Increasing global, national, state, and city tensions... change your Tactics?

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Henley really nailed it, didn't he?

Every age likes to presume that it is the most tumultuous, catastrophic, etc. I tend not to subscribe to that, but I honestly believe that these United States are set for a rendezvous with some hard, ugly times. We've simply done something which cannot be sustained, which is to spend ourselves into utter destitution.

They have our souls who have our bonds. <shudder>
resulted from using our industrial might to win WW-II

I know this is off topic, but I'd like to point out that there were a number of countries that made made up the Allied forces which were victorious in the summer of 1945.

Back on topic....
According to a 2008 academic salary survey (the best I could do at 6:55 AM), the mean salary of a college/university president was $350K; the mean salary of a college/university football coach was $1.1M (as in million). :confused: Meanwhile the students protest that CEOs and university presidents are overpaid. I'll admit that corporate executive salaries need curbing, but a coach making almost 3X the president? :eek:

It may not make me any more inclined to add extra loaded firearms around the house, but it does make me more inclined to keep 25-year shelf life food in the basement while things degenerate around me.;)
The whole question hinges on one's perception:

IE: When your neighbor gets laid off, . . . it's a recession, . . . when you get laid off, . . . it becomes a depression.

IE: Conflict 12,000 miles from here is a police action, . . . 100 miles from here it is called war, . . . if it is just down the street, . . . it's called a Living Hell or a riot.

And I agree that the overall "per capita" crime level may be down, I don't have perfect access to those figures, . . . but in the 1950's there was not at least 2 shootings and a bank robbery every day in Columbus, Ohio.

Today, . . . that is the norm, . . . the two lead off stories almost every night, . . . "Another shooting on the (take your choice: near East side, on the West side, in the North East) followed by one in one of the other places, . . . then the bank robbery(s).

Lately, . . . the OSU area has seen several armed robberies of students, . . . something practically unheard of when I was hanging out in that area 40 years ago.

The world is getting meaner, . . . less helpful, . . . more petty, . . . less trusting, . . . less caring, . . . and just in general, . . . more ripe for a global conflict that will seriously deplete the numbers.

May God bless,
Almost hate to do this, since it's been a fascinating discussion. But it was a borderline topic to begin with (no TEOTWAKI or SHTF threads, per forum rules) and it hasn't turned toward firearms, tactics or training at all.

Closed as off topic.

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