Ignoring Un-Constitutional Gun Laws

The SC has total control over the cases that it hears. If it doesn't want to touch an issue, it doesn't have to do so.

However, usually one of the reasons the SC will hear a case is if the Districts have contrary rulings on the same issue.

I have to believe that the current make-up of the Court gives us a slight edge. The next President will get to make several appointments, especially if he's a two termer.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." --Daniel Webster
Let's not forget box number three - Jury box.

If, in practical terms, it is too difficult to practice outright Jury Nullification, we can refuse to convict the accused. (We agreed on that some time ago.)

So, as other TFLers have mentioned, one of the "fronts" we should attack is to fight for the Hearts and Minds of the American people. Then, if a few million folks show up wearing guns, we would have a better chance of a "not guilty" verdict.

I guess, as John/az2 points out, there are many fronts to attack. Public education is one front I'm working on.

EVERY First Aid or CPR class that I teach, I sneak in some comments about the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Usually someone "bites" and we discuss it briefly. It ain't much, I know. But I'm doing it in more than a hundred classes each year.

Soon I will be teaching Defensive Driving. (Talk about hypocrisy!) That should add another fifty or so classes each year. We each do what we can, I suppose.
There's a good chance that Rehnquist will retire soon after the election. So the next pres. would be appointing the chief justice. I believe J. P. Stevens is currently the oldest (and longest) serving justice; the rest of them probably have quite a few years left....
Dennis, Excellent suggestion on the jury nullification front and I like your what I like to call "stealth advocacy".

I actually think we will get much further and lasting change if we take this tack (courts and one on one) than "in your face" type stuff.

We never would get anywhere with the die hard anti's anyway. Better to go with the ambivalent masses.
It is also my opinion that we must pursue the CA case and laws through the courts to the Supreme Court. We have probably the most "friendly" court we are gong to see. I don't know what organization is the one to pursue this. I have heard no rumblings from the NRA. Are they just a lobbying organization? Yes,I am a member, but I must say they are not getting the job done. If we would get behind someone,maybe the SAF, with $100 each, we could hire the best lawyers and go to the SC. I am tired of our rights being taken away bit by bit. We need to put our money where our mouth is and get on with it. I don't believe anyone who is on this web can't afford $100. I learned that the CCRKBA is a lobbying group, but the SAF has sued the mayors who have sued the gun manufacturers. This is the kind of action we need. Sitting around the gun shops and complaining is just preaching to the choir. Let's get behind some reliable organization and get this CA "thing" to the court.I hope that the petitions to the governor are effective and should be tried. However, I will be surprised if it works. One million Nra members and gun owners could mount an incredible legal challenge. Don't bother to tell me how dumb I am. I'm 67 and already know that, but I also know that complaining to each other isn't going to get the job done. Jerry
FYI to everybody, The NRA-ILA has just revamped their website. Here is a direct E-mail(no response form,write whatever you want) address for them:


Last time I wrote them a note,they responded in 5 minutes.(just lucky I guess)

Jerry, Drop them a note with your concerns.
45 King, I really like that idea of millions of people going armed openly around this corporate run country. And armed with long arms too! What a scenario that would create! All the Kings men couldnt begin to stop the people from exercising their God given rights of self defense and going around armed. Forget going through this corportate legal system. It aint gonna work no matter how. you cut the cards. a good example is Sheriff Mack winning in the "Stupreme Court" a while back. Heck we have more restrictive gun laws than ever before. We must establish common law court system . Bluntly, the only chance for the people to keep any rights is to push this Federal government back to DC and pueerto Rico where it belongs. anything less is spitting in the wind. But there is no chance for any of the above to happen. Remember the Mexican bandit in the movies "Treasure of the Sierra Madre?" "I dont need no stinking papers!" We must be like that bandit. Hey, you and I know who the REAL bandits are.