Important Legislation Please read.copy and send to someone

My question is how to you prevent the UNION from using their knowledge of who has signed a card to adopt the union and those that have not signed a card, to INTIMIDATE those people that have not signed a union card until they either sign a card or quit the job?

You are in effect handing the union a list of those pro union (turned in a card) and those against the union (haven't signed a card). The union can then "influence" those non-union folks until they get their 51% signed cards.

Not what the union does after elected.
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My question is how to you prevent the UNION from using their knowledge of who has signed a card to adopt the union and those that have not signed a card, to INTIMIDATE those people that have not signed a union card until they either sign a card or quit the job?
And just how do you suppose these unions are going to intimidate people? Are they going to threaten to fire them? I know Rush has spent a lot of time these past couple month going "BOO" about this, but it is just a bunch of crap in support of his corporate sponsors.
Unions are so last-century. They had their time and place, but today information is instantaneous and we are more educated.

However, they do serve a purpose...they bankrupt businesses and perpetuate corruption in cities like Chicago.

(Kansas farm boy and 20 year military vet)
They had their time and place, but today information is instantaneous and we are more educated.
How does that have anything to do with workplace protection? How does knowing anything prevent a corporation from lower wages, cutting benefits, discriminating against an employee?
And just how do you suppose these unions are going to intimidate people? Are they going to threaten to fire them?

Exactly. A union that's trying to organize in a particular workplace has very little power, nor is it in their own interest to threaten people in this situation. Management, on the other hand, can fire people, threaten to close plants, require them to listen to anti-union propaganda... etc.
And just how do you suppose these unions are going to intimidate people?

Pretty much the same way anyone intimidates another person. You do not need the power to fire a co-worker to make their life miserable at work. It is quite easy.

nor is it in their own interest to threaten people in this situation.

It is not in their best interest to get the NO votes to convert to YES votes?
Pretty much the same way anyone intimidates another person. You do not need the power to fire a co-worker to make their life miserable at work. It is quite easy.
And where is this happening and how is it happening? Where are the cases of workers being abused by unions? Where are the cases of workers jobs becoming less secure because of unions?

I grew up in a family of coal miners. Some of which remember what it was like before unions. They remember what it was like to be a slave. To work for the company, live in the companies shack, shop at the company store, and never even see you paycheck because of it.
Thank the Lord I live in a non-union "Right-to-Work" state!!!
Yes, it is nice that some people can suckle off the teet of workers rights won by unions without bearing any of the burden of fighting for those rights or helping support them. These states make these rules that sound "right to work" that really do nothing but support large corporation's interests. That is a real patriotic way of life right there. Company first, and the worker should just be glad they have any job at all.
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Also known as the Right To Work For Less States. Workers in right to work states are paid significantly less than workers in the rest of the states.

If this has been brought up I am sorry but my time is limited. I don't understand why a secret vote is so controversial. Individuals are saying the posting of the vote would lead to intimidation by the union, why doesn't intimidation by the employer hold true also. It seems to me if it is a secret vote that it would eliminate intimidation by both sides. I am not going to be affected but it would seem to me that the logical thing would be to have a secret vote and be fair to everyone. stay safe

It would be interesting to see what the unemployment rates were in the states that are predominately non-union compared to the states that are predominately union. stay safe
I have no problem with people wanting a labor union to represent them, but why on earth are people who are perfectly willing and capable of representing themselves forced to belong to a labor union? It's crazy! I know the arguments, but they fall apart real quick when logic is applied.

I've belonged to a couple of labor unions in the past and they did nothing for me other than give me the satisfaction that the lazy, incompetent scmuck working next to me made exactly the same money as I and further, I had to carry him, such the the company be successful and me and Mr. Schmuck could remain employed.

In my current job, I'm on the management's contract negotiation team. :D

My favorite charity is the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. :D

Give the unions nothing, I say. Including public votes where they can intimidate people. Don't think it happens? PM me.
Was I the only one paying attention in the trafficant case?

And just how do you suppose these unions are going to intimidate people? Are they going to threaten to fire them?
Maybe looking up some FBI cases against organized crime would be a good idea.

Very simple, hard working people hate being in unions. Lazy people love them. That is one of the reasons the Toyota and Honda workers are happy. THe only people who make it from temp employee to actually working at Honda go through a grueling six months of getting nothing but the shaft. If they work hard and stay on board they become lifetime employees who receive pretty good pay for their education and experience and Honda and Toyota both are very happy with the employees they get. Honda has flat out said they will shut down the Marysville Ohio plant if it unionizes. None of the employees I have talked to seem at all upset about this stance.
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Labor unions once had a noble place in this country and if the government would simply step out of the way, the unions would always have a place.... thriving as employers treated their employees poorly and contracting to the sidelines as employers behave themselves. But for government interference, it would be a self-regulating system. Fact is, the real work of labor unions was finished a long time ago and now, with the help of the government, they simply serve to punish hard workers, reward incompetent slackers and degrade the economy through ever decreasing competitiveness.