In Defense of....(a rant)

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New member
A poster here that goes by JI, and pook at Shooters & Jorge at The Firing Line seems to have it "in" for me.
I have yet to read a CONSTRUCTIVE post by him but maybe there's hope for him yet ? ;)
Just to set the record staight on my Board there is at least 52 posters, as I just counted them ! :)
Not too bad an effort considering BOTH the Home Page & Message Board are FREE listings & not on that many search engines.
My board's about having FUN as well as asking SERIOUS questions that get WELL THOUGHT OUT replys.
I'll go to great lengths to find Guns or parts for ANY BRAND but if you come & start trying to tell us 1911@holics that a Glock is the Be All & End All of gun design, I hope your wearing your Nomex 'cause we'll give you a friendly lambasting about Combat Tupperware, Plastic Perfection, Chocks, Grocks etc. ;)
I owned one, shot one & sold one.
It was a G-22 .40 cal & yes it was a GOOD gun BUT the grip angle with the HUMP was uncomfortable after MANY FULL POWER rounds & the trigger was terrible even after having the 3&1/2lb connector & all the parts smoothed up. :(
So I sold it, got the Para & created the

Sorry for the waste of space here but I "needed" to set things straight.... :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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I read the other day a post by a fellow who noted there did not seem to be many wheel-gun afficianados who were members here. His belief, probably true, is that was simply due to the fact that most subscribers here are auto fans. I own both, and enjoy reading the trials, tribulations and triumphs of all those who care to share their knowledge and experience.

While it is always true that we tend to defend and favour that which we ourselves prefer, it would seem to me that we all lose if we become so opinionated that we no longer repect or accept the views and opinions of others.

Being relatively new to this board, I think it would be a shame to lose the wider spectrum.

I visited ParaOrdnance Site and just Posted one question which I was so serious in knowing the answer. Not that I want my thread to get longer. Many thanks, I get also a straight forward answer from HS. Then I just passes by to that site again as I have copied the 1911 documentation especially on the very specific and detailed description of a 1911 model, plus how to build your pistol. Then I see that there is a build up in the threads.

To be frank, that site will help someone to be familiar on a 1911 models SPEC particularly a .45 Caliber.

With regard to Glocks Fans, if you ask my personal opinion, I am never fascinated with it, by any language plastic is plastic or polymer products is still inferior compared its steel counterparts. Glocks haven't undergone any rigid test like the 1911's before it was put to use. I read one poster here who asked one time that goes this way: is European gun owners and the NATO forces uses or like much the Glock as carry weapon? I leave you the answers my dear TFLr's

Just my opinion.
DAMN... Dontcha hate it when your WRONG ! - It was Glockmania that inspired my "little" rant NOT pook ! - Errr, sorry pook. ;) - Major brain fart on my part :o
stdalire, sorry bud but your wrong on the Glocks not going through rigid tests.
The froze 'em, left them in salt water, dropped 'em, put them in mud, ran over them & then SHOT them !
Pitty some cosmetic surgery wasn't performed along the way... ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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HS - you need not worry. Your character is NOT in question. Let that green-horn rant all he likes. It's benieth you to even respond to the likes of that...

Didn't you learn that from that fireball fight you and I had back on last year?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I just got "ticked" off that people might've gotten the impression that my board <plug> wasn't worth visiting. :(
Hmmm... Maybe I need to get some sponsorship & go for a "real" Site eh ? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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[This message has been edited by HS (edited November 17, 1999).]
Let me add too, that even how much you adore a Glock still I will not put my hard-earned dollar in Saudi Arabia in that plastic toy. I am not happy to hold a plastic gun. Perhaps, if you made Glock in all steel parts then I might buy one. In my last vacation last year, you can buy for only 33,000 pesos in Phils. No matter what we say about Glock, the Police and Military in my country still love that old timer 1911 and its latest models. I am not an American, but give me a 1911 Colt or any 1911 model made in North America, then I cannot say how much debt of gratitude I'll look back to you.

I even prefer my Daewoo DP51 than a Glock.

HS: If you give me a present of 10 pcs of Glocks and 1 pc of 1911 .45 model. I will pick up the 1911 .45 due to my ignorance in gun. But I may say, I have wisdom left in my head about the 1911.

Thanks for airing my views on plastic and steel gun.

