IF you have (legally) open carried a rifle at a public event (not hunting or @ range) ...

Years ago I decided to go to a gun show at Market Hall in Dallas, with hopes of unloading the stupid 300 ultra super short magnum I was dumb enough to buy. Anyhow, I parked at what I thought was market hall, strung my model 7 (yes, make the ultra super short magnum even a worse idea by putting in into a 6# rifle...I digress) over my shoulder and proceeded to march up to the gun show. Unfortunately I was direction challenged and as I walked up to the building I soon realized I was not where the gun show was, and some pretty frantic looking people there informed me I was at jewelry convention...not a gun show! so I just walked about a mile up to market hall on a Dallas sidewalk with a rifle. Never got hassled.
We will never 'normalize' open carry w/ todays attitudes.

KI watch a few youtubes and the first thing that cops do when they roll up on a open carrier is "do you have ID?" Why ID the person is doing nothing wrong!!

When the uninformed citizen calls in 911 should ask "what is the person doing??" and inform the caller that OPEN CARRYING is perfectly legal. No need tro send 4 or 5 cops to harass the gun guy.

They dont stop someone driving down the road to see his ID or insurance w/out PROBABLE CAUSE...... why are gun guys different--IGNORANCE and news media..
PA used to have a program called "SPORT", meaning Sportsmen Policing Our Ranks Together. The premise of it was, that we gun owners, are more in control of public perception of firearms than anyone. Just because we can, does not mean we should. Think for a moment about the protests going on in this country and the public perception of those dressed in black, carrying firearms (some protesting, some not).

About a decade ago, I was at an outlet mall in SW PA, and this guy was walking around, with a longish coat on. On his belt, was a holstered revolver. The guy made a point of using one of his hands to keep the coat pulled back, so all could see the pistol. Legal? Probably. Smart? Don't know his motives. Did he impress others? Probably, but not in the manner he desired.
Marine Corps recruiter '72 through '75 Cleveland, Ohio. We covered funeral details. We still were using M 14 rifles. Go downtown to the armory, draw a rifle and blank firing adapter along with blanks. I looked strange in Dress Blues riding a motorcycle with a rifle on my back. :) That's the only time I traveled in public with an open rifle.

Vietnam 1968/69...LOL

M14 around a bunch of my buddies who had rifles and some fellas curiously all named Charlie showed up in their black pajamas.

We welcomed them to stay for a good long rest.

Must have been pretty public...LOL! But all those Charlies did not soon appear to be having much fun!
I'm not sure how I feel about the folks open carrying rifles at protests and such. It's their right and the media will certainly use it to talk about white right wingers, but then again they do it anyway even if no one had a rifle.

I guess for me, I won't do it, but to each his own.