I'm thinking about getting a new rifle.


New member
I have a 4 by 16 rifle scope that does not have a home and I was thinking about getting a rifle for it, I was thinking about setting it up purely for long range and would like to keep the rifle cost around $700. The rifle would be used for hunting deer in VA, and the max range would be around 600 yards. I already have a savage 270 wsm but it is shooting very well as is and I don't want to alter it. Suggestions on caliber and brand of rifle would be helpful.
Something to think about:

600 yards?

Better choose something that will get there in a hurry..... if the animal moves at all in the bullet's flight time, results could be less than acceptable.

I'm thinking a laser.
600 yards is the max distance that a shot could happen where I hunt, I have shot proficiently at 400 yards, and the gun would also be for targets.
There is a good bit of difference between 400 and 600..... the bullet will fall more in that 200 than it did in the first 400 ... the wind will affect it more ....

I am not condoning it, but if you are going to shoot at deer at 600, you'd need a sub MOA rig and load, in a cartridge producing 3K f/sec with a very efficient bullet (G1 BC > .6), be able to read the wind, and have an animal compliant enough that it will remain still between the time you pull the trigger and the time the bullet gets there. That's a tall bill to fill.
I understand that the bullet will drop rapidly past 400 yards I understand ballistics I would not take a shot on an animal at that distance unless it was the best case scenario I am mainly using the scope as an excuse to get another rifle, the chances of a shot happening at that distance is unlikely but possible. I could use my .270 wsm but I want to get something I have not owned before.
Check out Berger Bullets' site .... they have a downloadable ballistics calculator ..... including time of flight and wind drift values .....

Even with a sleek 168 gr VLD and a 3000 f/sec muzzle velocity out of a 7mm Remington Magnum, you are still looking at .7 seconds flight time ..... and wind drift can vary greatly.....
You can get awesome ballistic coefficients with the 7mm. That said, I know guys that shoot 600 yards every Sunday. They like .338's of one sort or another. Of course, they are by and large hunters of Oryx, so they mean business. They use the Shooter app. A good rangefinder, maybe some wind flags around the property, might help more than anything.
I really don't want a .338 it is way more than I need for deer. I like the .338 but only if I was going after elk or big bears.
A 7mm Rem Mag is even a bit much for deer. Does your state permit 70gr .223? Another long range caliber is the 6mm. I like the 6mm rem mag for deer. It's like a .243 magnum. Plenty for deer. Some would say elk. Just throwin' a bone to Brian.
New rifle....

600 yds in VA sounds really long. I grew up in Washington D.C. and it seems the wooded countryside would suggest shorter typical shots. Even here in Utah, most shots are in the 200-300 yd range at most, unless someone reaaaally wants to lob one in!

You might consider Savage Axis (Edge) or the new Ruger 'American Rifle' in 30-06. They are priced right, available at WallyWorld, often on sale, and pre-scoped with a modest piece of 3-9X glass, and can be tuned up with triggers, etc if needed. The Savage is commonly available with AccuTrigger - which many folks find to be sufficient.
I was kind of thinking about a 7mm but as was stated above it is a little much I do like the 6mm cartridges I was toying around with the 260 remington. No .223 is not legal .24 cal and above.

For the most part that would be correct, I hunt on a farm in the shenandoah valley and from one end of the biggest field to the other it is just about 600 yards.
The scope that is on my .270 is a 3 by 9 and it is dialed in so well i would hate to take it off. That is an idea but i don't hunt varmints much anymore.
If it has to be a 600 yd rifle (I don't shoot that far. At my age, the coyotes will eat it before I get over there.) try one of the really hot 7's. Think 7 mm STW or 7 mm Dakota. I shoot a 7 mm Rem Mag, and it's a 500 yd rifle in real world hunting, and then only if you are very good, can dope wind, etc. I killed my first elk at 400 with it; would never try much beyond that.
The average long shot is 300-400 yards but there is a possibility of 600,and about 175 in the woods. I am basically using the power of the scope as an excuse to get a long range rifle ;)
For paper punching I'd go 308. 600 yards or even much farther is not a problem for paper and 500 is reasonable for deer hunting if you are a good enough shot. Maybe even a 260 or 243. The 270 WSM is a legitimate 600-700 yard hunting rifle,but not something you'd want to shoot as much as a dedicated target gun. Probably couldn't afford it either, even if you reload. You can afford to shoot the others, and will enjoy it much more because of the lack of recoil.

Just to clarify some terminology. When you say you have a 4 by 16 scope you are saying you have a fixed 4X scope with a 16 mm front objective.

A 4-16X40 would read 4 to 16 by 40, meaning you have a 4 to 16 power scope with a 40mm objective. Fixed power scopes and most binoculars only give the one magnification and objecive size, such as 4X32, 6X40, etc.

Lots of guys incorrectly list a scope as 4X16X40 instead of the correct 4-16X40.
Thank you for the clarification it is a 4-16 by 40. You are correct about the .270 wsm being expensive to feed, it costs $36 a box for cheap ammo.

I was in the same boat as you earlier this summer. My Savage .270 WSM just costs too much to shoot as often as I like to. I wanted to set up a long range rig for paper punching, and possibly for hunting (though I will still most likely not take a shot past 400 yards).

I went with a Remington 700 SPS Varmint in .308. I topped it off with a 4-16x50 scope, and it is a great rifle so far. I intend to change the trigger and stock just to see how much it helps, but even out-of-the-box, it shot .5-.7 MOA consistently with Federal Gold Medal Match ammo ($20/box).