I'm too young to be a dinosaur!!!!!!!

At least one day a week finds my Glocks at home and my Springfield either keeping them company or taken apart for some modification or another. On those days, the 625-4 on my hip leaves me feeling just as secure as the autopistol it replaces. Not only that, but my "go-everywhere" purse gun is a Rossi 720 Covert stuffed with .44 Special 200gr Silvertips and modified with J-frame square-butt fake stag grips (to replace the factory Rossi rubber grips which were approximately the size, shape, and level of attractiveness of a brick...)
Don't worry kid, at your age, we all cared about what other people think..the great thing about getting older (probably the only great thing) is not giving a **** what other people think of you. Shoot what you want.....and watch some Clint Eastwood pictures...he was called a dinosaur (actually a neanderthal) in Dirty Harry with that big ole .44..and don't we all love Inspector Callahan?

Next time they ask you, tell them because your flintlock is at the gunsmith....Or that men choose high capacity autos to make up for a lack of capacity in other areas (then look knowingly down below his waist)
Clean lines and classic styling. A revolver is a thing of beauty forever. You sir, are a connosieur of the finer firearms. You are not a dinsosaur!
I've had autos jam far, far more often than a revolver. It's only happened once with a revolver and it was my fault. Made up some cylinder length .44 mag shotshells out of modified .30-40 Krag brass and made 'em a couple thousanths too long and when the crimp opened upon firing it stretched a tad and actually went into the forcing cone just enough to keep the cylinder from turning. :eek: Other than that I've never had a revolver "jam". Before this fun & entertaining probation thing I've got going, an old model Armaloyed Charter Arms Bulldog .44 spl did it for me.
I'm an old soul

Whit, I'm 29 and love revolvers. Don't get me wrong, I love my berreta, but I LOVE my Smiths. I love the way they look, the way they feel, but mostly I love the way they speak. With authority.

I love setting up at the range, listening to the gentle 'pop pop' of the nine's in the other lanes, then unleashing 6' of flame from the barrel of Mr.Smith. Then there's the look of shock, the stares, the questions, "What kind of cannon is that?"

It's a REVOLVER son, now go play with your toys...

Dinosaurs ruled for something like 6 million years, we should be so lucky.

"old" at soul

For bragging rights I have a Novak HP and a Wilson 1996. Both occupy a prominent place in my safe, shooting bench, and heart.

But when I put my pants on in the morning, a Smith 642 in a galco pocket holster goes in the right front pocket. On the way out of the house I pick up the Smith 65 or 681 and put it in the paper bag that also has the bank deposits. Gun in hand, covered by the bag, I leave the house and drive away. Coming home at night, I call the house from a few blocks away and have someone turn on the flood lights. Gun in hand, covered by paper bag containing cash from the day's operation, I get into the house and turn on the alarm. (if you practice shooting through a paper bag, have someone standing by with a hose)

Far from being a dinosaur, you have simply shown that you are comfortable with your own preferences and abilities and have elected to march to the beat of your own drummer and keep your own councel. You are fortunate that you have learned to be comfortable with who you are at a much earlier age than most of us.

Shoot often and safely,


Remember, your revolver shoots seven times before leaving any forensic evicence on the scene.