In your office escape plan?


We had a security practice run the other day. We did badly today.

The practice? Armed bad guy walks into our office which has a large counter in a circle facing the inner sitting area to best serve the public. BG walks in front door of the ground floor. You're working on the second floor, when BG decides to go on rampage, shooting all the victims where he finds them. He shoots the people that he found on the first floor and goes up the second floor stairway which opens directly into the lobby on the ground floor...he shoots people who curiously came towards the sound of the gunshots. People hide under their desks, he shoots them.
In our office, we have police officers playing the BG's and they are shooting blanks. Sounds like real gunfire. We are in a corner office and hear the gunfire. I barricade door with desk, etc..dial 911 and grab throwing objects, ie. paper weight, scissors, etc...pray to my Maker, and am preparing to die a loud, ugly, and resisting victim.
The office policy is no carrying of gunfire while employed for the local government.

Okay, pucker factor time....what is your escape plan?
We have finally added a designated person to run through the building warning all workers if this kind of scenario happens. Unless he/she is shot early in the game. Then Plan B kicks in , everyone on their own running and screaming out of any exit that you can. We only have two exits.

What would you do?
They don't have an official policy where I work, and the state that I live in does not allow concealed carry. However, I never leave home without my Benchmade Stryker. I'm getting myself and as many of my coworkers out the back steps as possible, but if the scenerio occurs that the BG and I run into each other, he's getting a taste of steel(if I can get to him and my only other option would have been to take one in the head anyway).

I too am a little dumb founded that they would spring something like that on you unannounced. What if someone had attacked one of the "BG" officers and seriously hurt them?
So basically, you're like trapped rabbits if some BG comes in and starts shooting...?

And the state has effectively disarmed you even if your employer hadn't already...?

You're either going to have to figure out a good place to hide or pull a MacGyver and combine spit, soap, and dust from the floor to make an explosive homing stapler that seeks the source of gunfire to whack the BG between the eyes, knocking him out.

Or, you can move until the people of the PRK wake up and do something about making everybody there a victim!
My desk is mid way down a wall that is between either two avenues of escape (a side door, and a corridor to the front door), or, conversely, two avenues of possible attack. Almost directly behind me is a 15-foot dash to another doorway and a warehouse with two possible exit doors to the outside. The 'front" door to the building is around the corner and maybe 70 feet away -- any commotion up there I would have plenty of notice. I carry at work, so....
If you're on the second floor, bust out a window (if there aren't any that open) and jump. Better a broken leg than one to the head.
I work for one of the largest,

Engineering and Enviormental Sciences companys in Virginia. We do a large amount of work on Govt. projects/contracts. Our employee safety plan is very important to my employer. Each floor has two safety officers who insure company rules pretaining to safety are followed. But, I am still not allowed to carry on the property,and believe me I asked. Since, I am just another one of the sheep at work, what can I do....:(
y'know, I work for Big Blue, who has a strict no-weapons policy. The sign isn't "correct" to the letter of the law, but I like working there and the checks come in handy for supporting my two worst habits, living indoors and eating regularly. By virtue of that, I don't carry a concealed firearm inside the building, but I always have a good blade in my person, as does half (at least) the other tech-heads who work with me. and several of us have seen the elephant before. If this scenario, this "drill" had happened un-announced in our office, I doubt that there would have been the nearly 100% casualty rate as described. Of course, there would probably be civil suits and perhaps criminal charges filed by the "off-duty LEO's" after one or more of them had their day ruined by a 'victim'...

We've discussed this type of scenario before. We don't like surprises. We're analysts. We plan and prepare after exploring all possibilities. We overcome problems.

I wonder if my own management would be so misguided as to 'present us with a team-building opportunity' like this?