I am going out now from the office as it is already 6:00 PM in the Kingdom.
Calm down, HS.
Those of us who have gotten to know ya here at TFL would never question your integrity or motives. I must confess that I have never visited your board, I just don't have the time. But, I will put it on my to-do list.

While I'm a huge fan of the 1911 style pistol, I've never said it was the perfect handgun(real close tho :) ). Different guns for different people, go with what works for you. Over the years I've had about every kind. Revolvers, autos, DA, SA, you name it. And with all that I've drawn one true, solid conclusion that I'll never change.
Tupperware Sucks! ;)
I go By JI at I am not Pook and never heard of him before. You seem to be mad at me because I CHOOSE not to visit your board and get sick of hearing "I'll answer that at my board so leave this place." I also find your actions unprofessional and this topic inappropriate for this folder. Most other sites quickly closed your thread down. If you have a "rant" with me why don't you just take it to E-mail? I'm sure whatever is bothering you can be solved. Truthfully, I didn't even know you were bothered this much. I have more recently posted on the ".357 Vs. 45" as well as other threads, but I suppose you chose to conveniently ignore that and state "I have yet to see a post using constructive criticism by him." Also, I own a customized Para Ordnance P-14, as well as Glocks. You know this, but once again choose to conveniently ignore the latter and post something that is trying to ruin my name. I am a 1911 man by far (god knows I have spent enough money on em) but I also choose to own Glocks. It's a free country last time I checked, so what's the problem with me owning Glocks? Why all the sudden am I all for Glocks more so than my 1911's?? Are you assuming? Once again if you have a problem with me, have a little decency to go to the source and not post this drivel. Have a good day...

[This message has been edited by Jorge (edited November 17, 1999).]
Also I CHOOSE not to visit your site anymore, because of the racism that exists there. I was called a "wetback" there about a good year ago. You know this and you know who it was. I could care less about political correcteness, but I'd rather go where I'm accepted.

The Glock 30 is one of my favorite guns. and I own many differen't brands of pistols. I never worry about what someone else thinks about my plastic gun. And if someone thinks they suck who gives a Rats Ass. Its only their opinion, and I have no fight with someone expressing their opinion. lighten up guys G.R. :)
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ (running for cover)
Whatcha expect from someone living in a country where Waltzing Matilda is the national anthem ;)

Actually, I find the Para's to have too much of a pregnant feel for my taste. I shot one once and didn't care for it. Nice gun and all, but like the Glock, CZ, Witness, and PPK, just not right for me.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
stdalire- I spent some time in the Kingdom back in 1990-91. Got to love that Habbar Burger and San Miguel non-alcholic.

Can you own firearms there? I don't remember seeing a gun shop.

If I quite remember all of what I had read hereon: They are as follows:

1. In owning a gun depends on your personal preference mo matter what caliber and make it is.

2. I may not agree with what a man says, but I will defend to the death his right to say it.

3. Someone said here, he like a Mercedes but he prefers a Toyota for himself.

4. All things I said, is what I honestly feel and my personal opinion only when I am going to buy an item.

5. When you are strong you show you are weak, and when you are weak you show you are strong.

6. We are like here in TFL sometimes we argue on opinions.

If a Glock fans/owners commented on 1911 fans be it a + or -, vis-avis, is just like a coin having two sides. Thus I don't mean to personally attacked the Glock fans. It is only my own views of the particular products.

Oh! running for cover sometimes is good, that is one of the strategy in actual combat being taught by the Drill Instructor. But when you see a good timing, you must attack. Like in Martial Arts. Not in all situation we are at an advantage position.

There are those who look like a warrior and fierceful if they are in a squad, company or batalion, but if they are isolated or being alone in between life & death. Mind you, they will call all their God's and Saints to save themselves.

Thanks, I'll go back to blade forum (Tactics & Training where one of my specialty is fitted to discussed.

Once again thanks to that 1911 Sites that I visited several time, I downloaded all your 1911 documentation thereat for my additional study on the great 1911 models. God Bless America, though I am an Asian am still proud and to know that Matilda was shown overseas.
DutchBoy: Glad to know you worked here also.

