In the bank and...


You seem to think that the drive up ATM is safer. Just be sure to drive past the ATM (if there is no one behind you) to check for blind spots where bad guys may be hiding before backing up to handle your transaction. You have very limited cover while in your car and it is often difficult to draw while seated unless you have a cross draw holster or the pistol easily accesible. You can't really duck too well while you are strapped in. If your car is in park, you can't just mash on the gas and go. Don't be fooled into the sense that your car offers you much protection.
If you need to protect yourself from grievous bodily harm or others from such, then you can contemplate using lethal force in an effective manner.

If you don't think you have to do so, then watch the proceedings.

I was in a bank robbery FOF with a takeover style group of robbers. They were all heavily armed. I had a J frame. I died. Actually, I was shot to hell by a full auto airsoft gun and others with sims. Bruises, bloody chest, etc. Ouch!
Not a hypothetical.

Instructor is in bank when robbery is about to go down. He is armed. He simply walks out and doesn't participate.

I am in the corner hardware store where I have shopped 25 years and know all the staff. A fight breaks out with two customers. I check that I am not in danger and run out the back door.

If you decide to make it your fight then you fight. If you make it your fight, be prepared to be seriously hurt or die. And when you fight, don't fight fair, give warnings, aim to wing the bad guy. And, afterwards, either quietly leave or say nothing to anyone.

You always have an alternative or on line banking, banking by mail or going to automatic tellers at high noon.

I'm the president of a bank and in general my response to you is simple. Keep your gun in its holster and do exactly what the robber says. Most robberies last less than 5 minutes and most robbers are unarmed or carry a pellet gun or squirt gun as a prop only. It is the exception to the rule that a robber comes in with a real loaded handgun.

Our personnel are trained to get the robber out of the bank as quickly as possible. The vast majority of bank robberies are small dollar "drug fix" holdups where less than $5,000 is taken. We can absorb the financial hit from the robbery, what we don't want is anyone getting hurt. Out of the thousands of bank robberies in the US over the past 10 years less than 2% end with a weapon being discharged in a bank and less than 1% result in death. There is no data available that traces the cause of the violence in those limited instances, but it can be safely assumed that at least some were caused by "heros" trying to stop or hinder the robbery.

Should you draw and fire on a drug addled robber you jeopardize the bank's staff and any other customers in the lobby with you.

Now if you legitimately feel as though the robber intends to shoot you, by all means protect yourself, but don't feel some need to take the place of a LEO and try to stop the robbery yourself. Our staff are trained to handle robberies and we have a very good record of keeping people safe during the commission of these scurilous acts.
Question: If you were in the bank and CCW when a lone masked person came in and waved a gun around while robbing the place what would you do?

Find something solid to dive behind. Other than that not a darn thing. Not my money, besides it's insured by the FDIC. I'd probably relocate my CCW to my front waistband or coat pocket and wait. If BG starts shooting at people or looks like he's about to shoot me then it's time to act. IMO the best thing to do is to become a piece of furniture or melt into the floor. In other words don't draw any attention to yourself and and fall in line with the rest of the sheeple. The first person to get shot will be the one that opens his mouth or draws attention to themselves with movement.

I made up my mind a long time ago not to get in the way of other peoples problems. If I'm in a convenience store and a BG robs the place not my problem unless he goes on a shooting spree. If he shoots the clerk not my problem unless I have reason to believe I'm next.

CCW permits are available to all, unless you've got a criminal background. If you get shot for lack or preparation it ain't my problem. My pistol if for defending ME and MINE only. Everyone else is on their own. Sucks to be them, should of got a permit.

FWIW I second HAMJACK. Stay the hell out of the way and let the bank employee's give the robber a thousand dollars in cash, a 100 dollar bill from the bill trap alarm and a dye pack or two. Maybe if you're real lucky you'll get to watch mister idiot BG cram a dye pack in his pants and head for the door.
Hmmm...why I don't wear my gun to the bank...

