Incident in my neighborhood last weekend


New member
I am just now calm enough to describe this event from last Saturday Morning, about 10:30AM 6-4-05...

Wife, sis-in-law & I were out washing our various cars Sat Morning...See a local PD car swoosh down our street (live on a dead-end), swoosh back out, then swoosh in again and stop 4 doors down from us, poke around the house, and then talk to residents of said house.

Seems that Mom & Dad were gone at the moment, 4 kids from age 13 down to (I think) around 6 were there. Oldest 2 girls had been running their "Kool-Aid" table out on the corner after school (their house is on the corner with a 1-block dead end). A guy came up to the door in dark coverals with the name "Dave" on that patch above left front pocket...normal kind of work coverals. Told oldest kid he was with the "Light Company" and needed to come in and check 'something' 13-Y.O. says No, can't come in, guy tries to yank 'screen door' open, but it is locked. Girl slams main door shut and calls 9-1-1...PD arrives in less than 4 minutes. Guy apparently cut through some backyards and got away.

Grandfather of the kids (lives 2 door away from kids) walks around the neighborhood, distributing a paper with all the details, including a pretty good description of said bad guy. Description very closely matches the scrip of a Registered Sex Offender that moved into the area about a year ago.

So, after all that, I check the RSO database from my county sheriff's office, and there are 8 RSO's within a 1-mile radius of my home. And I live in a really good area.
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Incredible. I hope they catch this SOB.

There must be something seriously miswired for these people, makes me wonder if this whole concept of chemical castration, as distasteful as that is, might be the only answer to their recidivism.

Thanks for posting this - since we'll be bringing home an adopted toddler in the next few months, I did a search and found this fellow who lives within walking distance of my home:;ROGER;J

Here's the list of all the state registry sites:
mvpel: Thanks very much for the links to the sex offender registries! I agree - people who prey on children are just the most despicable things. :barf: Kind of makes me want to bring back good old fashioned stoning. :mad:
Sex Offenders

Unfortunately the number of pedophiles has increased drastically in the past 20 years. The young girl who answered the door used extremely good judgment and there is a lesson there, "Teach Your Children Caution". At one time the NRA had a great video that covered home security; if it is still available it is worth having in every homeowner's association agenda. What you may not realize is the amount of money made catering to these people and the numbers involved. In 1982 LA police arrested a woman for commercial distribution of child pornography - she had a mailing list of 30,000 customers! In North Syracuse, NY police broke up a child pornography ring and found a mailing list of over 20,000 customers. The January 1984 (yes, 21 years ago) issue of the "FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin" (which provided that info) was devoted to combating pedophilia . The data contained is shocking even by today's "standards". Combating this crime requires more than "load and lock", it takes awareness and pressure applied to local officials. Here in Charlotte, NC we have convicted rapists attending high school with other students because the school board classifies them as "special needs students". Seems the state will provide more money for them in class. Sorry for the long post but this is a hot button for me.
John Lane
The only answer to recidivism of this sort is a rope around the neck followed by a long drop to the end.
This is one of those hot button topics for me as well.

Scary world out there. By the way chemical castration does not take away the psychological "need" for these rat bastards. So if anything - it only makes things worse. Upon release from prison a staggering 95% of SO go back to committing a sexually related crime. :eek:

There should be no parole. Our children are the hope for the future.

Upon a second conviction all sexual predators should be handed over to the local gun range for live target practice. Open to shooters of all firearms (pistol, rifle, shotgun, rocket launcher etc.). :rolleyes:

OK enough fantasy posting - I suggest we lead neighborhood watch programs in our various localities. It is one thing to know about the threat, we should do something active. I have volunteered to lead and organize one in my community. Good luck to you all.
I believe they should be hung by the neck on the FIRST offense. In public. And the body should be left to rot in the noose until the bones fall on the ground.
Oregon doesn't have a public database, you have to fill out a FOIA and then wait for them to send it to you in the mail :mad:

(Oregon has a way of protecting pedo's, one of our former governors is a pedo (goldsmidt?) :mad: :mad: :mad:

At least Florida is trying. The first offense should have been 25 to life with no parole but the libs didn't like that so it starts on the 2nd IIRC.

IMNSHO, the first offense should be dealt with as others here have already mentioned.

Do Something

I guess it is O.K. to vent about this on a forum, but if you want it fixed YOU NEED TO CONTACT YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. Most of the time you can do this via e-mail. And don't think they fat cats don't pay attention. They want to keep living the high life at your expense, so they will listen to enough voices. Where I live it is a challenge, but we can do it if we stay focused.
Charlotte, NC
There are about 12 that live within a mile or two of my church.. worries me since we have so many little ones just running around.

The sex offenders of this world ought to be strung up.. they don't deserve life.
Pedophile Therapy

Pedophile treatments - step right up, four lines, no waiting:
Chemical Castration

I regret that I am ultimately against chemical casteration.I have lived on farms and ranches and we have used burdizos and a sharp pocketknife always. I have done bulls, horses, sheep, goats, pigs and one tomcat. I have used those heavy rubber bands on goats but there is absolutely no substitute for a good pocketknife.

I don't always use good judgement concidering sexual predators and in a bind might use a 30-30 in a flash of anger but thus far my children, all eight of them have not been bothered with these brain damaged sub humans.
Regarding castration techniques for pedophiles - I think that the swift and low tech method of catching the testicles between two bricks being smacked together might be appropriate as well as conserve your tax dollars! Yes, Father O'Malley, would you kindly squat over the Brick-o-matic for your surgery?