Re owning a Gun here, nope!!! only I have a lot of plastic and metal replica in my room where I practice dry firing and put to application again when I am back home. So dry firing to me reached that ultimate stage as it is the only available to play with here, plus of course teaching and having sparring on other martial arts player here.
The original posting by Glockmania (JI & Jorge, all the same person) was "Come to my Para board, I have 5 regulars on my miserably failed board that can help you much better than the 2881 users on 'the firing line" - The 2nd post by Jorge(here) & the 3rd by JI(gunspot) were NEAR DUPLICATES - 'nuff said ! - HS ;)
Oh & this "In Defense of....(a rant)" thread was closed on only ONE other Board, geez...
Some people can't lie properly if their life & reputation(or lack thereof) depended on it.
And if I remember correctly, the post by someone at my Board regarding the term "Wetback" was regarding ILLEGAL immigrants of ANY Race, not specifically aimed as a Racial slur!
That's it, end of thread, please close it so I can get back to helping you guys find guns, mags & talkin' GUNS etc.... :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Once again you fail to prove anything. I posted at Gunspot and just recently at That post is quite old. What were the other posts you talk about? I only know of two. One at Shooters and one at Gunspot. The one at shooters was directed to you after a flame you gave towards me. Get your story straight before you start making these accusations.

"some people can't lie properly even if their life or reputation (or lack therof) depended on it."

So, is this the constructive criticism you accuse me of not having?? Can you say H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E. What have I lied about? Your schoolboy tactics are quite frankly pathetic sir! Any credibility you had left has now been thrown out the window.

Funny how you lie about how the term "wetback" was used. Gee, let me think, what race is reffered to as "wetbacks?" I can only think of one. Therefore, your story holds no water once again. Atleast know what it is you're talking about before using your "creative writing" skills. :)

Gunspot quickly shut your post down. Was my post shut down? No. Also, what happened to the rest of my post HS? Are you know using selective pasting? :) I guess all the folks at Gunspot are also part of this conspiracy too, ey Gordon? :) Looks like the moderator here at TFL also decided not to take orders from you to shut this thread down as and when you see fit.

[This message has been edited by Jorge (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jorge (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jorge (edited November 18, 1999).]
Jorge: I don't particularly want to break up an entertaining fight, but I do have one comment about the use of the word "Wetback".

If you look on a Texas map, down in the Big Bend around Big Bend National Park, you'll see some village names like Study Butte, Terlingua, and Lajitas. Mixed-background folks, with many of the Mexican people here having dual-citizenship.

Gabe Acosta will use the term "Wetback" just as I will, to specifically mean an illegal. Obviously it can be used as a cuss-word, but unless it's used in that context, it doesn't seem to be anything our local Mexican folks care about...


Regards, Art
LMAO... This really shouldn't be funny, but it is...
I can see both sides of the "wetback" comment. Full blooded Mexican friend of mine uses it all the time, but I think that different people in differnt places use it in different ways... So I can see where it would be used in a harmless way, but taken another way. I think we all need to start being more understanding of each other in order to dissipate the problems this country has with race.
And just because that term was used on HS's board doesn't mean it is his fault! It may not be a nice statement, but let's not forget the 1st amendment while protecting the 2nd... know what I mean?
All in all, you both seem like decent people to me, just different.. Isn't that what makes the world go round? Let's try not to make others conform to our ideals! That's how gun control started!
Just another opinion

<<<ducks out of the line of fire>>>

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Art Eatman and Beretta Boy,
I can agree with you guys as to how the term "wetback" was originated and is used. You guys had pretty good posts illustrating this. How it was used towards me was in a completely different manner. I'm sure the word "Nigger" and "Hillbilly" were originated somehow and somewhere, but that doesn't change the fact that they can (note the "can") be used in a demeaning manner just as cuss words can be. I'm not sure if there's anything politically incorrect about flipping someone the bird, but none the less it's going to piss you off. HS joined in with this individual in his attempt to flame me. I was pointing out the latter as just one example of why I don't visit his site. You see, HS seems to be able to dish out flames with no problem, but when it comes back around to him he get's bent out of shape. I guess you could say that he can give, but he can't take. The post he quoted me on is quite old, which leads one to believe that HS is just playing games. My most recent post at Gunspot was directed towards another individual. It wasn't removed, I was simply giving advice to him. HS loves to speak his mind freely, (and rightfully so) but when I do so he posts this "Rant" topic all over the net. Go figure...

[This message has been edited by Jorge (edited November 19, 1999).]
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