Illegal Alien Problem Unsolvable?...hogwash!!

Eghad, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were "blaming Reagan or any political party," although I can see where the terseness of my post could be read that way.
It just set a precedent or reason to do a second amnesty. Dont trust any politicians when it comes to illegal immigration.
++1. Again, I think Reagan would have done better to take his own advice: "Government is the problem" and "Trust but verify." Republican, Democrat, whatever--history shows that it makes no difference.

The country, and even Presidents, often gets sold a bill of goods by people who never follow through with promises, nor do they ever intend to.
Employing an illegal immigrant is nothing more than a conscous attempt to shift the indirect cost of employment (FICA, Medicaid, Workman's Comp, Unemployment, healthcare, life insurance, ad nauseum) from the employer to the taxpayer. It amounts to an unlawful direct subsidy by govenrment of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Since our good buddies in and have no intentions of reducing the direct cost of employment one could make a pretty decent case for a tax surcharge to be levied on an employer harboring illegal immigrants in their workforce.

Economics created the problem and economics will fix it.