Illinois concealed carry


New member
Starting to change my mind on concealed carry. How many of you folks out there are concerned about getting your name and personnel information on a potential gun grab list?
What is the total cost of the training, license and fingerprinting? I'm thinking it might be cheaper, safer and healthier to just move out of this state.
Dude, If you bought any guns from a dealer and filled out a 4473, you're already on a 'gun grab list'. And depending the gun laws of Illinois, you may be on the state's gun grab list too.
The cost of training is around $250. The permit is $150. Fingerprints are not needed. They will issue your permit in a maximum of 90 days verses 120 without prints. You are correct that getting a concealed carry license in Illinois will put you on the radar. In order to get your CCL or own guns in Illinois you must have an Illinois FOID which already has you on the radar though. Illinois is a must issue state, with far more freedoms than a few other states. I am happy to have mine, and I am not going anywhere. Do what you think is best for you.
Well heck, you posted here so you're already marked. :D

Moving out of that state (Illinois) wouldn't be the worst idea you've ever had but you probably have some ties there and they could probably use another good guy so I'd say go for it there.
Having 2nd amendment attire. III% logo, Gadsden flags, visiting gun forums, NRA stickers and voting republican puts you on "the list", the little list, that is... Being on the list makes you eligible for "The Big List".....

We are all on the list...

But I've purchased guns and I've got permits in two states.... But I've gotten rid of all my guns....
Big giant wink. ;) and a JK and a :D with one of these :P
Gun control means kicking in the door of every home in the country at 4:00 AM and searching for guns, then doing it again a few months later.

The 'list' some are so concerned about is going to be a Census Tract Map of the given area targeted for search that day.
While the FOID card requirement is offensive, my guns are no more registered here than anywhere else. Once you get south of I-80, Illinois is not a bad place to live. Yes Chicago Land is not gun friendly, but much of the rest of the state is. Yes, we lead the nation in political corruption and debt, but that is a subject for another venue.
I'd have a hard time living (i.e. Moving to) in a state or city with strict gun control; it's easy to say " I won't live in Illinois" or "I'll move away", but if you're already living in a place it's not so easy to pick up and move.

I'm affraid that over time Washington and Oregon will go the same direct. Will I be able to move, or will I just comply? Complying may be easier.
The gun registration and licensing system is one of many reasons to leave Illinois.

Guns are not registered in Illinois. Gun owners are. But any state that requires a permit to carry is the same, owners are "registered".

Yea, I guess we could move to one of those states that require 10 round magazines. If you do, be sure to give your 30 rounders to me. I'll gladly add them to the stack of 30 rounders I currently have.

Illinois is not as bad as most people think it is. Chicago doesn't cover the entire state you know. Us down staters have it quite well.
Guess I'll have to apply for a new FOID and CCL under my Boris Batinov alias that way when they come to confiscate them I can claim they were stolen by Moose & squirrel.:D
Well . . .

Well, just because I have a FOID and an IL CCL, doesn't mean I actually have any guns . . . right?

My guns are not registered anywhere unless state officials in law enforcement are breaking the law and keeping the records on gun sales. I'm relatively sure that they are not allowed to keep gun sales records. Sure there are bad guys in government, but there would have to be a whole bunch of bad guys involved to be keeping track of all the gun sales in IL.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
Chicago gives the PLANET a bad name.

IL isn't as bad as some think, although it could be better. The latest thing being worked on is legalizing suppressors. It will take years, like most good things in this state, but there's a good chance it will happen.

How long is anybody's guess? Perhaps Madigan will retire some day soon.
There are a lot of good reasons to leave Illinois, but gun laws are no longer a valid reason (in my opinion). There are 23 types of places where concealed carry is banned even for licensed carriers, but it is not as big a deal as that may sound like. The big issue for those in Chicago is that you cannot carry concealed on public transportation. But for folks like me, who live outside Chicago and come to the city occasionally, carrying concealed works pretty well. Another exception for Chicago/Cook County is the Forest Preserves. Outside of Cook County you can carry concealed in these areas, but not in Cook County.

Illinois has made it fairly expensive, compared to most states, to get a concealed carry license. I am sure that this was a deliberate attempt to discourage people from seeking the license. Only because a Federal court forced IL to legalize concealed carry do we have this right at all. Personally I found it well worth while to pay the fees in order to be able to carry legally. (BTW, if you haved served in the military the training hours required for the license drop from 16 to 8 and the cost of the training is therefore less.)

Maybe in another thread we can talk about what a crappy state Illinois is for other than gun reasons. Corruption, high taxes, more levels of local government than any other state, etc, etc. I'd leave IL if it weren't allowing me to be near my kids and grandkids, and if my house regained the value it had before the recession, but for now I guess I am staying. At least I can carry legally now and that is a big factor for me.
Chicago is not the bad no gun place of the 90's.
I can have guns and conceal carry, unheard of a while back.
Yeah it cost a little. My brother just spent 400.00 but can now carry anywhere in state.
Well, not in most stores etc. Which have no guns logo on door!
It's easier than MI where I have farmhouse, there u need permit from sherriff for every gun purchase.
I live as far south in Illinois as one can, and I'm in law enforcement. Chicago/Cook County is not Illinois, nor do they represent down state law enforcement.

Our CCL, while not cheap, isn't hard to get. And multiple states recognize it, although we don't recognize anyone's. It's better than nothing, and far better than what we had prior with the whole "seven seconds to safety" method, which although legal, was heavily frowned upon, and possibly even prosecuted in the evil north.

Truthfully, has as already been stated, you're already on the radar due to your FOID, might as well get your CCL. I encourage everyone to, that can.
Our CCL, while not cheap, isn't hard to get. And multiple states recognize it, although we don't recognize anyone's. It's better than nothing, and far better than what we had prior with the whole "seven seconds to safety" method, which although legal, was heavily frowned upon, and possibly even prosecuted in the evil north.

God forbid they let some outsider in with a gun. We might shoot some of your misunderstood yutes.
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