in-flight improvised weapons

On the seat cushion idea, if it fails to block the blade, you could always use it to smother the BG. A few seconds of all those latent pillow farts would take the fight out of anyone! :D
Right after 9-11 one piolet got on the intercom and announced that if anyone stood up and announced a hi-jacking that all passingers were to throw everything that they had at the person and then rush them with blankets. It would work.
Hairspray is allowed on flights and could be used as a close quarters mace.
Fires fuelled by aerosol cans aren't all that hot. I've been at the wrong end of those flames, and damage is usually only superficial, unless if it's a prolonged exposure.

Besides, you have to be careful that you don't:
1. Hold the lighter too close that the fire gets sucked into the can and explode.
2. Hold the lighter too far that you hurt your own hand.

Better to use it as a make-shift irritant.

BTW, fire extinguishers are an excellent idea. It won't stop someone, but it's a huge distraction, and can be very difficult to deal with when being sprayed in the face. Not to mention the fog it creates.
Someone could distract the Tango with it, then have a #2 guy run him down with a food-trolley, and then start stomping and bludgeoning.
Hey we forgot...

I didn't see if anyone mentioned the really good stuff......all the bags stored in the overhead compartments....the carry on bags....good shields! (to rush the BG's forming a wall)
Otherwise, they could provide hours of fun distracting everyone by opening each bag to see what's inside.

Depending on how thick the newspaper is? Get it about eight inches long then roll it as tight as possible. Hold it like you're going to hammer strike with long exposed side downward, strike at eyes, throat, soft points of the body....or hold it like a stabbing knife strike at chest level, then strike upwards at soft points.
If you didn't make the rolled up newspaper tight enough? Don't depend upon it as a striking tool after the first hard impact.
Saw it used effectively twice.

Other times, I saw it used? When it was used to fake out the time, there was a pipe inside the newspaper. Other time, the guy had taped razors on the rolled up newspaper...devastating weapons...completely caught the opponent off guard.

Long Path?
Can we explore that stewardess disrobing as a distraction again? Never looked at it from that angle before....self-defense tool, ey?
Empty can of soda: crimp the center and work it back and forth a few times to fatigue the metal, then rip the can in two. That metal edge is VERY sharp. You can palm the top/bottom of the can safely and use it as a nice slashing weapon.
-- the overhead compartment doors or lavatory doors would make nice shields.
-- the oxygen tank or fire extinguisher would make nice impact weapons
-- lavatory faucets would make nice metal knuckles
-- airfone(tm) would make a great blackjack
-- bottles from the galley could be broken into shards
Just came back from a trip where I had 3 carabiners clipped onto the outside of my day pack/carry-on luggage. Wasn't quesioned even once on the 4 separate planes I rode on, though I did have my shoes x-rayed twice.

They'd make good knuckledusters, or can be used to connect my leather belt to my cluster of keys for a flail weapon.
I'm not sure whether OTMG Jr. has a point or not, but the disrobing of the females is certainly worth a shot.<<

I agree, but the topic here is self-defense ;)
I'm not sure whether OTMG Jr. has a point or not, but the disrobing of the females is certainly worth a shot.

I agree, but the topic here is self-defense

It certainly is. If my wife got wind of my trying that, I'd definitely be in need of self defense ;)

Guys, airplanes are probably the safest places to be. Passengers have pretty much learned that a "victim" mentality will get them killed, and I suspect that the next "real" hijacker will end up in pieces.

HOWEVER, there are numerous "Unarmed Victim" zones that one may consider. Was at a mall the other day with the girlfriend. We were chatting, and I remarked that large public places with crowds made me nervous. She wondered why. I told her that there were too few entrances/exits, and that a half dozen terrorists with handheld weaponry could likely successfully herd the majority of the shoppers (a few hundred) into a central place, and kill a large number of 'em before the police even knew that they had a problem. I think she started thinking.
I always have a flashlight with me, flying or not. One of the high speed SureFires works great as a distraction and as a pocket stick. And of course a bright blue or red MiniMagLite ($10 at a Wally World near you) was designed to work as a Kubaton and works very well as a pocket stick.

But, of course, what will always make the difference is your mindset, focused aggression and an absolute refusal to give up.

Someone once relayed a "mindset story" to me, they said it was an old Celtic tale. Anyway, the gist of it is this: The young, unbloodied soldier asked the old, battle hardened warrior "what was it like?", "How do you know what to do?" and hundreds of other questions. The old warrior responded, "Go into every battle having decided that if the enemy should cut off your head, you must pick up your head, tuck it under your arm, and destroy the one that did this to you."

Now, I've probably gotten the story a little wrong, but the message still comes through, I think. MINDSET. MINDSET. MINDSET.

On a serious note regarding disrobing females, remember that the a number of the terrorists that hijacked the planes on 9/11 hung around in nudie bars and drank alcohol. They would not have been any more distracted by a naked woman than you or I.

Kydex knives???

I was at a gun show here in God's country over the weekend, and came across a bin full of one piece molded kydex knives, about 6 inches long, selling for 3 bucks apiece.
On closer examination, they had no really effective cutting edge (though you might be able to change that with a file or dremel), but the wicked spear-shaped point made them a very effective stabbing/gouging/ripping weapon.

When I saw them, I immediately thought of this post; since they are not metal, they'd go right through a detector/x-ray in a boot, planner, briefcase, or backpack.

Could work for the badguys, too...but hey, if everybody's carrying, the playing field's level, right?

Add the 'No Victims' mindset, and those BG's are in for a hell of a flight. Or fight. Or both.

Anybody else seen these?
I'd have it coated with a good grade of lubricant, because if you get caught with it past the airport security zone...
best weapon

Hi, Lots of interesting ideas, but I think the most effective weapon is realization of the situation & the consequences. You might get cut/injured but the alternatives are a lot worse. The first 2 plane's passengers & pilots thought it was a highjacking & acted according to the airline's policy( compliance). The third plane's passengers did the right thing knowing of the terrorist's intentions. The sheer numbers of unarmed strong willed people taking action is more effective than any improvised weapon in my opinion. nuke their ass take their gas!
I always thought that an X-acto knife would be really easy to get onto a plane. Just fill a pocket of your carryon bag with lots of metallic pens/pencils, and then stick the X-acto in with them.
For added camouflage, you might even stick a metal pen-cap onto the X-acto.

I was also thinking of the split soda can technique, too.

Of course, I think that Bogie is right. It's unlikely that there will be another series of hijackings that are as orchestrated as 9|11.

Assuming that there's a chance of another attack, it will be in a different way. Drizzt recently posted a link to an article that critiqued the Al Qaeda training tapes, and it seemed that they were gearing up more towards attacks in buildings, schools, banks, etc.
Since someone mentioned the al Qaeda training tape, I'll go ahead and toss this in; the review of the al Quaeda training tape that is making the rounds and is being attributed to everyone from "government alalysts" to "Army sources at Ft Benning" to "Mickey Mouse and the mousesketeers" was done by Mr. John Holschen of Insights Training Center ( Holschen retired in '99 after a career in the US Army Special Forces. His critique of the tape has been making the rounds on the internet for some time and has recently been used in several news stories without attribution.

Here are a few links to the review:

Some give credit, some are silent and some claim the work is theirs.

Anyway, everyone should read John's assessment. Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed.