Don Hume is the lower middle class of leather gear. I have been issued their leather gear for years and can tell you from experience some of thei stuff is OK and the rest is junk. I've always had problems with the stitchching and glue coming apart on their river belts not to mention a half dozen other problems. I guess it all depends on how much you use the stuff.
The duty holsters were OK at best. I still have one of their thumb break belt concealment holsters that's OK, but there are far better out there. If their new nylon gear that we were issued a couple of years ago is any indicator of their quality control or pride in their product, I'd buy another brand. Our handcuff and mag pouches would tear or pop off in the field (on skinny guys too) so my agency abandoned that stuff in favor of Blackhawk and Bianchi.
I guess years ago they were the big name in LE leather gear controlling a majority of that market, but maybe like a lot of other companies, they got too big or lazy in their success and their quality suffered. There are a lot of other fine holster makers out there that give you a better product for your $. Just my 2 cents.