I’m Gonna Be On TV! Help!


Staff Emeritus
There is an organization in San Antonio made up of Safety Officials from
various city and county organizations as well as private industry. They meet
once a month for a breakfast and morning seminar. During this seminar, one
member of the organization must provide a safety-related presentation for
approximately thirty minutes.

This month the duty falls to the local chapter of the National Safety Council.
Bear in mind the local chapter is NOT a pro-gun organization. They struggle
for neutrality but they are unaware of our customs, jargon, safety procedures,
types of firearms, reasons to own, etc., etc.

If this goes well, the next step is a presentation in front of several hundred
people. The next step will be on a local TV station.

The topic was supposed to be “trigger locks”.

I have expanded the topic a lot! They now want me to address the levels of
security that I described for them.

1) Low-level of security meant to deny children access to a usable firearm but
no protection from theft.

2) Medium level of security adds some level of prevention of theft.

3) High-level of security adds greatest practical prevention of theft (by
burglars, etc.)

Low-level of security:
- I’ll put on a dog-and-pony show with available props such as trigger locks,
cable locks, action locks, locking gun cases, etc.

Medium level of security:
- I hope to be able to borrow a GunVault or something similar that secures
firearms “somewhat” from theft.

High-level of security:
- All I can do is show brochures of the big gun safes and explain they should
be hidden and kept secret. Reference hiding such safes behind false walls, in
hidden rooms, etc.


I have a very real opportunity to make gun owners look good and possibly to
convert some fence sitters to reality.

I WILL have handguns, rifles, and shotguns as well as various locking devices
as props. (No ammunition on scene, of course!)

This will be as “interactive” as practical - limited mostly by available time.

I will explain and obey ALL safety rules.

I have no trouble with public speaking (that’s what I do for a living) so long
as I am sure I know what I’m talking about. <<<=== Strong hint that I need

I hope to have brochures explaining firearms safety rules, types of locking
devices and various safes.

I will try to have a representative from a local gun shop available and maybe
put on part of the presentation. But I can not rely upon help from anyone else!

I plan to “sneak in” some real facts, eg.
- more people die in the home from “falls” than from firearms accidents.

I have more, but I need your input - anything and everything you care to share.

If you put your input here, we all can reference this as a source at any time in
the future. However, if you have something for me that you prefer to keep
private, please e-mail me.

This is NOT an opportunity for our anti-gun-control program! I am only being
given a chance to show that firearms are capable of being secured and to
present some reasonable methods for doing so.

Thanks in advance, and let ‘er rip!
Partial disassembly (low-level) might also be suggested.

A couple more statistical analogies might help people get back to reality.

Good luck.
This a truly worthwhile undertaking. I have the Safety-On software CD. I'm certain we can get you rights to use their images and graphics, with appropriate copyright noted (Right, Rob?!) I can have it delivered to you by the end of next week.

It's hardly the full topic, but there's some great graphics there. Professional quality images are essential to keep an interested audience interested. Plus a joke or two. Don't take it too seriously...the audience never does. You're the perfect guy for this...Knowledgeable, articulate, witty and a TFL Member!

Take some license; have some fun. They'll learn a lot more that way.
Dennis, I am right down the street and have a push button quick access safe if you need one. This may be an opportunity to recommend the federal govt make the purchase of a gun safe either tax deductable or a give us a $1000 tax credit if they are serious about us securing a large number of firearms from theft and children.

I understand what you mean when you say "it is NOT an opportunity for our anit-gun program," but do you think it's possible to sneak some subliminal messages in? For instance, showing an AR-15 or AK as being one of the firearms you are responsably securing could prove to be a slight benefit to the cause. No messages, no propaganda, don't even mention the gun... just saying "this rifle (while holding an AR) can be properly secured using the following..."

Just a thought.
Just say NO, Dennis!

Do not appear on any TV program in a city which still thinks Henry Cisneros (CO of the major Latino station in the US while under indictment for crimes committed in order to join the Clinton Administration) is a "good guy.

