I'm 19 and I'm going to legally buy a handgun!

Hoko686, I am a little confused.

If we had more police to investigate crime, more DA's to prosecute, more prisons to incarcerate, and longer sentences for crimes THEN you would not have a problem with a youth who has a clean record being able to buy a firearm? Your agrument is no different than a standard one against all firearms ownership.
Waste brady's bandwidth to research this topic:


We need to push this issue to get the federal law changed to allow 18 year olds to purchase handguns from FFLs. We need to start a pro gun group that ONLY consists of 18 year olds who are all currently denied their 2nd amendment rights when it comes to purchasing a handgun from an FFL. Call it 18HOA (eighteen year old handgun owners of America ;)) We start actively recruiting them when they're at least 17 and offer $100 once a month to a different 18 year old who purchases a handgun on the very day they turn 18. I can hear the media's shrill screams about it now.
18 should be the age to own and buy handguns,rifles,shotguns,ccw,open carry,voting,alcohol,and any other rights i did not mention.
18 is where it should be not 21 or 25 thats too f***ing long time to be waiting around to be considered an "adult".It sets that person back in his mentality because he would be still treated like an incompetent kid.
18 is where a person is fully old enough to understand consequences and responsibility and to be held accountable for their actions.In fact I consider 16 even too because they are entrusted to drive a 3000 pound hunk of steel capable of hitting 100mph+ and can cause massive casualities and damage.
18 is where a person is fully old enough to understand consequences and responsibility
Actually studies have shown that the brain is not matured to that point until around 25
Does not mean that we should set the age of responsibility and accountability to 25 just because its somehow scientifically connected to being a fully grown adult and that everyone younger should be yet again denied of their rights even longer.18 is where I stand though no matter what scientific claim says that this age is more of an adult than that age because the "average" evaluations state that their brain is fully developed by 25. When it can vary it could be 16 on some it could also be 30 on others theres no way you can base one average scientific age of full brain development on everyone and say 25 is the right age because the studies dont state otherwise.Science is too subjective and too many variables involved in order to get one accurate age of full brain development its to wide of a age range.

So the age like I said before should be 18 and no higher because once the government starts raising the age to adulthood to 21 or 25 instead of 18 their will be alot of problems and setbacks that will cause the younger society to have less respect and obediance for the older society that is 21+.
Because they will have to be by their parents and told what to do all the time which they already hated in their adolecent and teen years imagine at 18-20 how many domestic dispute calls will happen through out the country and underage drinking will skyrocket even higher.Off course what I said is a theory but its highly likely to happen that way if the government raises the age of adult hood to 21 or 25 and leaves everyone younger like kids.
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