and that model etc etc etc may be delightful for serious collectors but I find it tiresome."

Then don't read the thread and go find something else to do.

Maybe tiddlywinks.
Yeah, it should be obvious, even to a forum curmudgeon, that he didn't mean he was annoyed with the thread & conversation. It's pretty obvious that the topic interests him but he believes that the issue at hand has gotten lost in an intricate network of irrational details that don't have a solid framework of "proof" or records supporting them.

He's not peeing on the thread and saying "don't talk about this."
I expected better from you, Mr. Irwin. The condescending dismissal of another man's opinion is disappointing. I am expressing my feelings on the topic. I didn't realize that I was required to conform to your sensibilities.
Victory model SN

Gentlemen here are a couple more photos of SN on the butt of a Victory model revolver. Lanyard ring proved to be a problem getting # and letter together. We have found no "S" on this revolver anywhere. Hope it helps w/your conclusion of the placement of the SN's.
Victory model SN.jpg

Victory model SN 2.jpeg