They'll spin you rotten. DECLINE!

Let them choke on all their own negativity.
You may also want to inclucde something about the children's safety programs; NRA's Eddie Eagle and JFPO's Brasco, to name two programs. I'm sure GOA and many of the other groups have their own programs also. Try contacting them for info.
If you want my JFPO kids info, I personally have no need for it right now and if you e-mail me your address I'll send it to you.
get a camcorder and practice


have others critique your performance

watch for stutters & umms
have a checklist and count repeated phrases

within a week you can be quite good on camera

50 percent of the audience reaction is based on the non verbal presentation
watch a good trustworthy newsanchor
mimic the hand positions and attitude

good luck

i work with the doods from red hat publishing
i will get the OK for the SafetyOn graphics for ya

Whats your due date
maybe i can print out some color 11x17 pages that you could paste up for posters
another possibility would be to a cdrom lap top & a projector and demo from the cd


So, I guess a word or two about sizzling quislings wouldnt be appropriate? ;) ;) ;)

[This message has been edited by Grenadier2 (edited July 03, 1999).]
Dennis... This is a good opportunity to show that trigger locks are not the cure all they are often touted as being. You could point out that, although more secure than a trigger lock, the quick access safes do not preclude use of the gun in a defensive situation as the trigger lock does. Trigger locks are unreasonably slow, and can be dangerous if used on a loaded weapon. Chris in mo
7-3-99 1014PM EDT Shortcut,you are wrong with that comment about SanAntonio. Last year the Chief of Police and Major of San Antonio told Delta Force to stay out of the city. They didnt want the urban warfare crowd(Read New World Order Boys) in their city. The Fed military tried to bribe the city into letting them come in. But the Feds were caught at their bribery attempt. Three cheers for people of San Antonio for standing up to the Delta Force and their Nightstalkers out of Ft Bragg. Dennis, good luck in San Antonio.
Thanks for all the hints! I'll be e-mailing most of you for details.

Today I taught a FA/CPR class, went shopping for a new TV set with my wife, and saw my youngest daughter off at the airport for her flight to (gulp!) California!

Tomorrow I again must go to San Antonio - this time I'll get in a couple hours at the SAXET gun show!

Showtime for the first spiel (breakfast/seminar) is July 13th. I really am thankful for all the support - including the "danger signal", shortcut.

I'll be back on TFL by tomorrow night. By Monday evening I should have a better idea of what I can get away with...er...that is... the details of the desired presentation. ;)

One disadvantage that I must overcome is that many of these people have been led to believe there is NO safe way to secure guns. I believe a little on-stage demo should change that.

Rest assured I am not going into this glibly but, by the same token, I do have some advantages:

- If it gets political, my reply will be that I am restricted at this time to the subject of safety - specifically securing firearms from unauthorized users. I am not trying to place guns in anyone's hands, I am merely addressing those people who already have firearms or plan to buy some. I would be happy to discuss political and emotional outlooks at a different time and place. And if they take THAT bait, I hope some of you can come to San Antonio! Bring the NRA, GOA, JFPO and all the alphabet orgs on OUR side! :D (But it's an unlikely scenario.)

- Most of these people are friendly and looking for something "safety" related that they can take back to their companies and show that they have learned something unique and/or unusual (and therefore earned their salaries!).

- To the best of my knowledge, none of these people have ever addressed the concept of "levels" of security. I have a completely new angle for them to impress others with.

- I spent nearly two years as the alternate, then main briefing NCO to our two-star general and his staff. Although that was 20 years ago, I stay fairly fresh teaching classes (5 to 40 four-hours sessions most months). If I know my subject, rank won't panic me. (Therefore, I want to make SURE I am well versed on the limited scope of securing firearms.)

- More than anytime since I left the service, I have a source of incredible knowledge and support - TFL!

I am really looking forward to meeting the members of this group. I have been told they are an intelligent group of patient people. Remember they also must put on presentations! I just want to do a good job for us. It's important to me.

I'll share everything I can with y'all as soon as I get it. And, again, I sure do appreciate the ideas, cautions, and all offers of support.

Thanks a lot, folks.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 03, 1999).]
dennis, check with safe manufacturers/
distributors...it's possible they will furnish one or more for display. also large sporting goods stores may have display they will loan. cmore
Ref: partial disassembly.
Great idea! Rather than field strip something dramatic, I plan to show
how easy it is to take the bolt out of a rifle. I’m somewhat restricted by
Political Correctness, so I plan to use a single shot .22 rifle. The bolt
drops right out by pulling the trigger (with the bolt open).
Anything you can send me will help. Of course I will “plug” the software,
give all credit, and include ordering information for those present. (I’ll
e-mail address & phone.)
You’re a lifesaver. I still hope to get a “loaner” from one of the local gun
shops. The two I contacted are dealers but don’t keep them in stock.
Gee, I wonder why they don’t sell any......
I like the idea of a tax incentive. It WILL be mentioned.
Now we’ll have a good reason to meet!! :D
You sneaky subliminal devil! :)
When I mentioned bringing ANY rifle, the reaction from the “powers that
be” had me reaching for a pocket mask and mentally reviewing the
instructions for CPR!
We’ve compromised on a single-shot .22 common to youngsters and new
shooters as something not so visually “threatening”. (I’m going to sneak
in a Weatherby .30-06 under the guise of “pretty” guns.)
I’m going to hit the gun shops to see if I can borrow a semi-auto .22
rifle. If I can show the folks how easily such a rifle can be secured with a
(coated) cable lock, I then can comment on how the same thing would
work regardless of the caliber of the rifle. Then slip in a quick comment
about AR-15s and AK-47s.
Believe it or not, I’ve already been slandered and in some cases
“blackballed” because I am a CHL Instructor! My business has suffered
quite a bit because of this during the last six months.
In other words, I understand your apprehension and appreciate your
concern, but either I win back some business, or go out “in a blaze of
glory”. (I would much rather win!!!)
Therefore, I want to use this venue as a make-or-break event. I hope to
convince this group of relatively friendly people that firearms are mere
inanimate objects - to be respected and used carefully.
ANYTHING you can send me along those lines WILL BE USED! (within
the time constraints placed upon me). I’ll e-mail you.
I’ll have use of an overhead projector (I have a screen and extra bulbs!
;) ). Anything you can help me with - I will appreciate. Thanks for your
The folks in the office will be my first audience. Boy, will I be critiqued!
Ya got me! I was concentrating very hard, being very serious, and
whammo, choke, splutter, Shiner Bock up the nose. (I like the beer, but
Yuck! :( )
I think I’ll leave the sizzling quislings for a later threat...er... I mean...
later lecture! :D
My point exactly! If I am trying anything subliminal, it is to show that
the government and PC do-gooders are ignorant troublemakers trying to
steal our guns. Hmmm. I’ll need to work on the wording a bit, huh? :)
I want to show that trigger locks have to be appropriate to THAT specific
gun and still can be used ineffectively. I’ll stress disassembly (locking up
the small parts, etc.), locking storage devices that provide NO protections
against theft, the GunVault and similar small safes, and show brochures
of the big stuff (real gun safes).
I want these people to understand that gun owners should be trained to
be responsible - not have ineffective BS foisted upon them.
But I have to beat around the bush a bit to do all this in a PC manner.
I’m working on such a plan.
Ivan, Thanks! I’ll come home on my shield or carrying it.
I have contacted a local dealer of Heritage safes. They gave me a
handful of brochures. I have been told the Safety people do not want a
large safe on display. The room is to small and owned by a private

We’re kind of running a risk even taking guns there.

