I'm glad someone smells the coffee

45King: Are you sure about that 900,000 number? I just checked the Centers for Disease Control stats and according to them, the total number of deaths in the U.S. from ALL causes is about 2.3 million per annum. I find it hard to believe that 39% of those deaths were directly attributable to alcohol abuse.

To relate this to guns: The anti-gun lobby never tires of glomming together suicides, homicides and accidents to come up with a grand total of people killed "by" (not "with", of course, since that would remind people of the obvious fact that guns are just instruments) guns. Never mind that the statistical evidence from countries with lower rates of gun ownership but higher rates of suicide (e.g., Japan) strongly suggests that even waving a magic wand to make all guns disappear would have little long-term impact on the suicide rate.
Next time you hear the "treat guns like cars" argument (you know the one, we require cars to be registered, why not guns...") Let the proponent know that that is fine with you, as long as cars are then treated in the same manner as guns.

- Instant background checks to purchase
- People convicted of a felony are barred from ownership
- Filling out an offer to purchase with false statements is a felony
- Attempting to purchase when you are barred from ownership is also a felony
- Excise tax
- Can only be sold by a federally licensed dealer
- Sports cars can only be sold through a "class III" dealer with an additional registration tax.

Can anyone else come up with more?

[This message has been edited by TR (edited October 08, 1999).]
Well it's off-topic, but fun, plus I think this was done a while back, but here's my 2c
worth . Incidentally, I wrote Flagstaff, AZ
basically the same when one of their reporters did the "register guns like cars" bit. They didn't print it or reply.
1. No "high-capacity" gas tanks over 10
gallons capacity.
2. No multiple trips -- "one trip per month".
3. All vehicles must be locked in a garage
with either a tire-boot or a steering
lock in place when not in use.
4. The gas tank must be emptied, removed,
and stored in a seperate locked area.
5. No fancy hub caps (bayonet studs).

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.