Immigration Impact on America


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Immigration Impact
on America
Source: Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services Records
and the U.S. Census Bureau - Compiled by The Washington Times


The United States receives more immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.

The number of illegal aliens in this country is estimated at between 8 million and 12 million.

Immigration, both legal and illegal, accounts for nearly 80 percent of U.S. population growth in the past decade.

About 1.4 million illegal aliens come to the United States yearly. Roughly half of those stay.

If immigration continues at the current rate, the US population of 285 million will rise to 400 million in 50 years.

The net cost of immigration is $70 billion a year.

Mexican nationals sent $10.5 billion in remittances to Mexico in 2002. Remittances to Mexico are the second-highest source of income, exceeding tourism, and lagging behind only oil revenues.

The 1986 amnesty program cost $78 Billion to American citizens in services and benefits, or about $26,000 per legalized immigrant.

Medical Care for illegal aliens, required under the “emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act,” costs American taxpayers $3.7 billion in Medicare and Medicaid funds.

Immigration accounts for most of the increase in public school enrollment in the past 20 years.

Mexico is the 10th richest country in the world and has the fourth-highest number of billionaires. It is the fifth-leading exporter of oil in the world and has twice the oil reserves of the United States.

More than 20 percent of the inmates in federal prisons in the U.S. are illegal aliens, and the criminal-alien prison population cost taxpayers about $1 billion annually.

Mexican Interior Secretary Santiago Creel, who has been agitating for the United States to grant amnesty to the Mexican illegal aliens, said on July 28, 2003, that his country will never help the Unied States secure its southern border.

Two-thirds of the cocaine coming into the United States comes via the U.S.-Mexico border, along with 50 percent of all the heroin in this country and 95 percent of the marijuana.

Twenty cities, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, Miami, Denver, Seattle and Portland, Maine have adopted “sanctuary laws” banning police from asking people about their immigration status.
Source: Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services Records and the U.S. Census Bureau - Compiled by The Washington Times
This is so under-the--radar of most Americans. Those that are aware of the issue fail to see the long term ramifications, or can not get past the fear of being called "racist" for taking sides on an issue that involves people of other races and creeds. What we are arguing for is in fact a MODERATE position: yes to legal, limited immigration...NO to rampant, uncontrolled illegal invasion of our southern border. Yet every time we try to argue this point, we are made out to be exagerating, lying, racist or unrealistic. The figures should speak for themselves.
The Achilles Heel of this great nation will be Apathy.
This is so under-the--radar of most Americans

For sure and my reason for posting, we as taxpayers continue to absorb
so much cost around the world that at some point it "will" break us,
everything has an end and we can no longer afford apathy with this issue.

We have a growing gap between out rich and poor this issue makes matters
worse, make your feelings clear to your representatives.
Illegal immigration, or "labor insourcing" as it goes by another name, is quasi legal since it is not only tolerated by State and Federal governments but often enough rewarded through wide ranging amnesties.

It is the second leg of the process started with "manufacturing outsourcing" , itself rewarded through government subsidies, and when combined the two processes result in larger profits for the political donor class at the helms of the US based companies who reap the benefits.

The third leg is the "job offshoring" which has seen the exporting of hi-tech jobs to Bangalor and other such places.

The fourth leg is the "HQ relocation" of said companies' HQs to the Bahamas and other offshore tax heavens so as to completely avoid US taxation.

This four-legged beast is responsible for our trade and budget deficits and the precipitous drop of the value of our currency which in themselves will soon enough bring about the sellout of our Government bonds, held by various foreign governments, resulting in an unavoidable market crash.

Amidst all this, Californians recalled a Governor in order to prevent a DMV fee discount rollback and replaced him with one who raised the State's debt fourfold within his first year in office.

Voters like him so much that they now want him to do to the entire Nation what he did to California.

Moral of the story, State or National?

Mortgage our future but don't mess with our SUVs.
Very true, Bergwerk. It seems obvious, but many people just don't see that outsourcing jobs and excluding wealthy corporations from taxes doesn't benefit America as a whole.
Excellent Bergwerk, the American Taxpayer/consumer is being duped, for someone who has watched politics over 50 years it gives me great concern
as to the overall plan for America. :confused:
The plan may well be to allow the debt to rise while controlling the creditor nations through their energy supplies.

In other words when creditors want to cash-in their US Government obligations, they are told that the pricing of their oil supplies from the Middle East may suffer as a result of such demands.

The debt becomes insignificant since it doesn't have to be serviced and the energy lobby is loving it.
It seems obvious, but many people just don't see that outsourcing jobs and excluding wealthy corporations from taxes doesn't benefit America as a whole.

Corporations do not pay taxes, whatever the corporate tax rate. They just roll the tax burden into the prices for their products or services, so the end consumer is the pne who really pays corporate taxes.

Maybe you should check into why those corporations are outsourcing jobs. The key here is not more taxation, but less.

But hey, "profit" is a dirty word, and the plutocrats are the source of all evil...
Americans refuse to get real about the need to treat education as more than a degree in binge-drinking.

It would be a good idea if the American consumer learned how to live within his/her means too. How long can we go on relying on the kindness of strangers?

We are part of the problem, a big part.
Maybe you should check into why those corporations are outsourcing jobs.

