Il Ccw?

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I noticed at the gun store I frequent when I am home in IL that they are offering Concealed Carry Classes. Has anyone heard about if IL has passed a CCW law? I haven't seen or heard anything, but of course I go to school in Upper MI, so I don't keep track of IL happenings.

What do you think the likelihood of an IL CCW ever being passed is? Especially considering how most firearm owners are treated in the metro Chicago area if you have a gun in your vehicle no matter if you are transporting it 13 times safer than the law requires?

Still no CCW in IL. No likely to have CCW given the current make up of the legislature, governor, and Daley's latest call for more firearm restrictions.
I know it's kinda cold out, but I didn't THINK Hell had frozen over yet...

Illinois MAY get CCW before we do here in Wisconsin, but not by much...
You know Hunter, that was my first thought as well.

Didn't WI have a CCW bill in the legislature this last election? I thought I had heard about one while I was at school in the U.P.
Say yah to the UP, but dont hold your breath until Illinois and Wisconsin have a ccw law . Between [vote early vote often] Daley and Gov Baggo**** there is no hope for that state. Gov Doyle is a real Dork and has vetoed bills twice in Wisconsin. DD698 in Escanaba
Illinois is one of I think 9 states left that clearly is a state that infringes on your right to CCW. I'm not up to date, but about 35 states are shall issue, 6 are may issue and 9 are are infringing on your rights.
hate to correct you there, but there are only 2 states that don't allow CCW: Wisconsin and Illinois. Granted, there are several "may issue" states that might as well not have it, but you (theoretically) can carry there. Wisconsin and Illinois, forget about it...
DD698, does MI have a non-resident CCW? I'll be looking into that when i get back to school in a few days, now that my stay at MTU has been prolonged by another semester.

I'd change my residency, but I have to keep it in IL for insurance reasons with my dad's health and auto insurances.

As it is, I was just talking to my girlfriend about her college campus and all the "creepy" people there. She's afraid to even go to the college library due to some of the shadowy people there. She's at WIU, which is like a mini-Chicago, and the newspaper blotter proves it. I would love to have her be able to get a CCW and keep a snubby .38 or similar size in her purse, but God Bless the State of IL and their choice of governer for the last several years, and for at least four more.

I dont know if non residents are eligible to obtain CCW permits. I think not but you should contact MCRGO a group dedicated to easing firearm restrictions in Michigan. Im not sure of their web site but you could do a search.
Western Illinois University in Macomb, IL. Its about an hour and a half south of the Quad Cities.
I know exactly where it is and know the area extremely well, including the crime in that area, what there is. Neither Macomb nor WIU have had a murder in 2 yrs. There was a murder in 2004 reported by the County. There was also a recent murder reported of a 5 yr old who was killed by a family member who beat her. In all of 2005 Macomb PD and WIU PD each reported only 1 robbery. The County reported none for either 2005 or 2004. There was an armed robbery the past couple of days where a couple held up a gas station and inflicted a 1" cut on the attendant. They were arrested within a few hours since they were well known in the area. In 2005 there were 69 full time LEOs employed in the entire county by all agencies.
You consider WIU and Macomb to be a mini-Chicago????

I just sent an e-mail to my Senator (Maggie Crotty) outlining why I am disgusted with the way the legislature in Illinois believes that it's citizens should not be allowed to defend themselves. I asked her what she says to people who ask why must they be victims? I further went on to say that I am tired of the rest of the state being treated as a suburb of Chicago, subject to the whims of one man. I said that if Daley really wanted to prove how safe he felt the city was, he should get rid of his armed bodyguards.
Will I get an answer? Doubtful, but I did finish by saying I cannot support a legislator who supports Daley's leftist agenda.:mad:

I based that opinion on the stories my g/f has been telling me for the last 4 years while she's been there getting her B.S. degree. I will admit, that I simply took her word for it and didn't do any further checking of my own. Right or wrong, that was the source of my information about Macomb, and I formed an opinion of the town and the campus based on it. The "mini-Chicago" comment were her words, and I figured since she spends far more time there than I that she would know what she was talking about.

My g/f tells me that the blotter often has posts about drunk fights and drugs. Granted that this is likely to happen at any college campus, perhaps I'm just naive about it since we don't see much of that up north.

I just reread my earlier post about Macomb, and I do want to say that I came across as an arrogant xxxxx who knows more than anyone, and for that I do apologize.
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The problem is:
She may be at WIU, but they sure do like to make weekend trips to the Quad Cities for partying. Most of the hot spots to go have a lot of violent crime. And to top it off, the Quad Cities has similar mentalities of Chicago politically and socially.
So, depending on her travel route from WIU to the UP, I wouldn't waste time in the QC area.

Thanks for the correction, Hunter. Like I said, my numbers might be a little off base.
Macomb, and for that matter the Quad Cities, have nothing at like the crime in Chicagoland. If your gf is telling you that then she's either very naive or giving you a line. I worked Macomb area for a lot of years and worked a lot of cases in the QC area. Macomb is a small town in the middle of nowhere with very little crime.
Guess you haven't been to the Q.C. lately. Nobody wants to be around Davenport when it gets dark, more less during the day. Rock Island isn't nicknamed "Crack Island" for nothing. The main reason Chicago has more crime is that it is simply a much larger area.
You are correct about Macomb being a relatively safe place to live, but I think you're wrong about most of the Q.C. area.
Live in Des Moines: No problem getting a CCW.
Live in Q.C. area: No way you'll get one if you're an average law abiding citizen.
The crime in the Q.C. is on the rise, and our population is not inconjunction. 2A rights are somped on. Hard to argue with that.
I get to the QC area about once a month. It's always been a river town and the ilk that goes with that. But it's still a long long ways from some of the areas in Chicagoland where I've worked nor does it clock in with the UCR stats like some of those areas.
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