Incident in my neighborhood last weekend


Nothing really new to add, but the PD detectives were through the neighborhood this past Sat afternnon (6-11-05) interviewing everybody to see if they had seen or heard anything unusual last Saturday....seen any strange vehicles, un-marked "AC Service Company trucks", etc.

Also said they would be in the area more, and to call the PD if they had any odd feelings about anyone they saw. Detective also said "Pay attention to the little guy standing on your shoulder, screaming in your ear that something you've just seen is wrong. He is most likely correct."

I suppose that if the parents let the kids set up the "Kool-Aid" table on the corner again, and then watched from the upstaris window with the .30 rifle handy, that maybe that would be considered "Hunting Over Bait"

////OOOPS. Sorry about the hunting over bait thing, not anywhere near proper, but [ahem] people that hurt kids just gall my gizzard beyond description. I cannot begin to publish things I would want to happen to those dirtbags. Nothing like that ever happened to my kids. But about 15 years or so back, incident 3 doors down from me...Guy marries a divorced woman with 2 pre-teen girls. Dirtbag raped them both for several years, until "Mom" finally caught him. "Mom" didn't believe the girls stories.

p.s. CarbineCaleb....your "platform" idea. . . . . works 4 me!! ! !
chemical castration no good...

although chemical castration sounds great to me... There's a real bad side to it. You let these people back out and whetehr or not they have any sexual drive they're gonna be so angry for losing their ability to "nut it" that they're gonna be prone to countless acts of violence and maybe worse.

the fact is... if any of us lost our manlyhood for whatever reason... I'm pretty sure we woudln't be pleased about it... I know I wouldn't be...

... so the solution is as clear as its ever been... f*ck castration.. and kill the bastards. End of story. Hang them and its over. Period.

And as far as I'm concerned any real criminal should hang anyway. Period. I'm tired of paying for them to enjoy prison and learn how to rob and wrong people better. Lets just finish it before it gets any worse.

not to get off topic... but... people... the law in general... fail to see that those who begin by stealin a "worthelss" radio from someone's car eventually move on to "bigger and better" things. Perhaps they "case out" a house until its presumable "empty." well... sooner or later someone will be home... and then we have a life and death situation on our hands... its better to hang the SOB's before they get another chance.

steal a radio... a car... a f*cking mouse pad... it doesn't matter... theives must be hung in order to safen our society for all us real americans. there is no excuse for allowing any real criminal loose. Period. I'm so f*cking tired of us catering to f*cking criminals. its BS.

As far as I'm concerned... there is no difference between a burglary or robbery... rape or muder... theft or attempted theft... the punishment should always be teh same. Death. Period. Once we start hangin these motherf*ckers in public on the court house lawn it will get better. At least I hope.

God bless.
From what I've read and heard some experts talk, you cannot trust physical or chemical castration. Folks go off their meds and/or buy black market testosterone to make up for the loss.

To be realistic, without fantasy torture scenarios, you only have the death penalty or life without parole as a guarantee.

I see little energy from our legislators to actual put these into place.
I think that we should have a law like that of Florida now, 25 to life (just to start out) and if they do get paroled and do it again, then it's death by whatever means, no appeals, you go straight from the courtroom to the deathbed.

Actually, just going straight to the second part of the above is what I prefer.

Our judicial system doesn't seem to get it. It keeps letting this perverts out of prison after a short period of time or they only get a small slap on the wrist. Out here in Idaho we are in the midst of this case where a guy named Joseph Duncan was arrested after kidnapping a girl and her brother. He previously served time for violently molesting a child but only served part of his sentence. He then was let go on $15,000 bond after re-offending. It is absolutely unacceptable that these sex offenders are even on the streets to re-offend. These people are evil to do the things they do to innocent little children who can't protect themselves.
Generally I am not a fan of locking people up and throwing away the key, but in the case of sex offenders I do not think that they can ever be trusted back into the community- the risks are too high.
Re Neighborhood Incident

That is a scary story. Every parent's nightmare. In Febuary a registered sex offender who was not living at his address of record slipped into a home at night and took a 9 year old girl to a house down the road and held her captive for at least three days and when he was finished with her he buried that poor child ALIVE! Happened in Citrus County Fl. He left town and was in a bar in the Atlanta Ga area when a camera crew came in and interviewed some folks including the MURDERING PEDOPHILE on a local issue, (this was about 4 days after burying the child alive) and he was drinking a beer, smoking and SMILING & LAUGHING into the camera when asked something by the news crew!! So tell me NOW about "rehabilitation" SCREW HIM! We are kidding ourselves into believing that they are of any use excepting moving targets. PS The child was taken with the grandparents in the house, they were asleep, and the child's father was at his girlfriend's house. The child had been in church earlier that night and been dropped off by church members. This BASTARD must have been casing the house and knew dad was away.He is awaiting trial here in Fl. God be with her and her family.
The Rest of the Story

Please allow me to update you on the rest of the story. The girls father has been very active and quite articulate in lobbying for better laws to prevent future crimes like this one. He visited Washington, DC to lobby Congress to pass federal legislation to provide better controls of sexual predators. Only one Congressman refused to show him the courtesy of an appointment. That congressman was Mel Watt, the only member of Congress to vote against what we know as Megan's Law. Watt represents North Caroline (or at least he is paid to represent North Carolina); not my district but one drawn especially to ensure his continued election.

There are 535 registered sexual predators in Mecklenburg County; at the present time 48 of these predators are "unaccounted for" due in part to a lack of funding to the tracking agency.

I suspect that many other counties in most of our states suffer from the same situation.

And yes, this issue does hit me quite hard.
John Lane
Charlotte, NC
Just make sure the "sex offender" is really that, I know of a man that pissed his EX-stepdaughter off, and she lied about him, he is pulling 4 to 8 years for something that I know he did not do, he took a plea bargan at his attornys advice....was told he could get life if no plea bargan.....after he has been in for a year the girl came forward and told counciler at school she lied and did not want him locked up anymore.......she want to judge , judge said he copped a plea and had to searve his term....still has to register but is not a "SEX OFFENDER"
all I ask is not to judge these folks without knowing a little of what you are talking about.
O'Reilly has been doing a couple of segments on how these people (if you want to call them that) just get away with it and judges allow them to do so. Oregon was one of the states that didn't really seem to care which I know they don't (the governor) because they don't even have an online site with these creeps listed. You have to go to the cop shop and ask and then they will mail one out to you when they get the time.

I don't have kids but I was watching a documentary (I forgot the name of it) where in the '60's or '70's the LEO's were bringing this child murderer (who molested the child before murdering) back to the state and the father was pertending to use the phone, waited until the pervert was next to him, and then blow his head off with a .357.

I actually cheered. And the best part was, the father wasn't prosecuted for it :).

I agreed with that form of punishment then, and I agree with that form of punishment now. And for you folks that say that I shouldn't say this because of the anti's that will point to this post and say that we're all "kill crazy".... well, with this issue, I guess I am. And if they are not, then you know what type of people these people are.

The whole sex-offender registration is baloney. Or bologna. It has been proven time and time again that making them register does not stop them from committing any more crimes.

If we have to worry about them living next to us, then they shouldn't be out in the first place. I vote we just fix the problem the first time it happens. Permanently.
Had to visit a client in a jail in my (Australian ) state a few months ago, good to see the prison guards have kept the gallows working in case the politicians ever give them permission to use it.

You can't treat these guys- they are always a risk. Best the long drop. I wish society would stop being squeemish...
Police Scanners

I was listening to the scanner recently, and a call came up about a young girl being beaten and raped in the a m.
when the law caught him 30 minutes later and ran his name thru the system, he came back with 24 counts of rape with a minor under 16 yrs old; I know what you guys are thinking; I'm thinking maybe they need to hang some judges and prosecuters? or maybe throw them in a cell with a perv? ....Game Over. :D
Daniel BOON
I'm thinking maybe they need to hang some judges and prosecuters? or maybe throw them in a cell with a perv? ....Game Over.
It really falls back to the legislatures both at State and Federal level. These people hold it within their power to impeach judges for good reason. I have yet to hear of a single instance where such has been the case.

As far as I am concerned the legislatures are as guilty as the actual criminals.