Could it be because the cost of labor in China is a small fraction of the US minimum wage?

Could it be because corporations have to observe some minimal safety, health and environmental standards in the US and none in China?

Could it be because of a tax code provision that allows for deferrals on foreign operations profits?

Could it be because of another tax code provision that allows transfer pricing that yields paper losses?

Could it be because of yet another tax code provision that allows the varying classification of individual operations so as to avoid paying taxes anywhere?

No, profit is not a dirty word but greed is.

The greed that has eclipsed all sense of responsibility to the American workers, to their communities and to the public trust.
No, profit is not a dirty word but greed is.

The greed that has eclipsed all sense of responsibility to the American workers, to their communities and to the public trust.

This is the key, greed, I believe in profit, however business as a whole
has lost all sense in putting America first as has our own government,
if we fail as a nation then what, short sighted people looking for fast
profit and damn the results.
Greedy people like Andrew Carnegie and J.P.Morgan did more to increase the wealth and economic power of this country than any number of government regulators.

What's more immoral...the desire for profit that is earned by voluntary contract, or the desire to tell others how they can make a living, and how much profit they can make before they are branded "greedy"? What exactly constitutes "greed"? How much money may I make before you step in and tell me I am "greedy", and by what right can you condemn the fruits of my labors that were earned by contract, not coercion?
i couldnt agree more that immigration especially the illegal variety is a huge problem. whats the solution? there wont be one untill the people of this country let our leaders know that we are fed up, and i dont see that happening, its the "racist" thing which is rediculous. not wanting millions of illegal aliens in the country doesnt make one a racist at all.
I think working in an Indonesian sweatshop or losing your job to someone in China who will be paid 10% of what you will would answer your questions.
I would constitute greed as an entire population living at poverty level so that the elite can be just a little more wealthy. I don't pretend to know everything about outsourcing, so tell me how outsourcing is helping the American majority or the people in other countries. To me, outsourcing basically forces Americans to compete for even lower paying jobs while paying virtually nothing to the people that the job is outsourced to.
So the solution is forcing companies to employ workers at high wage, so they can make products that will be twice as expensive as those of the competition, thereby forcing the selfsame high-priced workers out of a job anyway?

When you are ready to stop buying item X at WalMart for $9.99, and you go and voluntarily buy a similar item of lesser quality for $19.99 at All-American hardware down the street instead, and do so for every consumer good you buy, then you have a leg to stand on when you denounce outsourcing American businesses as "greedy".
Well, I think laws are the only possible thing to stop outsourcing. A few people shopping at mom and pop stores will just never work. I understand completely what you are saying. It just seems outsourcing makes the majority involved poor and miserable.
Well, I think laws are the only possible thing to stop outsourcing.

So in your eyes, the only possible solution is to use the threat of force in order to tell business with whom they may and may not engage in voluntary contract?

A few people shopping at mom and pop stores will just never work.

And you also want to force consumers to shop at the more expensive All-American Hardware Store by shutting down WalMart...and put all the WalMart employees out of work as a side effect?

How exactly is that going to make the majority less poor and miserable?
I didn't say I wanted laws to stop outsourcing. I really don't or claim to know how to solve the problem of outsourcing, but I do think outsourcing leads to poverty, which leads to crime, which leads to misery.
Nope, that's not what you said. Here's what you said:

Well, I think laws are the only possible thing to stop outsourcing.

Also, I'd be interested to know how outsourcing leads to poverty. Is that what they teach in college Economics 1010 these days?

I think working in an Indonesian sweatshop or losing your job to someone in China who will be paid 10% of what you will would answer your questions.

If that someone in Indonesia or China makes five times what he/she would be making by plowing a rice paddy, and they wouldn't have that job without the outsourcing corporation, is that still greed?

Oh, no, I forgot. That's exploitation. God forbid some people in Indonesia would rather make money stitching together Reeboks than trampling around in water buffalo doo. I guess the evil corporations are forcing them into the sweatshops at gunpoint.

Or is the solution to prop up uncompetitive American industries with massive tax subsidies, just so the steel workers won't lose their jobs, and keep cranking out overpriced American steel that nobody would buy if it wasn't for federal import tariffs on foreign steel? If so, should we have spent a few billion dollars from the 19th Century on to the present time just to keep the Nantucket whale boat crews employed?

Nobody has the right to the wage of their choice. People only have the right to acquire skills that make them desirable in the labor market.

I can hardly go through these threads about the Evils of Capitalism without nearly blowing a capillary. Basic economics are not voodoo, and they are not in the realm of politics. Simply put, you cannot legislate yourself a job, or the wage of your choice.

America is about free enterprise. It is not about subsidies and labor regulations, and it certainly is not about having to use flag-waving to make people buy products that cannot compete with imports on price or quality terms. Capitalism is American. A free market is American. "Buy American" is un-American.
Yeah, I said that I think that is the only way to stop outsourcing. I didn't say I wanted it if there is another way. I also said I don't pretend to know all about outsourcing. If there is another route, I would be happy to hear it.

Also, I'd be interested to know how outsourcing leads to poverty. Is that what they teach in college Economics 1010 these days?

Well, when you have less jobs in America, there will be more competition . Wouldn't you agree that a low number of jobs will keep wages down. Again, I am not an expert so maybe I am wrong.