In The Market For A 375 H&H

I own a CZ550 AmSaf in .375H&H. It is hands-down, my favorite commercial/sporting rifle.

Mine is stupid accurate with even cheap (for .375H&H) Rem Express 270gr soft point ammo.
I own a CZ550 AmSaf in .375H&H. It is hands-down, my favorite commercial/sporting rifle.

Mine is stupid accurate with even cheap (for .375H&H) Rem Express 270gr soft point ammo.

That's what I like to hear!

I have used a CZ-550 in .375 H&H mag. on five african hunts and shot most of the 61 animals there with it and they all died with one shot, except two that required a finishing shot to shorten the tracking. i have never felt the recoil when shooting large animals close up. I liked that rifle so much that I bought a CZ-550 American in 6.5x55. eastbank.

What about these 550's not feeding too smooth? Have either of you noticed a problem?
the 550 in 375 H&H and 550 in 6.5x55 are not tikka T3 smooth out of the box, but with use or a little polishing they smooth up nicely. I do know when I worked the bolt on the 375 in a hurry on my hunting trips in Africa, loaded round in and a empty case out. eastbank.
I have a BRNO 602, the predecessor of the CZ550. It is a fine rifle and things like the floorplate of the magazine being MACHINED not cast speak to its quality.

I even like the pull to fire safety as I think of it as an external hammer. PLus my general hunting rifle is a BRNO 600 with the same safety so I am accustomed to it. The only bad thing about these safeties is that they are LOUD.

I cut the barrel down from 25" to 20" on the 602 to make it handle better in the bush and for transporting in aircraft and in sleds/ATVs. It didn't lose more than 100 ft/sec with 300 grain factory ammo.

I did have to go with a lower front sight on the re-installed sight base since the barrel taper brought it up after the barrel shortening. It hits to POA with factory ammo at 100 yards using the 100m leaf.

They have superior express sights and for shooting fast I prefer them.

Beautiful BRNO 602 right there, Geologist! :cool:

I'll bet that 20" barrel is real handy to maneuver in the bush too. The barrel on mine was trimmed to 23" when it was customized way back. But if I lived in Alaska, I'd probably have it cut back to like, 21" or so.

The best thing about the .375 BRNOs is they seemed to want to shoot all weight of .375 bullets well - some outstandingly well. The original loadings for the .375 cartridge spanned 235gn, 270gn, and 300gn slugs, which is how it acquired it's reputation for versatility of use on widely different species of African game, but thanks to modern projectile technology the .375 owner today has a lot more choices in bullet-weight and styles.

I've got pet loads dialed in from reduced 200gn & 210gn "deer" loads all the way to heavier stoppers using Hornandy 300gn RNs. These rifles shoot the cast boolits very well too.

EDIT: Not the best pic, but I've added a pic of mine as an attachment.


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If I was going to buy a .375H&H today, here's the link to the CZ 550 I'd start with as the base model.

Then I'd ship it off to Wayne @ AHR to do his reliability upgrade package. Might also have the barrel cut back - depending on where, and what sort of hunting I was intending to do - but 23" or 24" is a good optimum regardless. Would also have Wayne add a 3-position M70-style safety and a front tritum sight or large white dot sight that you can actually see.
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