"well... I don't know how they do it in other
places but up this way we usually apply the tar
first, then the feathers and follow that with a
ride on a 10 foot length of 4x4 rail before we
get to the hanging. Makes it more of a social
occasion and clarifies the feelings of the party
attendees for the guest of honor."
Hmmm...I used to work in a place which frowned on any weapons, in a state where carry wasn't legal, by and large. Unannounced "drill" would have found me moving to some corner, with back to the wall and cover in front. Any pretend BG would have had a good chance of being shot, killed because I had as little as eight rounds of .32 or fifteen rounds of 9x19 and would want his weapon in case more show up. I can't tell blanks from live ammo well enough under the circumstances. In short, if such a drill happened, it would have flushed a lot of armed people out at the cost of some dead participants.

As for dependence on some against loss of the job so you can concentrate on saving your hide.
Please confirm that the management of your company actually allowed an unannounced drill that led people to believe they were under attack.
To use your example LA, he came up the stairs from the 1st floor after he got done killing people in the lobby. He would have met my desk on it's way down. Bugs Bunny the jerk.

Yes, folks,
It was "unannounced"..the department head passed the word to the sr. analyst (from his vacation spot...last minute...that morning) who passed the word to a jr. analyst who put the alert out to us 225 employees at 12 noon by e-mail. The "raid" was at 11:30 a.m.. 'Nuff said.
The attack was a "security training exercise." No other information followed.
No wonder morale is so high in our department.

This one wasn't as bad as the time as when they had three BG's (two men and one female officer) who came in heavily armed, one of the officers forgot that he was an officer and again we didn't have sufficient warning about the training exercise....ended up with two support staff folks fainitng and hyperventilating and one other person getting "butt stroked" because he wouldn't look away from the the three BG's. He was being a good witness. The the female officer shot the one guy who had just been butt stroked with a simunitions round.

We all learned about being defiant at the wrong time on that one.

Sad the "office" types are "sheeple", us "field guys" have access to our cars and thus our weapons, but we cannot carry so most of us have at least two knives readily accessible.
"Perp" with simunitions ammo would die if a person with a knife decides to stop the preceived threat. It is amazing and anti-Darwinian that the participants survived and the planners escaped a lawsuit or several.
Thanks, LASur5r. It's amazing that the "victimized" employees don't own the company by now. Appreciate the information.
Yeah - imagine what would have happened had this "miscommunication" happened in an office where CCW was legal or where someone thought it really is "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six."

My office is a car - I have a shotgun, a rifle, carry a greater-than-ten-capacity semi auto pistol, mace, handcuffs and an ASP baton and wear body armor under my badged uniform shirt. Plan A for when being fired upon by a BG who's appeared from nowhere is still to drive away as quickly as I can. Hope he's in front of me when I drop the tranny to "D"... ;)
Someone comes in my office shooting a gun,and buttstroking people, they are gonna have a few more holes in them when they leave...

it is NOT my job to check for "simunition"... only to protect myself from the clear and immediate threat...
My plan: Either run for one of the security-badge-required lab doors and get inside ASAP (concrete filled 2" thick doors that close under their own weight due to the special hinges) or get down on the ground, cover my ears and hope the Marines do not shoot me by accident. Since the Marines are stationed at the front desk, running out the front door is not an option. I work on a Naval base during the summer/semester breaks.

**** 'em. I work in a private office and I have a locking desk to keep a spare .45 in so there's no reason not to. If someone appearing to be a bad guy pulls a gun in the office, I pull on him (or them) before I ask questions. If they're actors they'll play it cool, they'll drop their replica weapons, they won't get shot. The statutes here specifically state that a person may act on how things would appear to a reasonable person without criminal consequences. Of course there are also civil liability concerns, so the rubber buckshot is another option. I would rather risk getting fired, and the absence of metal detectors at the entrance lets me do this with minimal chances of detection. If they pull a stunt like this in my office, they can be assured of finding out just how self-defense works.
It is against the rules to carry here at work, I would be fired if I did. So if in my response I make it sound like I carry anyway, that is only hypothetical. :p

So with that bit of nonsense out of the way, I would take cover and shoot. I'm to damn big and slow to try and escape.

I can't imagine a company having an unannounced security drill with actors. Here in Utah where we have something like 60,000 CCW holders out of 2 million people, some actors would get shot right quick.