I'm getting a Glock, and I'm not looking back!!!

Pistol abuse

Great quote Tamara.

Let me add that anyone dumb enough to do one the following........

1. leave their pistol in salt water for two weeks
2. drop it off a cliff
3. engulf it in sodium hydroxide (a very strong base)
4. run over it with a truck
5. leave it in a frozen lake

.........needs to rethink the way they take care of firearms. Just my 2 cents.
Dumb enough?

When things get tough bad things happen. I for one like to know that a pistol can handle torture tests. If it survives two weeks in salt water that means it's going to last years in a marine environment. These torture tests are useful in the sense that truck torture tests are useful. Take them with a grain salt. ;)
Hmmmm. I like the caustic soda(NaOH) test that Canine devised. You forgot the flame thrower test, You never know when that gun is going to get submerged in a bucket of salt water and then thrown off the cliff, run over by the truck, submerged in the NaOH, burned by the flame thrower and still come out shooting. Hey it could happen. It happens in the movies all the time.:D

Does anyone remember the 1911 or the M1 Garand? These guns didn't have the super "tennifer" finish on them, but they're still around and loved my many. Granted the glock may be more resistant to the elements, but in today's times, that doesn't mean much.

No offense against the Glock, but take a CZ75 and for approx. $100 ship it off to Mak's Gun-Kote and then you'll have a weather resistant CZ75. Now that's a gun.

No flames intended being a Glock owner myself.
Hmmmm. I like the caustic soda(NaOH) test that Canine devised. You forgot the flame thrower test, You never know when that gun is going to get submerged in a bucket of salt water and then thrown off the cliff, run over by the truck, submerged in the NaOH, burned by the flame thrower and still come out shooting. Hey it could happen. It happens in the movies all the time.

LMAO. Now that would make a great test! ;)

I agree about Glocks. I like them (I have three), but I don't love them.
OMG! I've created monsters!!!


[Edited by Glock_Racer on 03-26-2001 at 10:44 PM]
Great choice. :) I have had Sigs get a little surface rust while carrying them, but my Glock has never had any rust whatsoever. Sigs are great for double action pistols, just not as durable as Glocks.
Yeah the CZ75 is a nice pistol (after a trigger job). But the Glock is an all around preformer. If it absolutley must go boom every time make it a Glock.
I heard they had a gun buyback program in some big east coast city and one of the guns turned in was a Glock 23. After collecting all the weapons they drove over them with a steam roller, put what was left in a metal shredder, and then dumped the remnants in the salt water bay. Three years later a diver recovered the Glock and took it to the range. Without cleaning, it fired perfectly 150 x rings at 1500 yards! Well, I was not there but that's what I heard anyway. :D

Glock: a good piece of gear, don't go to the field with out it! ;)
I heard they had a gun buyback program in some big east coast city and one of the guns turned in was a Glock 23. After collecting all the weapons they drove over them with a steam roller, put what was left in a metal shredder, and then dumped the remnants in the salt water bay. Three years later a diver recovered the Glock and took it to the range. Without cleaning, it fired perfectly 150 x rings at 1500 yards! Well, I was not there but that's what I heard anyway.

This is probably an urban legend? If anyone can find a source to prove this happened, please post it.
Runner was kidding:(

Man that was a good story, I will be posting pictures of my latest Glock torture test.

This test was to show the Glocks toughness by inserting the unloaded gun into many different large breed of dogs mouths. Also, I found dipping the gun in chicken broth enhanced the experiment greatly.

Anyway, I let a Rottweiler, Pit Bull and Doberman all chew on my Glock 23, 15 minutes for each dog. All of them were chewing their little hearts out and I was getting a little nervous that my Glock might not make it this time. Well, to my suprise after tha last dog had his share of chewing I took the gun back and there was not a scratch on it!!!!! Not one!

Now, this part will blow you guys away and knock your socks off! Not only did the gun not have a scratch on it but it actualy functioned smoother than ever at the range. What I noticed is that dog drool actually lubes the gun better than the militec that I have been spending a small forune on for years does.

If you just wipe the excess drool of the slide and grip so the gun doesnt slip around in your hand you will see what I am talking about.

Now I am working on a product using this newly found knowledge of mine, is there anything a Glock cant do?

I started out with a Glock 30 and swore I'd get other guns. I did.

But now I have five Glocks now including the newest baby, a Glock 20 in 10mm. Now that's a gun!

But if I could only have one gun, it would be a Glock without a doubt!
The Glock 20 is one fine firearm!

First I read Ted Nugents book "god, guns and Rock and Roll" and all through the book he talked about his G20, the hunting he did with it and the 10mms high points for self deffence. Then my buddy cam by my house and he says guess what I bought, I said what and from under his shirt he pulls out a brand spankin new G20.

We went to the range that weekend and man that was one powerful accurate gun. Seriouslt though, I think it is a little to much bang for me to use for self deffence/home deffence here in the city. That thing would go through walls, people, cars or whatever like a warm knife through butter.

In a city that is a little to much to worry about, but one hell of a gun none the less.

Wait,was that on subject?:)
