

New member
Why does the US continue its massive immigration levels? Both legally and illegal immigration is huge, legally we let over 300,000 people into the country every month, thats not even counting all the illegal immigrants.

It seems to me the largest threat to America is immigration, it destroys job markets, destroys the environment and sucks resources. It displaces the current populace and impacts elections. We have people who by my definition aren't Americans, voting, effecting American laws.

I personally feel we should cut immigration down to 10,000 people a year and those people need to be coming from industrialized first-world countries, IE areas of Western Europe.

None of the presidential candidates seem to be talking about this.

McCain wants to help out his corporate buddies who benefit from the destruction of the middle class.

Obama is pretty much the same, except he plans on taxing the middle class to death.

Also - it would be viewed as "mean" or "bigoted" to talk about these issues, we have become too politically correct and it will be our downfall. The purpose of the American government is to further the interests of Americans, not have America act as a homeless shelter to anyone who wants in.

/end rant

Any - thoughts?
I have no problem with LEGAL's the ILLEGAL ones that I have a big problem with. You want to be a citizen here, and the 1st thing you do is break the law to enter?? Not a good start!

Take the time to learn the language, do all the BS and paper work like everyone else who enters legally. Don't sneak in like a thief and expect to be accepted with open least not by me.:mad:
So you support letting any number of people, from anywhere - in, as long as they know English? I personally believe nearly all immigration should be shut down.

Legal immigration is bad enough, but I can't personally fathom as to why illegals are allowed to be here at all. They should have been sent back long ago, along with the construction of a large fence between the US from Mexico.
Legal immigration is fine by me. The exact number allowed is, I believe, debatable. But I want to see the best and brightest the world has to offer, and I want to see immigrants who want to be Americans.
Well this country's standard of living will continue to go down until its stopped, I would rather have a high standard of living and not let anyone in then have a low standard of living and let anyone in.
Well this country's standard of living will continue to go down until its stopped

Don't forget that we are a country of immigrants. I think we need a steady stream to keep our ideas fresh, but I agree we shouldn't just throw the doors open.

And before someone else points this out, I will concede that the immigrants that originally built this country weren't necessarily the world's best and brightest. That however, is no excuse for giving away what we have today.
Most immigration came before there was an established, industrialized country, there is no purpose for immigration now, not to mention there were much fewer people in America and the world as a whole back then. Those immigrating all had the same mindset and came from the same cultural background.

I have no obligation in supporting anyone to come into this country, if anything I have an obligation to stop them. I care about my future, the future of America and the future of my family over everything else.
So you support letting any number of people, from anywhere - in, as long as they know English?
Don't put words in my mouth, I said nothing about any number...and learning English is just one of the requirements.

I never said let any number from anywhere in, just because they learn the language. Personally I think the number does need to be cut back some...the "inn is getting full". We aren't the wide open western frontier to be settled country we used to be....but to think closing our borders against all immigration is possible, is Utopian thinking. It will never happen.
Don't put words in my mouth, I said nothing about any number...and learning English is just one of the requirements.

I never said let any number from anywhere in, just because they learn the language. Personally I think the number does need to be cut back some...the "inn is getting full". We aren't the wide open western frontier to be settled country we used to be.

I am sorry for misquoting you,(I just read a couple articles basically outlining the future of this country if this continues, it doesn't look good. I took a bit of my frustration out on you in my response, I shouldn't have)

Like you said, America is not the same as it was back 200 years ago. America now is completely settled with an establishment government and populace.

The reason everyone is immigrating is because our country is so amazing, the only problem is as more and more people come the more and more damage is done to the country and its populace.

Instead of solving their countries problems they come here and in the proccess damage America and its current citizens.

This may not apply in all cases but it applies in many.

All I can see is the average Americans standard of living going down hill from here if we don't do something.
Supply and Demand

If the good old USA has only so many opportunities and so many want to take advantage then only the best and brightest.
300,000,000 people should be enough.
I took a bit of my frustration out on you in my response, I shouldn't have)
I understand your frustration, and share it, but our govt. is going about this all wrong.

When you come home to find water all in your house, you don't clean up the mess stop the leak! Until our borders are really secured like they should be, this problem will never be fixed...the illegals will come back as fast as they're deported. Our borders should have been secured shortly after 911, and they're still wide open...look for it to get worse, much worse.
Don't forget that we are a country of immigrants. I think we need a steady stream to keep our ideas fresh,

With world population growing and ours at 300 +million I think it is time for limited controlled immigration and to keep our ideas fresh we need to remake our public education system so those young people we have will come up with new ideas.
I don’t think improving our educational systems can duplicate the perspectives of those growing up in different cultures. Different perspectives bring fresh ideas. That said, I don’t think our culture, based loosely on that of Western European culture with largely Latin and Asian influences, can be much improved upon and I actually believe it could be easily degraded by floods of immigrants. That’s why I believe the numbers should be pretty low. But zero I think a poor idea.

BTW: I too believe that the world is vastly overpopulated, but I’m thinking here about plausibility rather than feasibility.
We didn`t know who was inside our borders before 9/11 and we`re no closer to finding out today.My vote would be to lock our borders down till we know who`s here or we`ll surely face another attack.
Unfortunately neither the Democrats or the Republicans have the intestinal fortitude to deal with the problem and seal the borders - especially the southern one. Apparently politically incorrect and might offend potential voters.
Unfortunately neither the Democrats or the Republicans have the intestinal fortitude to deal with the problem and seal the borders
And therein lies the real problem. They all talk about security, but none do jack chit about it.

All those " sanctuary cities" that refuse to uphold federal laws aren't helping either...they should be cut off from all federal funds until they do.
And more often then not when someone does try to do something about it there will be some kind of lawsuit filed in court and tied up there for years as is still the case in Michigan. After 9/11 Gov. wanted all immigrants to prove their legal status. As of today I believe case still tied up in court and immigrants still have not had to prove they`re here legally. Kinda goes back to Bin Laden saying he would defeat us with our own laws:mad: