Improvised Defensive Weapons in Actual Practice

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Long before all these sprays were developed mailmen would carry a water pistol filled with ammonia to deal with vicious dogs. Sprays in the eyes-will give you a few seconds. Ball point pens and pencils make great stabbers. Kitchen knives ? The old long handled OD painted GI entrenching tool made a great skull cracker. A hiker's staff of walking stick-especially a crook top cane. The question is , what CAN"T be used in self defense?-
Lots of improvised weapons around you at all times.

There are environmental weapons like the floor, walls, desk, chairs, lamps, glass windows, pencil sharpener, books, keyboard, PC screens, pictures, curtains, soap dish, drinking glasses, electrical cords, etc...

You just need a bit of imagination and you can see the possibilities are endless.

But, none are so effective as a good handgun!

Um, I'm guessing jello.

Nope... jello on the floor is quite slippery. You can drop some while retreating (known as continuing your attack in another direction) or spit some in their face.

See, John Steinbeck once said, 'The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.' and that is the truth. Cain killed Abel with a rock and not a Glock!

My two favorite sayings on this are Clint Smith's "Always cheat, alway win!" and Bruce Lee's "Improvise, adapt, overcome."

Look around and see the possibilities!

So because they didn't buy a gun after the wife was attacked, they must be anti-gun or Pollyanna demographic? That is some pretty silly logic.

I don't think I said this at all. The fact that they didn't already own a firearm, in today's society, paints them (to an illogical person such as I), as anti-gun or as Pollyanna followers.

The fact that they later had an additional 12 hours in which to do something constructive, makes me question their judgment even further

Instead of spitting Jello, I think I'd be doing all that I could to utilize a weapon that spits lead.:)
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I don't necessarily think folks who don't buy guns are necessarily antigun. It is a difficult decision. Do I think you should - sure. But not going out and immediately buying a gun - I'm not going to denounce them.
they reside in the UK.

That means they would have been punished more severely for having and using a firearm than the perp would have been if he had raped the wife

That's just.....astonishing. How can the government be so uncaring of its citizens? And how can any rational person remain living in such a system?

Edit: just found out that the quote was wrong in this case; the people in the article live in Washington, not the UK. However, my point still stands about the UK laws. Unbelievable.
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That's just.....astonishing. How can the government be so uncaring of its citizens? And how can any rational person remain living in such a system?

They do care, they care for the rift-raff. See there is plenty of votes in that rift-raft and their families. So they don't want them hurt.

I've been to a few UK self defense websites.

Tommy Carruthers in particular (he is a JKD partitioner who is very very good.)

Sadly they talk about metal pens to carry cause in the UK any 'offensive' weapon is banned. And 'offensive' weapon there is anything designed to be used as a weapon. Plus things like hammers and box cutters can only be carried while performing one's job.

And yes, a sock of quarters (or shillings) are considered to be a weapon if in your possession while outside the home.

BTW, they say in the UK head butts are used alot on the street.

Just like to point out that by definition an improvised weapon is unplanned. It's something in the environment that a person would seize on at the moment.

While a sock full of loose change or various versions of sticks make effective weapons, if you plan on their use ahead of time they are not improvised.

I'd think, instead of talking about specific weapons, it'd be better to talk about general types of weapons and their use.

Hand held weapons break down into smash, hack, or poke, and jello.
Dirty syringes. While it may not stop them immediately, what could be worse than the cruel ravages of bloodborne pathogens extended over time?

But seriously, I have thought of what in a household could be used when we might be at our most vulnerable.
Possibilities: toilet tank lid was my most inventive, shower curtain rod, lamp, fire poker, wine bottle, curtain rod, mop, broom, tumblers, skillet, plates and dishes, screwdriver, tp holder. While most of these surely wouldn't incapacitate a determined intruder it might buy you some time to get to your gun or get out. I've been knocked out by a dude who hit me with a stone in his hand. Hey, it worked.
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