In defense of life only? or....


Kenny, please explain this post with relation to the current discussion:

Race is always an issue, ask Bernhard Goetz.

I just research this incident and it's a white guy shooting 4 black kids. Race wasn't a factor in that. They threatened him with a shiv and he shot them.

Perhaps I'm new to the story and don't know the whole deal. I was 3 when it happened.
She's not guilty of CCW, unless the cops catch her with it concealed, or if she (stupidly) admits that it was concealed.
Heck, she COULD say her husband (now dead, and un-prosecutable) was carrying it, and she took it off him.
She could even say that hubby and the perp traded shots and killed each other.

As a LEO I wouldn't care where the gun came from if an otherwise law abiding citizen capped a scumbag that had just murdered someone.
I should have clarified, when I said gun at your side I meant in your hand, not holstered. Granted if the gun was in the holster then the person aiming their gun at you would get a shot off first. With my gun in hand, at my side, I would get the first shot off. Now it may not be very accurate, but I could get lucky.
The legal justification required to use lethal force in most places is:
the B.G. has the ability, opportunity, and intent to cause death or great bodily harm
This is NOT "IDOL" or whatever your CCW instructor said.

The perp responds by shooting her husband and forcefully grabbing her. In fear of her life and her husbands, the woman draws her weapon and makes it clear that she will shoot the perpatrator if he moves and instructs him to lower his weapon.
She has made a (- another -) mistake. At this point, she needs to move, draw, and make hits ASAP until he is down and incapacitated. Then get aid for her husband.

Talking to a person who ALREADY has demonstrated the ability, opportunity, and intent to kill or cause great bodily harm is a good way to get dead. In this situation, you have in effect TOLD THE BG WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO, which allows him to react to it.

She needs to worry about living for the next 60 seconds, not avoiding a lawsuit or possible criminal charges for the illegal CCW.

1. Will the law crucify this woman for carrying a concealed weapon which resulted in the death of the perpatrator?
It could happen. Depends on the political climate in that jurisdiction.
2. What is the best course of action for this woman? Should she have drawn her weapon, or obliged the perp to his demands knowing that she shouldn't even have a gun in the first place?
Stupid to even bother with carrying it if you aren't going to use it when your life is clearly in danger.

Her best course of action is to suck it up and get the permit even if getting it is a pain.

Here in Philadelphia we have a court dedicated to the illegal possession of firearms. If you are caught owning an illegal weapon and have never committed a crime with it or any other crime then you will most likely get probation for three to five years. If you are caught with an illegal firearm and commit a robbery for example, it is a mandatory five year sentence not including the charges for the crime you commited.

Seeing how we border the most dangerous city in America (Camden, New Jersey) and rank sixth among cities with half a million people or more people here would be better of getting a ccw and playing it safe.