Info Needed...EAA Witness .45 ACP

KP95, I wasn't intending to flame. A simple "Yes" would have sufficed. I believed you, but it did sound a little weird that you had all that trouble and still sing the guns praises. I do wonder if you are for 'em or again 'em when it comes to Tanfoglio guns and EAA.
Thanks SK- I've been trying to find out for a while about grip interchangeablilty. You've got a carry comp? What caliber is it? Do you think it works well or is it a waste? I was looking at a witness in 10mm and I noticed they are supposed to have one with a carry comp but I don't know if it's of any value.
EAA -Worthy?

I used to recommend the Witness to people and I don't anymore. Since then I have purchased three Rugers and got a Glock 32 for Christmas this year. My wife knows what I like to get for Christmas.
Mine's in 45, I like it and it's a hoot to shoot. I wouldn't consider it a waste at all, but if I had to choose between it and my Ruger P95 in a life or death situation I'd take the Ruger. The Witness appears to be reliable after several hundred rounds, but I'd put more faith in the Ruger if my life was on the line. Just wish the Ruger was a .45!
slide breakage

I just had to send in my .45 because of the same problem. It broke right below the ejection port. I have no .45 dies yet, so I haven't used anything but factory ammo (no +P). Have there been alot of other people with this problem? I too would like to know if the 10mm has the same problem.

KP95: Did you have any problems with the shipping from EAA? Were they pretty quick on fixing and sending it back?
Had one in 45. Very accurate. Sold it and did not miss it until I started reading this thread.
Reply: RedMist

Back then I had no problems with sending or receiving my gun. They took about three weeks each time to send it back. And I called them at least once a week to remind them that I was still out there waiting for the gun. You didn't say whether you had the regular or match setup. The only difference would be the increase in mass for the match slide. I did use heavier recoil spring as they are badly undersprung.


My gun is just a stocker, except for the 18 pound spring, which I made sure EEA knew about and that I wanted back. I can't see anything that I could have done to cause or prevent this...I don't even shoot that much, I may have put 7-800 rounds through it. I guess it must have just been a fluke, that goes for the first time, we'll see.

Thank you for your response. Any more advice I could use to get the gun to shoot or work better would be greatly appreciated. I do love the gun, it shoots great and is very accurate-just hope they can figure this problem out.
I forgot to mention one thing about changing recoil springs. When you buy a recoil spring from Wolff it comes with a "more better" firing pin spring. This is supposed to keep the gun from slam firing.

When I installed mine I dropped the hammer on an empty chamber and the firing pin extended too far forward becoming jammed up with the firing pin safety. This happened more often then not when dry firing. Once I was letting a friend shoot the gun and she accidently dropped the hammer on an empty chamber because the slide hadn't locked back after the last shot. The black firing pin retainer fell out. The place we shoot is covered with small chips of coal. It was interesting to find.

I finally got fed up and put the stock firing pin spring in and kept the wolff recoil spring in place. It still goes bang when it should and doesn't go bang when it shouldn't. I examined the two firing pin springs and found the Wolff was shorter and less powerful.

I guess I should have called Wolff about this but I never did.

Witness info.

Get the 10% extra power mag springs. Big help. Also I noticed that the notch on the firing pin where the plunger(safety) engages tends to swage up a little. This will cause drag on the firing pin during its travel. I file this down when needed. This whole conversation has brought back stuff that I had long forgot about. I have found it worthwhile.
got it back already!

Got my .45 back already, 5 days! Not too bad...They even converted it to long slide and threw in supersights and an extra magazine! I am impressed...that is what I call customer service, especially considering that I am the second owner of this gun.

They have my endorsement as far as service after the sale...and then some!

Any avenues for finding the extra strength mag follower springs? Did you just clean up the "swagged" pin with a small file, or something else?