In case anyone wonders if a democratic president would try to get a new AWB

"Another point, these examples of 36 Reps and 72 Dems voting for a gun control measure being presented as proof that Reps and Dems are equally anti-gun is hilarious."

Bruxley, where did I ever say that the 38 Republicans who voted for the AWB and the 76 Democrats who voted against the AWB are proof that Republicans and Democrats are equally anti-gun? You sure do read a lot of crap into other folks posts.
thuallub, I should have made it clear that I was using hypthetical numbers. I didn't say that and should have, my error. But slow down, I wasn't directing anything toward you. A bit earger to be offended and hosile it seems. Take a breath.

I was being hypothetical with the exact numerical values, they aren't the point. The point I was making was how Democrats will vote for a gun control measure by a far greater margin then Republicans and turn around and claim that both parties are equal on the issue.