Bars...Banks...The Courthouse...just 3 places I tend not to take my gun...
I rarely go inside a bank these days...unless I have to do some business requiring a formal transaction of signing papers... I rarely even use cash...
I saw a bank in Moscow that was neat ie. in the Russian bank only one customer at a time(lines were kept secluded in a locked bullet resistant glass chamber leading up to the cashier)was permitted access to the cashier...and if you tried to rob the'd be automatically locked inside the chamber ... It tends to dissuade folks from trying to rob the place.
Prevention is always best! One of the worst banks I've seen was in a small town(think Mayberry and Barny F)in the USA where customers and cashiers chatted away friviously while leaving and/or carrying ample stacks of $$$$$$$$ out in the open... Avoid atms and banks and late night convenience stores... Keep your eyes and ears open! Don't tempt fate!
I don't have any gunfight fantasies... I admit to the occassional fantasy of driving behind an armored car that accidentally drops a bag of $1 million
as it goes around a curb. I pick it up and shout 'Hey you dropped this bag!'...but nobody hears or see's I have to take it home and figure out what on earth to do with it! LOL
KNJoe - all life is invaluable, even adult males and why wouldnt we be?

Me I want a weapon as a last measure of self defence, not so that I can pretend that I am a cop when the bank gets robbed. If I percieve that I am in immediate physical danger(not like getting my butt kicked but like something that will cause my body to cease functioning) I will draw my weapon. Otherwise I will pursue other routes of self defence, like running away and hiding:p
well God bless Texas , in Oregon no bang bangs in federal buildings. but I always seem to forget about that.if the fed. buildings (as in post offices) had metal detectors and arm gaurds at the door , I would be more mindful. as far as the bank thing the bad guys can have the $ it's insured by the feds. but if myself or another is endangerd then the gloves are off, and then it's war.
Several years ago the bank branch where I go was robbed. There were several customers in at the time. The BGs walked in and promptly shot one customer in the stomach.She did survive but has never really recovered...mental, emotional, or physically. I spoke with her husband three years after the robbery and she was not doing well. So, the suggestions of watch and be a good witness, do as told, and survive sound like what works for me. Only if the wholesale killing starts should you (we) take any overt action.But then, its already gone to the dogs at that point. Bad situation all around.
As a person that works in a bank, I would do this in the following scenario:

As Bank employees, we have been taught to follow the criminals instructions to avoid any injuries or death of customers and employees. Most of the time a robber only wants to run in, get the most cash he/she/they can and get out as quickly as possible.

Often, a robbery that goes bad is because someone did not follow the instructions of the bank robber, or they tried to be a hero. If everyone does what they are told, generally, the crook grabs the money and gets the hell out.

I would only draw my weapon and take action if the robbery went into such a bad state of events that the robber or robbers, started shooting or hurting people. Or if I sensed that they were going to blow somone away 100 percent. I will not risk escalating the event to a more serious degree if I can. I do not want to possibly endanger my fellow workers and customers lives more than they already are.

As somone mentioned earlier there other factors to take into factor here. How do you know there is only one robber? I've seen the situation where one has cased the place while disguised as a customer while the other one does all the "robbing". Generally that person is the backup and is watching to see if anyone does anything "stupid"

In short, don't attempt to save the day unless you absoluteley, 100 percent, have to do something. You are best served to follow the instructions and not make yourself a hostile target for the criminals to lock onto.
Make sure that you all think like this in every locale you find yourself. Ares45 is the only person that mentioned "cover". Cover is your friend. Cover is good.

Always look around you at possible sources of cover. Remember cover for a pistol is different than cover for a .308, or cover for an AK47.

Try to release any thumb breaks or untuck your shirt at the first sign of trouble, especially if carrying openly as I do about 10% of the time.

look for accomplices.

My instructor taught me a great trick. If you ever have to shoot someone near other civilians, find cover then shout "Police, Call the Police" repeatedly. The first word will confuse enough people into thinking you are a LEO that you are less likely to be seen as a bad guy.