Illinois concealed carry

IMO the benefits of having your CCL in IL outweighs the negatives of needing a FOID. Generally it'll cost around $400-$465 and 2 days of your life to get your license.

Mine was $300. $150 for the two day class and $150 for the permit. If I was willing to drive farther, I know of a place that has the two day class for $100.
I live in Chicago and have a CCL. Unlike +1k ammo I have not found that most stores have the "no guns" sign on the door, very few do in fact. Maybe it's different in the Loop but in the neighborhoods the legal "no guns" signs are rare.

Hyde Park is an exception only because so much of the commercial real estate there is owned by the University of Chicago, and thus statutorily prohibited.
Idawind, Actually Illinois does allow non-residents into Illinois with guns. Our transport laws are better than a lot of states. The firearm needs to be unloaded and in a case or container, a closed console counts, and a loaded magazine can be with the firearm in the case, just not in the firearm. The case could be next to you or in a "fanny pack" or similar on your person. Also if you have your states LTC you can carry while in your vehicle. So at least you have that as you rush through our state to another where your LTC is recognized when you get out of your vehicle.

Our carry law passed a few years ago now makes transport uniform throughout the state with no cities having conflicting ordinances on transportation. So no need to lock that firearm in the trunk.

BTW, I carry every day and in my part of the state not very many stores, restaurants, or business places are posted unless mandated by law. One local bank even has a sign that says something like Security Notice: Legally concealed firearms are welcome on this property.
Illinois is not a gun friendly state. Traveling through Illinois last November required my gun be locked up. I was glad to cross into Indiana and Kentucky.;)
Irish Jack said:
Traveling through Illinois last November required my gun be locked up.
No, it didn't, there is no such law in Illinois. As others have noted all it requires is that it be unloaded in a case. You can have an unloaded gun in your console or glove box with a loaded magazine right next to it and be perfectly legal in Illinois.
Traveling through Illinois last November required my gun be locked up.

Who ever told you that is wrong. Very clear instructions on how non residents can travel in and through Illinois are available on the Illinois State Police web site.
Yes but . . .

Yes, the state of IL knows I have a FOID and a CC permit.

But unless the gun dealers and LEO's of IL are intentionally violating the law, the State of IL doesn't know what I own, how many, or even if I own any guns at all.

State police is not allowed to keep info on purchase back ground checks.

For there to be a "gun grab" list in Illinois there would have to be multiple people colluding together in a massive fraudulent conspiracy.

Possible, but astoundingly unlikely.

We are the state that routinely puts governors in jail for far less. :-)

Life is good.
Prof Young
Illinois isn't as bad as most people think it is. There is a lot of land mass and millions of people outside of Cook County that are either gun neutral or gun friendly. There are 101 counties other than Cook. Most are really nice.