The “safe” dealer may be able to attend and show a small safe that is
installed directly into the wall.
Again, thanks to all of you this is now “a work in progress”.
Good luck, Dennis, & kick booty! I second fal's suggestion that safety begins with education, and programs like Eddie Eagle and the Safety On software go a long way towards gun-proofing kids (and in some cases wife). I have a digital camera and a buncha handguns if you need images for a PowerPoint and also a small scanner that'll do printed pages/images, ping me if I can help. FWIW a recent issue (last 6 mos.) of the American Guardian had a decent article on effectively securing firearms with simple stuff from the hardware store, e.g. eye-bolts and bicycle cables & padlocks. Good luck. M2
Thanks, Mike.

Bingo! I found the article in the May issue. Thanks, Mike!

(heh, heh) I can't wait to show all these various methods of securing firearms; then, at the close of the presentation, explaining that I got most of this information from the one organization most interested in firearms safety and training - the National Rifle Association.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 05, 1999).]
Hi Dennis!
First of all, congrats on spotting a great opportunity and taking the steps to sieze it. As for our support, please feel free to use any images or material from our SafetyOn CD for this presentation, with our blessings, just let 'em know where it came from. We'd certainly appreciate any plug for the CD you could push, as an educational tool it is very much on point.

I have assisted with other presentations to State Legislatures, etc and if there is anything I can do to help your effort, please feel free to drop me a line via marksman@patriot.net

Best regards,
Mr. Marks,
Thank you very much! Let's devise a plan, ummm:
1) Once I receive the software, I can make up a small flyer for the folks, or
2) If you have something "professional" that you would rather I make available, let me know and I'll send you my address. (I'd need it by Friday.)
- You can send me a "short stack" of brochures or
- You can send me one and I'll photocopy it.

You know what is available and best represents your product.
(I'll do about anything to repay you for your help!)
Just got back from the hardware emporium with a bunch of screw eyes, pieces of chain, padlocks, etc. (Having just a LITTLE fun!)
Thanks again for the tip in the Guardian! :D
Sort of a letdown:
I visited the place where this grand meeting is to be held. It's a bit more, um, humble(?) than I had hoped - sort of an overgrown taco stand....
BUT, this is phase one. If I can convince these folks of the validity of my presentation, I hope to progress to phase two (bigger group - REAL meeting room, etc.)
Then, if they haven't led me on, phase three will be for a closed channel TV program for the "safety" community.
Time will tell.
I'm getting a lot of help from TFLers by e-mail. If I don't respond to you directly, send another e-mail and give me the devil for being an ungrateful wretch! Then I'll correct the error of my ways. ;)
Temporarily, however, let me just say thanks en masse. After months of no work I just got hit with a bunch ('bout time!). So presently I'm busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kickin' contest.
I most sincerely appreciate all the help.

I've done a little TV, years ago - I always did my best to ignore the camera. And, you note you're already familiar with public speaking. So, don't focus on the camera, focus on the audience. Realize you have earned the right to speak to them about this subject - you can enhance their lives by imparting this knowledge. And, the practice with a camcorder is a great idea - helps get rid of those nagging little habits most of us don't know we have.

Regarding storage, Mike pointed out an excellent article - I remember that one. Actually, the lowest level of security is to just unload the firearm and store ammunition elsewhere. With semiauto pistols, if I have to leave the pistol in the safe I have in my truck, I unload the chamber and take the mag's with me generally.

The 'mini-vault'-type options I know of are:
http://www.mossberg.com/safe.htm - this worked well in my truck - low profile for mounting on the floorboard.

One other thought. It is fine to display a few actual firearms, but you might want to also use one of those red 'prop' guns the instructors use, for most of your demonstrations. In the pressure of the moment, you might accidentally 'paint' some folks in the audience, and that would obviously be a problem. The demo guns, properly introduced to the audience, would help minimize that possibility.

You're probably already prepared for this anyway, but you might also want to visit some of the anti-self defense web sites and review their 'guns can't be stored safely arguments'. I suspect you'll get to field a few such questions.

You'll be great! Have a good time, and thanks for helping to educate folks.

Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 07, 1999).]
Make sure to mention that keeping the guns stored securely in a place seperate from the ammo (ammo locked up also) helps to make the guns less likely to be used by someone who shouldnt be using them. (kids)