I'm Australian-How Many Other Foreigners Here

Blue Heeler

One of the good things about this internet
is that there are so many different views
expressed--I'd like to know just how many
countries are represented here.
All gun owners in the U.N I mean U.S are treated as forigners now days. I'm a McKraut.

Isnt It Queensland Heeler? Bitchen dog none the less. Saw world champs here in Kalifornia in frisbee competion.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 17, 1999).]
G'day there Blue Heeler.
Ow's it goin' maaaaaate ?
Jeeez, kick a kookaburra & chukanother prawn on the barbie willya sport !
Crack open a xxxx & are the Broncos the best or what !?
Guess where I'm from ? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
Alternate E-mail
A large Aussie contingent, Argentina and Brazil, India,Philipines, some Euros

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Welcome to the great mixing bowl of the world. One characteristic of this nation (USA) is that we were all foreigners at one time. Part German,Spanish,Mexican,Apache.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>we were all foreigners at one time. [/quote]

?!? OK, have to rant here. The ONLY foreigners in my family were my Grandparents. Since then the Schmidbauers have been AMERICAN. Yes our roots lead back to another country but we haven't been "Foreign" for two generations.

I believe the same can (should?) be said for the majority of Americans.

OR you can look at the other side of the coin (and take it to extream) that everyone, and I mean everyone in the world, is in reality an African (i.e. African- American). This is because Science has concluded that humans originated on that continent. But if you are religious you don't except that because life was created.... SO where was life created?!?

Well if you look at the into it you'll notice that most of the places mentioned in "that" publication are where?!?!? RIGHT! So it would stand to reason that the Garden was probably a tropical forest on that continent.

SOOOOOOOOOO any way you look at it everyone is African!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and there are no foreigners)

;) ; ) ;)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
I know this isn't the purpose of this thread, but I want to continue Gunny's rant. Why do so many in America feel like they have no nationality? Once a family gets to the 2nd generation, they are full fledged Americans. Do the English call themselves English-Norman, English-Angle, English-Roman? And do the French call themselves French-?, well the French are another story, but I digress. There are indeed some African-Americans that were actually born in Africa, like robnoel pointed out. All others are true Americans no matter how or when they got here.

I was born in north Georgia. Some say that means I'm a foreigner. Until Jimma Carter was elected, there hadn't been a president in office who didn't have an accent! :)
Er---I think I'll drop the "foreigner" bit.
What I was really interested in knowing is
how many shooters,like me,enjoy being able
to come to this site and talk about guns.
There are about 25 thousand pistol shooters
here in Australia--we don't have any homegrown forums of this nature (that I know
of).Sometimes we can't get hold of stuff
because nobody here has it,or if they do
they're thousands of miles away.
I'm interested to know that we have at least
one Finn(you should be an Aussie with a name
like yours)and at least one Indian (the
cricket isn't going too well is it? I'm
looking forward to seeing Sachin Tendulkar
start hitting some boundaries).
As far as the dog is concerned--yep,it should
be a Queensland Heeler but there are some
other Aussies (mostly "cockroaches" from NSW
and "mexicans"from Victoria who would resent
that.We have names for all those southerners
eg "croweaters"and so forth.Just brotherly
affection I guess.
I kinda like Gunny's rant too, so I'll continue it. (BTW, I'm glad all you foreigners like it here, and am glad you're here, too).

I am an American, not a foreigner or hyphenated-American.

I was born in Germany to a German national, have a German birth certificate, was put up for adoption pretty much at birth, and was adopted by Mom and Dad - who were in Germany because Dad was fighting the Cold War at the time in the U.S. Army. I've had U.S. citizenship since I was around 3 (when we got back to the States and they got me "naturalized"). And no, I can't speak German (though I wish I could).

I'm not a "German-American", I'm not a Caucasian-American, I'm not a foreigner, I'm an American, and damn glad of it :)

And when I come across an idiotic government form that asks me to I.D. my "race", I find a way to write-in "human". ;)

/rant mode off
The scariest part for me is although I am a normal yank,well at least a southern animal, I understand Aussie humour. Well some of it. It is good though. Where's the beer?
Greetings, Blue Heeler:
I guess I might be a "Croweater", since I live down on the Spencer Gulf; but I was born and raised in Indiana, which I suppose, would make me a "Hoosier-American"?
Anyway, why don't we have a board for our 25,000 Australian pistol shooters? Should we approach Pistol Australia or SSAA?
This is a great forum, by the way- we need all the communication we can get these days to keep up with the "antis".
It is absolutely fantastic that we have so many folks on TFL from outside the U.S. It helps those of us in the 'states' have more perspective on this issue, and I really appreciate this chance to compare notes.

Regards from AZ
I'm originally from Canada but reside in the USA now. My choice was Texas and have never been happier than I am living in this great state (country?)However, even when I lived in Canada, I would cross the border to Washington state every week for groceries and gas and I always hated going back into Canada. My family initially settled in New England in the 1600's; then one of the least intelligent of my forefathers decided to ruin things in our family and moved north to Canada. Now I'm stuck with the paperwork required to become a citizen in the country which I have always belonged.