I'm starting to think Chinese rifles are underrated.

5100 my dieing butt. The problem the Chinese have is they can't control the steel they are making. You don't know what kind of a mix you are getting. Their castings are even worse. I was working with steel when the Chinese started to import their scrap. I remember one load of parts that was supposed to be 1018 and was tested at 1050.Every shipment was screwed up one way or another. Buy your cheap scrap and be happy.
My take on everything Chinese. There is no meaningful branding of Chinese products shipped to the USA. Past tense, for gun but for anything today.

In contrast, if you buy a a gun that says S&W on the frame you can expect a certain quality level. Not best or worst, but S&W is a pretty well understood. On other hand kahr represents a different level of fit, finish and QC and again you should not be too surprised, unless you dont do your home work.

Norinco, means nothing to me. the guns could come from anywhere. there is now and never has been a brand name that stood for anything in china. Good, bad or medium is it all a big unknown. I see this with so-called harbor freight tools. One day rock solid next day swiss cheese! I believe if there ever was a Mercedes of toasters in china, some shop would be counterfeiting the brand and we still would not know. It is like wild west country, anything goes.

Under rated! There is no rated. Total crap shoot and dont think you are so smart to get a good gun. Maybe,... or, Dumb luck more likely. Or low cost, yea - low cost - all day long. Is buying a lottery ticket under rated?
I think fourbore nailed it. Not necessarily pretty but very effective and a long learning curve in manufacturing.
Like others above, I've also owned 3 Chinese AK's. They work, and by the number out there in the world, apparently pretty dang well. In visiting the Norinco test range outside Beijing before 2000, we fired a very old full auto AK. Very solid, likely a bizillion rounds down the tube and still very accurate at 200 meters.
The design is proven and their manufacturing must be up to par or better for their continued production for a global arms market, where reputation will sink the company.